This is not new, the state is always wary of young people. At a time of
nationalist withdrawals, incessant hymns, the hegemony ofall-competition versus cooperation, patriotic flags brandished on allsides, everything is good to enlist, control, master and recruit. Andyes, beyond the Republican patriotic noise of the left as well as of theright and of course of the extreme right, to perfect the building, it isnecessary to recruit and seek the adhesion of the greatest number...---- So, let's be interested us to the youth. From middle school, theState, through the presence of the Police, the Gendarmerie and even theArmy, in addition to official instructions and programs, penetrates theyoung minds of our middle and high school students during activities oreducational outings or better still, information and orientation days.And, one can appreciate the art of the recruiting speech, very studiedfor a coherence of facade if one does not take the time to dissect it.Nothing very new, you might say. Yes, but let's focus on the content.It's amazing: The site, "Educational Café" publishes an article on March27, 2023: "To arms children!We learn that the Prox'RaidAventure association[...]-sponsored inparticular by the greatest French fortunes: Dassault, Bettencourt,Mulliez, Bouygues, and founded by Bruno Pomart, former Raid policeman,columnist for the Grandes gueules de l'info on RMC-intervenes in schoolsand colleges to "bring the police closer to thepopulation".[...]Handling of weapons, handcuffing, pat-downs are on themenu of the workshops which - strangely - take place in establishmentswelcoming mainly students from from popular backgrounds.[...]But the photographs that circulated from that day offer a completelydifferent image of that day: workshop for discovering professionalgestures and techniques in intervention, handling of defense sticks andweapons, handcuffing, palpation, techniques of arrest, "in order to thatduring a future control, the gestures of the police officers will not beinterpreted".[...]Some have put on a police uniform to complete anobstacle course. Fortunately, the parents of students were moved by it,in particular at the FCPE[...]Naturally, this association is also fully involved in the SNU -UniversalNational Service-and the arguments are the same: values of the republic,citizenship and blablabla... From the raising of the flag to the"demonstration of the know-how of the security forces», the atmosphereis beginning to turn seriously brown everywhere and it is high time toresist these toxic fumes for our children. The same activities had beenproposed to 200 children between seven and ten years old, use of tonfa,belly plating, everything had also happened. Strongly mobilized, parentsand teachers obtained the end of the partnership. They had understoodvery well what was at stake behind these workshops: targeting ofchildren from criminalized working-class neighborhoods, awareness of thelegitimacy of repression and the use of violence in the techniques ofmaintaining order. At the moment, the association is active in Guyanawhere it accompanies the students of the "Papayo" class of the REP+ PaulKapel college in "self-transcendence" within the framework of a "policeand security class" intended to train young people professionally. tothe professions of the police: "Receptive to playful training, the youngpeople wield shields and defense sticks while simulating a movement ofdemonstrators towards the prefecture"... (FranceGuyane, March 24, 2023).Dizzy "In fact, these devices only aim to legitimize a relationship tocitizenship and law that is based only on the necessary obedience andthe whole repressive. Let's continue with the article from April 11,2023 in the Monday morning newspaper: "Story of an intervention by theGraines de France association in Seine-Saint-Denis", "Students in 4e and3e are entitled to it for one day. The association is therefore presentfor four days in this college of 93. A day of missed classes for thebenefit of the promotion of the police, and all the classes of theestablishment disrupted for four days, since it is necessary to makeroom. Also... activities to replace the striking teachers on April6th.[...]And then, we are reassured, it is not about this otherdespicable association, which has aroused so many indignant reactions,because it makes kids put on CRS uniforms, teaches them to letthemselves go obediently the handcuffs, etc.So off we go for Graines de France, an "Empowerment/Police Populationassociation", almost as well approved as the first. On the program,workshops: boxing, writing, theater, freedom of speech. To end thisbeautiful day, a policewoman invited as a guest-star. We applaud, wecongratulate each other: "You were great! ". After the boxing workshops,theater -role-playing-, verbalizations of the representations and imagesof the pupils towards the Police, follow debates such;[...]"If thepolice disappeared, would you be ready to move? The majority answers"yes". A student answers "no". So the worker asks her: "Would you starta family in this situation? She asks again: "If there were no morepolice officers, would you think of becoming one? There, no one thinksthat she would become a police officer? Would you go and educate others?What would the world be without the police? If the police wanted to comeback, what would happen? The students answer: demonstration, war, etc.She continues: "How do we get the police to come back? The students: wevote, the police make a video on social networks, etc.Let's move on to high school students.Recently, it has been common to see young volunteers "dressed" in theuniform of the Universal National Service -the SNU-, "walking around" ina row, in the public space, "supervised" by retired recruits or civilianpersonnel of the army. In Montauban, during February, on the esplanadeof the fountains, dedicated these days to rallies against the law onpensions and to the weekly market, it is the SNU which organizes a fullday of information and orientation for the youth.In Cahors, following the major military maneuvers, on the closingSunday, as part of the Nation Army operations, the population wasinvited to military events such as jeep rides, to approach the equipmentand the combat men and... and of course the presence of our young UNSvolunteers. Renewal of militarized presence, speech on the duty of orderand obedience, divisive speech of the State "If you are not with me, youare against me!», everything is implemented to install the populationand the youth in a feeling of insecurity, of fear which legitimizesaggressive, violent responses of self-defense channeled by an agreeddiscourse of the supposedly benevolent State: «I protect you". - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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