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dinsdag 1 augustus 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #340 - Syndicalism, an FSU that oscillates between co-management and struggle (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 More combative than the CFDT, more open to social issues than FO, allied

to the CGT and Solidaires, but also very institutionalized, the UnitaryTrade Union Federation (FSU) embodies an ambivalent trade unionism, morecapable of following than of instigating struggles. This was felt in hisaction in the pension defense movement. ---- The FSU, which organizesexclusively in the public service, is less known than the largetraditional confederations CGT, FO or CFDT. Founded in 1993, it is theresult of a left split from the National Education Federation (FEN,which has since become Unsa-Education). The FSU has 160,000 members, 90%in National Education. In this sector, the FSU has no less than 10different unions : one for primary school employees, one for secondaryschool, one for higher education, one for professional high schools, onefor sports teachers (! ), administrators, school nurses, inspectionstaff, etc. This complex structure, separating employees according totheir professions, makes the influence of the FSU less visible, but italso generates corporatist reflexes that do not favor unity and theextension of struggles. However, the FSU claims to be a trade unionismof social transformation, even if it remains rather vague in itsobjectives. And in fact, we often find the signature of the FSU - moreoften than its militant forces to tell the truth - in interprostruggles, but also feminist, LGBTI, ecologists, antifascists,antiracists, against all-security, etc. To this first paradox - acorporatism combined with interprofessional and societal concerns - isadded that of union action itself. The FSU has one foot in serviceunionism, and another in struggles. It oscillates between the twoaccording to the spirit of the times, but also according to the weightof the tendencies which act (statutory) within it. The most combativeare the Emancipated School tendency and, more modestly, the Emancipationtendency, which defends a revolutionary and unitary trade unionism anddebates pedagogical questions. The FSU, even if it occupied a relativelydiscreet place in the social movement on pensions, seemed at ease withinthe intersyndicale. Not very surprising for this somewhat patchworkorganization. If its colors were represented everywhere in thedepartmental intersyndicales and in the demonstrations, its real work onthe ground was most disparate: here the FSU remained a disembodiedsignature, there its activists played a positive role in the GAs ofstrikers favoring self-organization, and participated in blockades. Inrecent years, the FSU has intensified its work with the CGT and to alesser extent with Solidaires, in a pole that it qualifies as " struggleand social transformation unionism ". The question of a possibleunification of this pole occupied an important place in its lastcongress. Will the unitary struggle movement that we have just gonethrough accentuate this line?Gil (UCL Montpellier)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?une-FSU-qui-oscille-entre-la-cogestion-et-la-lutte_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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