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maandag 31 juli 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE SPAIN News Journal Update - (en) France, Anarchosyndicalisme #182: An unpublished text by Anselmo Lorenzo on political maneuvers against Spanish anarchism (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The text that we give to read below entitled "PROTESTATIONS FROM SPAIN:

RESPONSE TO THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST BUREAU" is an unpublished (or atleast forgotten) text by Anselmo Lorenzo. It was published in VieOuvrière, the newspaper of the original French CGT, that of thePelloutiers and the Monattes, in 1910. And yet it still has things totell us that echo the situation of anarchosyndicalism in Spain. . ----Anselmo Lorenzo himself is a forgotten figure of Spanishanarchosyndicalism. Nevertheless; he is one of its titular figures. Heis from this generation of pioneers, the one that experienced the FirstInternational, that of the debates between Marx and Bakunin, a time whentrade unionism was illegal and did not consist in standing for electionas workers' representatives, the latter preferring to go to directaction. Tireless propagandist of anarchism, he made the link between theAIT (International Association of Workers) first era and the SpanishCNT, participating in the birth of the future Spanish section of the AITsecond era.Anselmo Lorenzo was considered by the anarchists of his time as amaestro, a path opener, due to his uprightness, his honesty and aboveall his unwavering attachment to the moral and ethical values ofAnarchism. This incorruptible probity has convinced many workers, inSpain and beyond in all Spanish-speaking countries, of the value ofAnarchism, the highest expression of Order as its contemporary Reclus said.But Lorenzo was also and above all a man who put his convictions intoaction. For more than 12 years, he was the inseparable fightingcompanion of Francisco Ferrer, this libertarian pedagogue who createdthe Modern School to try to snatch the working masses from the clutchesof the most venomous religious reaction. In 1909, to protest against themobilization of reservists (young workers in fact, the sons of thebourgeoisie who could be exempted for 1500 pesetas) sent to fight in thecolonial war in Morocco, popular Barcelona, anarchist Barcelona -already - rises. In this grandiose riot, the people affirm theirstrength. Some convents are symbolically burned down, without any harmbeing done to their occupants. Bourgeois and clerical repressiondescended mercilessly. It's Tragic Week. Power must find thoseresponsible and guilty, and punish them. It will be Ferrer, who will bearrested, condemned and shot.But you can never be too suspicious of those who call themselves your"friends". That the capitalist bourgeoisie seeks to suppress theanarchists after all, nothing but very normal. But in 1910, theSocialist Party and their international office stabbed their anarchistsin the back, taking advantage of their weakening following therepression. It is true that Spain has always been a political "anomaly":from the time of the First International, the Spanish labor movement hadtaken up the cause of Bakunin against Marx. The Marxists are alwaystrying to get rid of this pebble in the shoe which came to thwart theirplans on the revolutionary comet. And despite their haunting calls forunity, they still seek to eliminate anarchists, sometimes directly,sometimes more subtly, by absorbing them. In December 1909, it was thebrutal method that they chose: the Spanish Socialist Party, led by PabloIglesias, launched an appeal to the International Socialist Bureau,which hastened to relay it to the other European socialist parties, fortheir ask them to help them relaunch their newspaper La Intenacional andthus "by helping the 'socialists' of Catalonia, you will contribute toextinguishing one of the biggest and oldest centers of anarchy in Europe".This desire of bourgeois politicians on the left to eradicate anarchismfrom the map of Spain made Anselmo Lorenzo react, and it is this textthat we suggest you read again today. We invite sincere militants ofanarchosyndicalism interested in the Spanish question to re-read itcarefully, not with the wet eye of nostalgia, but with the sharp eye ofcriticism.Because it happens that today once again Spanish anarchosyndicalism isin danger of being suffocated by "friends who wish it well". On thedeath of Franco and then with the "transition to democracy", thebourgeoisie was annoyed to see the resurgence of a CNT which did notaccept the social compromise, which refused the Montcloa Pact, thehistorical compromise of the left with the Constitutional Monarchy. , aCNT that refused the outstretched hand of institutionalization via unionelections. By a whole bunch of more or less subtle maneuvers (the Scalaaffair, the infiltration of the forger Enric Marcos at the head of theCNT, ...) the bourgeois succeeded in dividing the CNT. It must be saidthat she could count on the attitude of certain forgers and politiciansintroduced into the CNT (including the famous Enric Marcos), which callsfor being reasonable and accepting to play the institutional game. Theyeven went to tell the US consul in Barcelona, as evidenced by theDiplomatic Cable of XX XX 1977 revealed by Wikileaks some 20 years later.Despite