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donderdag 31 augustus 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #340 - Culture, Read Dessaint: "1886, the Jules Watrin affair" (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 "I have what it takes in my shop, I have thunder and lightning, To

watrinate the whole clique, Starving the universe. (Anarchist song.)Pascal Dessaint realizes with this book the challenge of a historical,alert and fiery narration, of a strong moment in the history of thelabor movement. His writing evokes a cinematographic script with shortshots, flashbacks, parallel stories. ---- The purpose, beyond thedramatic facts, is to try to understand the human mechanics of thiscrowd movement which led to the defenestration of an assistant director.The dramaturgy of the act is entirely in these silences which precedethe inevitable confrontation. Following new wage cuts, the revoltrumbles: the strike. The anger hitherto contained, explodes againstWatrin, who was paid on salary cuts.In Decazeville (Aveyron), for the Cri du peuple, it is no longer aquestion of class struggle, but of an "act of war... of social war. Forthe newspaper, it "is impossible to think of anything other than thesuffering, insults and provocations of which such a death is only thecrowning glory..." Decazeville, mining town, town of confrontation,between an exploited proletariat and a rapacious industrial bourgeoisie.Decazeville, place of concentration of so much contained hatred, placeof memory of this shooting of Aubin a few years before, a few kilometersfrom there, 14 dead and 22 wounded, three of whom will not survive. Onethousand eight hundred and eighty-six, the troop was there again, 1,500soldiers.Very quickly, the employers threw all the responsibility on the mayorwho had not been able to take the necessary measures to protect them.The consequences : Arrests follow one another, followed by prisonsentences, forced labor, unfair dismissals, lower wages. Between noveland historical study, a book as we would like to read more, a book thatrecalls the difficult working condition and the greatness of the socialstruggle.Dominique Sureau (UCL Angers)Pascal Dessaint, 1886, the Jules Watrin affair, Payot editions, Rivages,350 pages, 21 euros.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lire-Dessaint-1886-l-affaire-Jules-Watrin_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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