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woensdag 30 augustus 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #340 - International, German Libertarian Communists: Eighth Congress of Die Plattform (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We publish here the final statement of our "sister organization" across

the Rhine and partner within the Anarkismo network, Die Plattform.Libertarian communist organizations tend to establish themselvespermanently in several countries and we can only congratulate ourselves.---- On May 20-21, 2023, the Eighth Congress of the Anarcho-CommunistPlatform Federation was held in Cologne. After the creation of the localgroup last year, it was the first time that the Rhine metropolis hosteda congress. ---- The main theme of these two busy days of congress, towhich members and delegates from all local groups had made the trip, wasthe development of our programmatic base. As platform anarchists, we areconvinced that only a common understanding of the dominant social orderand a fundamental agreement on how to overcome it can provide a stablebasis for revolutionary organization. Yet, for various reasons, we haveso far failed to develop such a program.During long and intense discussions, we therefore agreed on theobjective, the structure and the form of the process for a new attemptto develop a program that can meet our requirements. The programrecently published by our American sister organization, the Black RoseAnarchist Federation, has been a great source of inspiration for us.Other topics discussed at the congress were reviewing our currentmembership process and some other details of our organizationalstructure, the war in Ukraine and thinking about our federativestructures. Other urgent topics, such as the development of our practicein social struggles, unfortunately could not be addressed due to thelimited time of the weekend and will therefore have to be resumed in thecoming months.We are particularly pleased with the great strides we have made in thedevelopment of our discussion processes thanks to this congress.Coordination between local groups and delegates worked much better atthis congress than at previous ones and continued to develop positivelyduring the congress. The culture of discussion has remained respectfuland objective, even where differences have arisen.The evenings took place in a friendly atmosphere around a campfire andrelaxed discussions between us. Many new members had the opportunity tomeet their comrades from other parts of the country for the first time,and many "longtime" comrades rejoiced to finally see each other again.For us, the contacts and friendships that we maintain between us are notsecondary.Like the program we want to develop, they are the foundation of ourorganization and our practice. They motivate us to put our ideas intopractice, because we see that in other cities, comrades are workingtowards the same vision of a strong and supraregional anarchistorganization. The many messages of welcome that came to us fromdifferent parts of the world from friendly organizations of our currentand that were delivered on the morning of the two days of the congresswere also motivating. (...)All in all, we had a tough weekend. A weekend on which we will nowreflect together in order to make our discussion processes even moreefficient and transparent at the next congress. And while there is stillroom for improvement in many ways, this weekend has given us hope thatwe can continue to build a stable and active anarchist organization forthe long term.An organization that gives us the basis to develop even more in themonths and years to come the work for the self-organization of theoppressed and the construction of the counter-power from below. If youwant to be part of this path, to be part of an interregional anarchistfederation of class struggle, then join us! On the stony path that leadsforward, we can more than use each person who wants to go forward withus by asking questions.Long live the anarcho-communist federation! Long live the platform!Together, let's move towards libertarian communism!https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Communistes-libertaires-allemands-Huitieme-congres-de-Die-Plattform_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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