this division which aimed neither more nor less to eradicateonce again the oldest anarchist center in Europe, there remained theirreducible who resisted the siren song of integration.But for the past ten years, a new wave of attacks against the anarchistprinciples of the CNT have emerged, within the venerable house itself.In the name of a so-called efficiency and a pragmatism that remains tobe demonstrated, everything that constitutes the soul and the heart ofanarchosyndicalism is promptly emptied of all substance. Direct actionby workers is replaced by mediation by lawyers in court. The CNT becomesa "revolutionary union", even an "alternative union" or "combative". Inthe documents presenting the CNT, the political purpose of the CNT -Libertarian Communism (to paraphrase the title of a book by IsaacPuente) is never mentioned. Or simply in the mode of nostalgia, anaccessory stored in the dusty aisle of the relics of a distant past.Guy Bebord in the society of the spectacle described it very well: thefalse has become a moment of the true. Today, in Spain as in manycountries, anarchosyndicalism has become a "revolutionary union"spectacle, the red and black flags have become images whose meaning hasbeen lost but which make pretty colors on selfies and social networks,and the acronym CNT has become a registered trademark that needs to bemonetized. Thus, this fraction which took control of the CNT attackedbefore a court of the State the irreducible ones of the CNT-AIT forusurpation of acronym, infringement of the right of intellectualproperty; and that she claims compensation in the name of imagerights!!! This CNT-CIT (from the name of its international group, theInternational Confederation of Labor) is demanding 900,000 euros incompensation from the CNT-AIT!!! Almost a million!And since this CIT is fearless, it dares to label its archive centerwith the name of Anselmo Lorenzo! We recognize a real wolf by itsability to put on the skin of the lambs it has swallowed beforehand, thebetter to make people believe that it is one of them.The conclusion of Anselmo Lorenzo's text, which denounces the dissolvingand poisonous maneuvers of the politicians of his time, is timeless. Italso applies to the current situation and to our contemporary politicians."This does not prevent the intelligence and energy of those who remain,of the invincible, of those who maintain the sacred fire of the ideaagainst persecutions and deviations, from giving us the assurance thatBarcelona, that the Catalonia, that working-class Spain as a whole willnot fail to fulfill its duty in the light of proletarian demands.»It is because we are faithful to the spirit of Anselmo Lorezo, whom wecall sincere anarchists and anarchosyndicalists, "those who remain, theinvincible, those who maintain the sacred fire against persecutions anddeviations", where that they find themselves expressing to the CIT andits sections - just as Monatte and others did at the time whenprotesting to the Socialist Office - their strongest disapproval of theactions of the Spanish section of the CIT against the Spanish CNT-AIT.Long live anarchosyndicalism,Long live the Spanish CNT-AITLong live the International Association of WorkersPROTESTATIONS FROM SPAIN: RESPONSE TO THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST BUREAULa Vie Ouvrière, number 12, March 20, 1910Recently, a Belgian socialist deputy, Mr. Léon Furnémont, traveled toMadrid to meet with members of the political organization headed byPablo Iglesias. There, in a public lecture, he made statements whichwere reproduced in the Spanish press, and which read as follows:"Our gospel, as adopted in all the socialist congresses, is summed up inthe following three propositions:1 ° The Socialist Pari is a class party, that is to say the party of theworkers, both manual and intellectual, of those who do not have themeans of existence, see themselves obliged to sell their productiveforce to capital and live subject to tyranny;2° The working class must organize itself for political action: that isto say that alongside its trade union and professional organization, itmust also engage in politics in order to obtain the economic protectionof the laws: for if the laws do not sanction the improvements brought tothe condition of the proletariat, it will not be easy for the latter toacquire the capacity to transform the social system;3° The working class must seize the public powers, to carry out thetransformation of the current organization, based on the monopoly withthe profit of some, in a communist or collectivist organization, inwhich all the means of production will belong to the nations and to allhumanity, thus founding all classes in one, which will work and enjoywealth.Whoever accepts these three proposals is a socialist. He who does notaccept them, whatever the nobility of his heart, whatever hisintelligence and the ardor of his democratic zeal, is not a socialist.The consequence of such a program is that any manual or intellectualworker whoaccepts these three propositions - whether English, French, Belgian,Swiss, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc. - is not aninternationalist: he is a nationalist, who, ignoring the revolutionarycapacity of the proletariat, asks the legislators and rulers of hiscountry for protective laws thanks to which the workers