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woensdag 30 augustus 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE News Journal Update - (en) Greece, APO, Land & Freedom: Declaration of the Assembly of Isthmus Peoples in Defense of the Land and the Territory (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Countdown: ---- JUSTICE AND FREEDOM for PUENTE MADERA ---- From the

General Assembly of the Community of Puente Madera, we want to sharethat it has been weeks of mourning for our community, for our two dead.We also continue to work on the recovery of our wounded, however, ourstruggle and resistance continues. We call for vigilance for the hearingof our comrade David Hernández Salazar, next Tuesday, August 15. ----Likewise, we call for vigilance, for the recent intimidation andthreats, due to the legal advances we had against the Industrial Park,by the political actors of Antónino Morales Toledo and Cesar OctavioMorales Toledo, who illegally occupy the representation of the communityproperty and hold public positions in municipal and state government.We continue to invite you to continue signing the communiqué as well assending letters to the e-mails and social networks of the authoritiesinvolved (information is provided on the form itself)#DefenderElPitayalEsDefenderLaVida#PuenteMaderaResiste#ElSurResiste#ElIstmoEsNuestro#SurGlobalTranslation: B.L.SOLIDARITY IN PUENTE MADERA!https://landandfreedom.gr/el/diethni/1338-anakoinosi-tis-synelefsis-ton-laon-tou-isthmoy-gia-tin-yperaspisi-tis-gis-kai-tou-edafous_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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