In the Las Delicias neighborhood of Valladolid, one of the first victimsof precarious public health policies, more than five years ago, was theSpecialties Center. Therefore, a large group of neighbors has beenwaging war against said closure with all the means at their disposal.But without a doubt its main fighting tool is to mobilize theneighborhood itself to demand the reopening. To this end, they convenethree to four informative assemblies and as many demonstrations everyyear, in addition to various concentrations in front of the autonomousinstitutions in charge of the public health system (Sacyl).But how do they get the people in the neighborhood to mobilize? Ofcourse they make use of social networks and inform on the websites ofthe neighborhood groups that they convene. But a means that they havenever stopped using is the distribution of leaflets on the street andthe use of posters in tunnels, walls, schools and bars in theneighborhood. They even have a solidarity label, of course on paper, forcommercial establishments that reads: "this establishment also wants thereopening of the specialty center."And I am one of the many residents of the neighborhood who collects witha smile and with satisfaction any of the "papers" that are distributedin the streets claiming such a worthy objective.The paper, distributed as a pamphlet, as a brochure or as a poster, inthis example fulfills three not insignificant functions: it brings themessage (demanding and ideological) closer to a close and affectedaudience, restores the daily routine of communication, and offersimmediate and pedagogy of who the conveners are, how they are organizedand what their concerns are. Proximity, daily life and pedagogy are atthe same time functions of the use of printed paper in social movements,as well as some of its secondary effects. It also fulfills a fourth"internal" function for those who use it and distribute it: it unitesthe convening group, since it requires a decision-making process anddistribution of tasks among the members.Those of us who want and believe in revolutions must not underestimateany precious resource, any opportune tool, to promote our actions andideas. Of course, said use will have our ethics as a brand: horizontal,rational, feminist, plural, egalitarian and ecologically dignified.That's what revolutions are about.The compas of the SOV of Aranjuez every Sunday morning put up apropaganda stand (all on paper, be it books, brochures, bulletins, this"cnt"...) in the town's main square, and every Sunday towards At noon ontheir feisbuq page they publish a photo of the stall.This is called harmonizing or complementing the supports: reality is thestreet and what is done on it, and the digital expresses, reflects andamplifies it. In this case, the founding fact makes paper a reason to beon the street.Having writings, slogans, graphics or illustrations printed on paperconstitutes a documentary arsenal of actions and reflections thatemphasizes the centrality of the street, of physical and tangible publiclife as a good, material and immaterial, of the utmost importance forthe supposed libertarian society. What do we say we want to build?It is not about promoting printed paper to the detriment or contempt ofvirtual support, nor should digital necessarily dominate over paper.There will come a time when the future revolutions, because with therevolution we intervene, will be made with the maximum potential thateach tool and means allow.Capitalism is always opportunistic and tentacular and knows very well-experts pay- how to take advantage of any means to market, increaseprofits and stay in power. Similarly, those of us who want and believein revolutions must not underestimate any precious resource, anyopportune tool, to promote our actions and ideas. Of course, said usewill have our ethics as a brand: horizontal, rational, feminist, plural,egalitarian and ecologically dignified. That's what revolutions are about. - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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