will becomecapable of transforming the social system.In this gospel taught by the apostles of the new socialism -diametrically opposed to this socialism in the name of which thesocialists of Paris and Berlin called themselves brothers and protestedagainst the Franco-Prussian war; to that socialism which broughttogether in Madrid in 1870 and 1871, French workers and Spanish workersto protest against the patriotic feast of the Second of May, - in thissocialist gospel absolutely contrary to that of the InternationalWorkers' Association, which brought together in a common thought andaction all the workers of the world without distinction of color, creedor nationalist, - the proletariat is divided into nations instead ofmaintaining international solidarity, and the workers are made tobelieve that by devoting themselves to national politics and byentrusting themselves to professional politicians they can hope to seethe transformation of the social system accomplished, which is thenegation of the two great principles of the International: "Theemancipation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves";"the emancipation of workers is not a local or national problem, but asocial problem which engulfs all civilized countries, and whose solutiondepends on their assistance, both practical and theoretical". "Theemancipation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves";"the emancipation of workers is not a local or national problem, but asocial problem which engulfs all civilized countries, and whose solutiondepends on their assistance, both practical and theoretical". "Theemancipation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves";"the emancipation of workers is not a local or national problem, but asocial problem which engulfs all civilized countries, and whose solutiondepends on their assistance, both practical and theoretical".Furnémont strikes me here as one of those English milords who, imbuedwith the prejudice that Spain is a country of manolas and bullfighters,go to Seville to attend an artificially prepared "popular rejoicing"which they take for a spontaneous and authentic manifestation of themores of the country, and return home more deceived than ever, imaginingthat they have seen the confirmation of their illusory beliefs.As he said in his lecture, Furnémont believes that the proletariat isincapable of effecting the transformation of the social system, and thatto acquire the capacity to do so, it needs the protection of the laws;it is as if the lambs, to free themselves from the tyranny of thewolves, asked them for their protection. He arrives in Madrid, he talkswith Pablo Iglesias and his entourage, and imagines having made contactwith the whole of the Spanish proletariat: as if there were not a workerAndalusia of ancient communist tradition, a region Valencia open toprogressive ideas, a revolutionary syndicalist Catalonia of older datethan the International itself, a Cantabrian coast inhabited by a strongand prudent race, a country where Corunna and Gijon shine like twobeacons of the redemptive thought of the proletariat.This document begins as follows:"Since the foundation of the International in Spain, there has not beenin Catalonia, and especially in Barcelona, a serious socialist movement.The Bakuninists took the lead in the workers' movement from the verybeginning, and they launched violent attacks on the socialists. Theyfirst published in Barcelona a daily newspaper, el Productor, and ascientific journal, the Revista Blanca. They then published, in analmost constant manner, a large weekly in Barcelona, and severalnewspapers in the other towns of Catalonia. This activity made the workof the "socialists" very difficult, who contented themselves withpublishing weeklies from time to time, and held public meetings whichthe anarchists methodically disturbed and sometimes even tried todissolve with revolver shots."This abnormal situation, from which the working class sufferedenormously, had noticeably changed following various setbacks sufferedby the anarchists, notably after the strike of 1902." The circular addsthat then,as the unions "had almost disappeared from Catalonia", we saw "thesocialists entering the battle to reconstitute these organisms on asurer and stronger basis". And conflating the true and the false, theInternational Socialist Bureau continues in these terms:"The first effort in this direction was made in 1904, contributing tothe constitution of the local Federation of Labor Unions known as"Solidaridad Obrera". This attempt was very successful, because in 1907this local federation became regional. A second much more importanteffort was attempted by the "socialists" by constituting for the firsttime, the "Catalan Socialist Federation" and by founding an importantorgan which would bear the title: the Internacional.»The International Socialist Bureau itself undertakes to demonstrate thatthe efforts of 1904 and 1907 did not succeed in constituting a serious"socialist" movement in Catalonia. He proves it by the very fact of therequest addressed to the central committees of the affiliated parties tocome to the aid of these poor Catalan "socialists", who are not in acondition to resume the publication of their organ on their own."It is absolutely necessary - says the circular - to revive thisnewspaper... But our comrades