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maandag 31 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, OCL: Official reactions to the publication of the report on Sainte-Soline (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 See online: download the full report

https://www.ldh-france.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Rapport-final-10.07.23_DEF.pdf---- "Lying can be viewed as the stepping stone of all vices." JosephSanial-Dubay 1813 ---- Official reactions to the publication of thereport on Sainte-Soline ---- Press release from the inter-observatories18.07.2023 ---- Since the publication of the report Preventing access tothe bedpan regardless of the human cost, most official reactions haveconsisted in trying to disqualify its conclusions going through crudequestioning of the conditions of production of this work.In particular, the numerous unfounded attacks concerning the status ofthe observatories[1]have only served as pretexts for the publicauthorities to evade the production of real answers as to thesubstantive conclusions established by this meticulous work.On the day of the release of the report, the prefect of Deux-Sèvrespublished a press release aimed solely at refuting the obstruction ofrelief, without mobilizing any other argument than the "contextcomplicated by the deliberate absence of exchanges on the part of theorganizers of this prohibited assembly".On this point, the report mentions that informal exchanges took place atthe initiative of the Confédération paysanne and moreover shows that thelack of contact with the organizers does not relieve the State ofresponsibility vis-à-vis towards injured people. The obligation toprovide assistance in the event of vital distress prevails in all cases.In addition, on the violent clashes which would have justified delayingthe intervention of the emergency services, it is shown in the reportthat the area where Serge D. was in particular had been completely calmsince 2:08 p.m.Finally, it should be recalled again that contrary to what the prefectof Deux-Sèvres asserts, participation in a prohibited event is not acrime, but an offense corresponding to a 4th class fine[2].Then, on July 12, when the head of the IGGN chose to speak before theNational Assembly on the investigations in progress, in particular thatconcerning the facts of non-assistance to persons in danger, heindicated that he had no seen image of gendarmes blocking an ambulance.Surprised, we refer him to the data in the report, whether it be thestatements of the regulating doctors indicating that they are waitingfor authorization from the command team to approach the premises, or thephotographs attesting to the lifting at 3:15 p.m. of a roadblock ofgendarmes positioned in front of the fire brigade.In addition, we noted that, if many injured people were indeed moved(against any medical prescription) during the demonstration, it is inparticular because of the grenade fire that they suffered: this is thecase of Serge D ., moved at 1:54 p.m. because of grenade fire by thePM2I (despite the report of its situation at 1:48 p.m.).These false assertions reiterated by the public authorities areparticularly damaging, since they prolong the expression of a desire tomanipulate public information, a practice that has become common, whichis precisely analyzed in the report.Thus, we therefore deplore the maintenance of this official version,which is moreover based once again on factually false elements, despitethe concrete evidence provided by the report drawn up by theinter-observatories.No substantive response was provided to this report. We therefore renewour request that light be shed on the policing strategy adopted by theauthorities, which consisted of:To set up a criminalizing communication, before and after thisdemonstration, to disqualify the object of the mobilization and try tojustify the repressive arsenal deployed against the demonstrators.To make a massive, indiscriminate and disproportionate use of weapons,leading to very many injured people.To hinder rescue in the event of an injured person in a situation ofvital distress.Paris, July 19, 2023DOWNLOAD THE INTER-OBSERVATORY PRESS RELEASEP.S.a summary of the report is also available, you will find it attachedtitle attached documentsSummary of the report of the Observatory of Civil Liberties (PDF - 77.3 kio)The full report is 164 pages. Here is a summary of the essential pointsin 3 pagesRatings[1]For more information on the status of observers: cf. Observing lawenforcement action is a right | The Club (mediapart.fr)[2]Article R.644-4 of the Penal Codehttp://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article3885_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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