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donderdag 31 augustus 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN News Journal Update - (en) Spain, Aragon, Apoyo Mutuo #10 COLECTIVIDAD: DEFENDING OUR ORCHARD - Fina Casanova (El Juncar platform is life, Ribera Alta del Ebro) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 "Mud is the mixture of water and earth that the inhabitants of this

region step on after each flood. A footprint can mean a sign, a mark, atrack, a trace, a scar... A footprint is a memory, memory, evocation,vestige, sediment... But there is only one thing that can never be,oblivion" ("Huellas de barro" , Ruben Ruberte Casanova). ---- In theRibera Alta del Ebro region we are lucky to have one of the most fertileorchards on the peninsula, on which the Ebro river has left its markthroughout history.The different route changes that the river has made along its routerepresent an indelible mark, in which we can read the passage of time.Proof of this can be seen in the galachos, which were later plowed tocreate new fields and which have been reflected in their shape, as wellas in the layout of the ditches and paths.Throughout our history. we have lived from the garden, thewe have worked and we have brought her water so that shefeed This relationship has been sculpting in ourlandscape the irrigation system that we now enjoy. A lotbefore the Imperial Channel of Aragon existed, ourancestors managed, by buildingthe Real Acequia de Luceni, to bring water from the Jalón Riverwith which to irrigate the fields of the region. The firstWritten data on the existence of said ditch date backto the year 1264.Now, if we don't stop it, the company Forestalia, with theapproval of the public administration, intends to destroyall this that is part of who we are, of what we were andwhich is most likely decisive in whatwe will be They want to destroy an orchard that would well deservebe included in the Cultural Landscapes Plan, not only forits historical and cultural value, but also because it isof a rich ecosystem, full of natural life.This territory is located between the Ebro River, theCanal Imperial de Aragón and the river Jalón and is made up ofsmall fields of crops traversed by numerousditches and dotted with wetlands, reedbeds, cabezosstony, etc., which allows it to accommodate a largebiodiversity, that we cannot afford tolose.In spite of everything, the claws ofspeculation, in the form of the so-called "energiesrenewable". Two wind energy projects, the PEol-731and PEol-784, made up of four wind farms (30mills of 220 m. high), plus a substationenergy transformation, plus a line of very highvoltage (400kv), which would cross the Ebro on the way to CincoVillas are waiting to receive approvaladministrative. We cannot ignore the conditions thatpeople would suffer, given the proximity of theseinfrastructures to population centers.It should also be noted that just 3 km away, Mountthat we share the regions of Valdejalón, Campo deBorja and Ribera Alta del Ebro is already saturated withmills. In this regard, the ANSAR association, in itsallegation to PEol-731 says: "The synergistic impact of thesetwo parks in the environment of 25 km around isdisappointing. According to the environmental impact study there are97 wind farms totaling more than 1,000wind turbines Exactly 1,125 mills, and thatthey still need to add, if they are approved, 44 more projectswith a total of 1,363 MW. It is inconceivable that thereauthorized such barbarity in the same area. Thisserious impact, not only landscape, but mortality offauna, it is unassumable".For all these reasons, last August the platform was born"El Juncar is life, Ribera Alta del Ebro", formed by agroup of people from these towns who decided not toconform and take a step forward in the defense ofour territory. We are born to raise awareness of whatdevastating as this can be, both for thebiodiversity and for agriculture and for well-beingof the people who live in the Ribera Alta del Ebro.We will try to avoid, with all the means at our disposal.scope, that these projects are not sustainable and that they onlyenrich the usual, are carried out.http://apoyomutuoaragon.net_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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