are not able to provide the necessarymeans to publish the Internacional. Rather, they should be rescuedthemselves. In view of this particular situation, these comrades turnedto the International Socialist Bureau to ask it to come to their aid. Tobe able to redo their newspaper with any chance of success, they wouldneed eight to nine thousand francs. This sum, relatively considerablefor them, they cannot ask for it from the National Committee of theSpanish Party... As you can see, our Spanish comrades are at a verydifficult turning point in the life of their party.»On the other hand, these Bakuninists who never knew anything serious,these anarchists whose "failures" are supposed to have favored thegrowth of the "socialist" party, find themselves, according to theadmission of the International Socialist Bureau, to constitute aformidable force.; so formidable that it is against it that he callsupon the money of neighboring countries. Listen instead:"The old Bakuninists are there, ready to start the struggle again and totake over again the workers' movement and the unions, which are veryshaken at this moment... By helping the "socialists" of Catalonia, youwill help to extinguish one of the greatest former hotbeds of anarchy inEurope. You will thereby help to build up and strengthen the power ofthese "socialists" in Spain, and you will finally intervene in aneffective way in the painful and courageous effort that the workingclass of all Spain is trying at this moment (! ).»I will not discuss further the circular so clumsily issued by theInternational Socialist Bureau. This circular, as is natural, arousedthe indignation of Catalan trade unionists, whose organ, SolidaridadObrera, stigmatized it in its February 26 issue as a document which"falsifies the facts in a deplorable way". and which "contains calumniesprejudicial to the harmony which must reign in the trade unionist camp".As for the newspaper Tierra y Libertad, it published on March 3, ananswer which I want to give here in full:"The publishing and redactor group of Tierra y Libertad, of Barcelona,denounces to the working world the following fact:"The International Socialist Bureau, in the Belgian newspaper Le Peuple,the daily organ of socialist democracy, issue of February 8 last,addresses the central committees of the affiliated parties, asking themeight to nine thousand francs for the reconstitution of the newspaperthe International."In this circular, the International Socialist Bureau, misinformed,commits inaccuracies which can be qualified as serious and even asslanderous."To avoid the bad effects of this document, which looks like agovernment decree, the workers to whom it is addressed should know thefollowing:"1° that the fraction called "socialist", which constitutes in Spain thepolitical group called Partido Obrero (Workers' Party) and the workers'group called Union General de Trabajadores (General Union of Workers),does not have any importance in Catalonia;2° That the Revista Blanca was not published in Barcelona;3° that the Barcelona general strike of 1902, a brilliant movement ofsolidarity towards a workers' corporation in struggle with capital, amovement which astonished the world by its novelty and its grandeur, wasdenigrated by the secretary of the steering committee of the suspension.mentioned Partido Obrero, who gave unfavorable information to theCouncil of Trades Unions of England, which had seen with naturalsympathy this grandiose movement.4° That the local federation of workers' societies constituting the bodydesignated by the name of "Solidaridad Obrera" was the product of aspontaneous movement of the Barcelona workers, and not that of theinsignificant "socialist" group in Barcelona which gave hardly, in longyears, the outward signs of existence in Barcelona;5° That the "Catalan Socialist Federation", whose existence is hardlynoticed, and[what was called its organ]the newspaper La Internacional,on the one hand, and on the other the federation called "SolidaridadObrera» and its organ entitled Solidaridad Obrera, are two quitedistinct things, without possible confusion;6° That the anarchists never disturbed the meetings convened and held bythe members of the socialist group, and, a fortiori, never firedrevolver shots there;7° That if it is by helping the "socialists" of Catalonia to put an endto one of the oldest centers of anarchy - as the International SocialistBureau says in unworthy and slanderous language - that we willconsolidate and strengthen the power of "Socialism" in Spain, you don'thave to ask for 9,000 francs from the international workers' federationsto support the newspaper La Internacional: you just have to present thenote at the bottom of the reptiles."The International Socialist Bureau, the companies and workers to whomthe unfortunate circular is addressed, and the generality of workers whodo not practice socialism in such a mean way are invited to take note ofthese declarations."For our part, deeply impressed by the recent declarations of theworkers of the Republic of Argentina who, renouncing their divisions,have come together in a conscious and powerful union which must be likethe union liquidating the bourgeois society in bankruptcy; admiring thegreat emancipatory movement of the workers of Pennsylvania; and desiringto unite with all the workers of Europe and the world