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donderdag 31 augustus 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE POLAND News Journal Update - (en) Poland, FA: UAM CHANCELLOR STRESSES STUDENTS - WE WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 During the summer break, UAM Chancellor Marcin Wysocki is not idle: he

sent a letter addressed to the Student Housing Initiative (to a privateaddress). Through two law firms, he demands the removal of all postsregarding irregularities in connection with the plan to liquidate theJowita public dormitory. He also demands a correction that he hasnothing to do with these irregularities. Otherwise, Wysocki threatensstudents with civil lawsuits and even (!) criminal proceedings. -----Wysocki's actions are a reaction to the text "Enough lies about Jowita!We are disclosing inconvenient facts in connection with the attempt toliquidate the UAM public dormitory. The Chancellor's call is an attemptto punish students defending a public property - the largest dormitoryin the city center - for revealing these inconvenient facts. Vysotsky istrying to use his high social position to intimidate us. The facts arereally inconvenient for him. The chancellor misled the public opinion byclaiming that the renovation of Jowita was possible only with theconsent of the neighbor - a private company registered in Cyprus, whichtorpedoes it. In this way, Wysocki, responsible for the property of UAM,ignored the fact that Polish law allows for renovation without theconsent of the neighbor, after an application to the starost. Wysockialso did not reveal whether he ever made such a request.In addition, for the need to justify the liquidation of Jowita and thepossible privatization of the dormitory, the Chancellor used the opinionof "experts", which we agree as biased and strongly ideologicallymarked. In order to select such experts, Wysocki asked Rector Kaniewskato "resign from applying the rules of public procurement" to prepare anexpert opinion on the future of Jowita. The opinion of the experts paidby the Adam Mickiewicz University contains strongly biased, neoliberaltheses. The article after which Vysotsky is intimidating us quoted thisopinion. The authors from the Estate Solution company claim, forexample, that a public dormitory in the city center "performs ananachronistic function" because it "does not use the market potential".They add, however, that in city centers among businessmen ..."investments in student dormitories arouse particular interest" ...Experts confirm that "the actual purpose[i.e. cheap public dormitory -ed.]moves away from the optimal potential generating the highest groundrent[i.e. private roads academician - editor]".Finally, Wysocki threatens punishment for raising concerns that we aredealing with a wild reprivatization process of Jowita.Instead of rejecting a plan to liquidate a public dormitory, theauthorities do not allow people to tell the truth about theirshortcomings. Chancellor Wysocki, striving to close Jowita, acts in theinterest of business, not students, just like the other authorities ofthe Adam Mickiewicz University. If profits are more important thanpeople, then it's time to leave your job in the public sector and notscare students.The fight to keep Jowita public continues, there are more and more ofus. There is no consent to displace students from the center of Poznan!Student Housing Initiativewww.rozbrat.orghttps://federacja-anarchistyczna.pl/2023/08/17/kanclerz-uam-grozi-studentom-nie-damy-sie-zastraszyc/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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