Camillo Ruini, the cardinal who led the Italian Episcopal Conference
with the frown of a crusader against the rights of women, homosexuals,religious minorities, secularism, in close complicity with SilvioBerlusconi's party and the extreme right, on the latter's death heofficiated a mass for the knight of the same crusades "so that the Lordin his mercy captures him in his eternal fullness of life". ---- In thisperiod of sanctifications, that of Silvio Berlusconi, desired by themany beneficiaries of him, is around the corner; after three days ofnational mourning, the naming of streets and risottos, indifferent andfascist Italy is ready for the big step. ---- We, frankly, don't caremuch about all this can-can; if anything, he serves to fix thestatistical data on the servants and sloths of this country. And maybethat's not a little, given that, today as in the time of 61 to zero inSicily (all the deputies on the center right), no one admitted havingvoted for Berlusconi, and this can undoubtedly be counted among themiracles useful for his beatification.The non-direct successor of Ruini on the throne of the CEI, mgr. Zuppihas just returned from Eastern Europe for a very secret peace mission onwhich nothing is leaked. Announced some time ago, and arrived after 16months of war, the mission took the form of a tour of words interspersedwith masses and interreligious meetings with the Orthodox patriarchs,and in particular the most awaited one with "his holiness" Kirill, headof the Moscow Church . A lot of propaganda, little substance, alsobecause, as is known, the god of Rome supports Zelensky and the god ofMoscow supports Putin, each has its own holy war to wage, and even ifthe ideology that unites the two churches is very similar (in particularwith respect to homosexuality, freedom and women's rights, etc.), theroles that both fulfill, are still those of looking after theirrespective flocks and serving their respective masters.Zuppi returned from his tour with some charity work "snatched" from thecontenders, some humanitarian aid for war victims (of both camps), and anice photo shoot to put in his album of memories. Bergoglio's greatmediation ended in nothing, just as it started out of nothing and wasbased on nothing. But since these are secret affairs, everyone canimagine what they want behind so much nothing.Dear readers, the time has come for you to recharge your batteries on anuncrowded beach. We will hear from you again in September, as always inthe two right-hand columns of page 6.Brother Doubtful - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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