in the idea and inthe work of the emancipation and participation of all in the universalheritage, we protest against the machinations of these "socialists" whoaspire only to be leaders and deputies, at the cost of submission totheir affiliates, and who transform socialism, the glorious initiativeof the International Workingmen's Association,Nothing can be added to a response that is as crushing as it is deserved.May it be understood by the workers' organizations which are asked formoney for propaganda of dubious effectiveness and of a more thanambiguous character.Now, as a contrast to the impression received by Furnémont from hisvisit to Madrid, it will be good to compare the impression that Jouhauxreported from his recent visit to Barcelona, where he had been delegatedby the General Confederation of Labour. to attend the big meetingannounced on February 6 and which could not take place. It was in LaVoix du Peuple, from Paris, of February 27, that Jouhaux recounted whathe had seen and heard:"I was able," he said, "to get in touch with the brave Barcelonanmilitants." The impression made on me by this interview was excellent.Numerically weak as the workers' organization in Catalonia is at thepresent time, it nevertheless constitutes a great active and combativeforce."Contrary to what unfortunately happens too much in our trade unioncircles, Catalan workers are animated by a spirit that is largely opento noble and generous ideas. The trade unionists there are bold andcourageous men whom no attempt, however audacious, frightens. Theatmosphere that hovers over union meetings is one of brotherhood andmutual sympathy. Workers live the life of their organizations, vibrantin all its manifestations. This, in my opinion, is where the strength ofa movement lies.When indifference has disappeared, when people are attached by bonds ofaffinity to the fate of their organization, then the latter is trulystrong. This is the situation in Barcelona. With such groupings, nothingis impossible, everything can be attempted. Failure, far fromannihilating energies, stimulates them for new battles. This is how ourcomrades from Solidaridad Obrera declared to me that they were ready tostart the fight again if the government did not grant amnesty. I couldonly encourage them in this direction, while showing them the usefulnessof a methodical organization."The fault in Catalonia is precisely the lack of organisation. The hotand exuberant temperament of the Catalans bends with difficulty to adiscipline. However, based on the very high feelings of thisparticularly studious people, we can be sure that they will be able tolearn the lesson that emerges from the latest events in Barcelona."The main militants have understood this, and it is full of enthusiasmthat, barely emerging from the period of fierce repression, they boldlygot down to this work of reorganization. Before long, workers' Cataloniawill have a powerful and formidable organization. Driven by a fightingspirit which is her characteristic, driven towards a very high ideal,the future will be wide open to her."This is the impression that I bring back from my too short stay in thebeautiful artistic city of Barcelona.»With regard to the lack of organization that comrade Jouhaux observedamong the Barcelona workers, I ask to make two or three simple remarks.Consider that we have just gone through a period of harsh and cruelgovernment repression; that we find ourselves in a great crisis ofunemployment, where hunger is pushing workers to emigrate; that theinexperience of the young men and day laborers who come from the ruraldistricts of Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia is easily reduced by theeloquent charlatanism of the republicans; that the bourgeois haverecourse to the famine pact against the intelligent and active workers;and this numerical weakness and this lack of organization will be explained.This does not prevent the intelligence and energy of those who remain,of the invincible, of those who maintain the sacred fire of the ideaagainst persecutions and deviations, from giving us the assurance thatBarcelona, that Catalonia , that working-class Spain as a whole will notfail to fulfill its duty in the light of proletarian demands.Barcelona proved this in February 1902 and in July 1909, as many citiesand many regions of Spain have also proved during the period that haselapsed since the beginning of the emancipation movement of the proletariat.Anselmo LorenzoEditor's note[Pierre Monatte]: To "contribute to extinguishing one ofthe largest and oldest sources of anarchy in Europe", the PermanentAdministrative Commission of the Socialist Party voted in its meeting ofFebruary 21, a sum of 500 francs?Note that no protest was made against this vote, neither on reading theappeal of the International Bureau, nor since, by any member of theAdministrative Commission, where the insurrectional tendency however hastwo representatives[including Gustave Hervé].We note with even more surprise that in preparation for the vote ofthese 500 francs, an article paraphrasing the circular of theInternational Bureau appeared in L'Humanité of February 1, under thesignature of André Morizet.http://cntaittoulouse.lautre.net/spip.php?article1353_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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