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woensdag 30 augustus 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN News Journal Update - (en) Spain, Aragon, Apoyo Mutuo #10 COLECTIVIDAD: The battle for the future - Ángel L. Fernández (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The number of disasters that environmentalism is pointing out are

multiple and urgent: climate change, energy and material depletion, massextinction of species and a myriad of social crises. All as aconsequence of the unsustainable lifestyles to which capitalism hasaccustomed us. If in 1972, when the report "The Limits to Growth" waspublished, the potential dangers of remaining unsustainable were pointedout, today we are already experiencing some of its terribleconsequences. Finding a fair way out of this situation, accuratelyportrayed in the Apoyo Mutuo Aragón document "Defense of Territory", iswhat the philosopher Jorge Riechmann has called the Great Test thathumanity will have to face in this century. The usual socialist project,but more ambitious than ever, due to ecological emergencies.The context from which we start is that, beyond the circlesof the denialist ultra-right, there is a social consensusabout the unsustainability of the current way of life. Existsalso a certain awareness of responsibility of thecapitalism in disaster, although it coexists with readingsantisocial and neomalthusian, who speak of the human beinglike a plague. However, from this finding it is notnecessarily derives from an abandonment of the ways of doingcapitalists. In the first place, because every proposal collidesagainst a "capitalist realism" that does, in the words ofFredric Jameson, "easier to imagine the end of the world than theend of capitalism". Secondly, because of the capacity of thecapitalism itself to sell us false solutions for theproblems it creates.In order to involve majorities in a transformationdeep social, which also modifies our relationship withenvironment, we must influence these issues in astrategic way.capitalist realismCapitalist ways of doing are a part of us.They not only determine the way we produce, they alsoorder our life and our social relations: theway we eat, dress, enjoy theleisure time and even the way we think andwe wish. Not just our individual actionscontribute to reproducing an unsustainable way of life,also our vital aspirations and choices aretraversed by the capitalist imaginary.In the book "Capitalist realism, is there no alternative?",MarkFisher analyzes how these forms permeate allour experience. Thus, market logics such asefficiency or productivity assault our relationships(including public and leisure). Also theycapitalist values appear natural and inevitable inall contemporary cultural expressions,limiting the horizon of the possible.Faced with this limitation, it is essential to broadenpolitically the frameworks of the possible and decapitalizeOur thinking.That is why they are refreshing and welcome initiativesas the contest of ecotopical stories of Ecologists inAction (see QR below). If we are not capable of imaginingpossible futures (in fact, if cynicism is the answer toall non-capitalist future) the most logical result is aunproductive fear, which sooner or later leads tophenomena of psychological suffering, such as frustration oreco-anxiety. That suffering must be politicized andchanneled in a transformative way, even as aform of therapy, as proposed for example by thepsychoanalyst Anouchka Grose. Therefore, the challenge oforganizations is no longer so much to spread the situation ofclimate emergency, but to develop common responsesthat allow us to walk towards sustainability.We need hope. Not the certainty that things are goingto go well, but the certainty that it is worth ittry.The text by Helios Escalante in number 9 of thisbulletin gives an account of the multitude of existing initiatives.The militant organizations that bet on thepopular power have the mission of combining theseexperiences into a coherent whole, prefiguringsustainable, just and post-capitalist transitionsdesirable; and to put pressure on governments, companies andinstitutions in a socialist and democratic direction. Arevolutionary project to oppose the modelsneofeudalism of the economic elites.http://apoyomutuoaragon.net_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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