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zaterdag 2 september 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE CZECH News Journal Update - (en) Czech, AF: Birthday wishes behind prison walls (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We start the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners

by saluting our imprisoned friend M. Dziadok. ---- Today is the firstday of the action-packed International Week of Solidarity with AnarchistPrisoners, which runs from August 23 to 30. At the same time, today ourfriend Mikola Dziadok celebrates his birthday in prison. So we send himour warmest greetings, we are thinking of him and we wish him that everynext birthday will be without pranksters and supervisors! ---- Mikolawas born on August 23, 1988 and spent a large part of his life in Minsk.He is a lawyer and political scientist by education, but recently he hasbeen engaged in journalism, had a personal blog and a YouTube channel.He was one of the most widely read anarchist bloggers.He was interested in anarchism from a young age. It started with punkrock and beer, but gradually Mikola read more and more and also startedwriting his own lyrics. He joined the movement in Minsk and founded anumber of groups and organizations. He promoted insurrectionism, theimage of a well-read, strong and charismatic activist who knows how toagitate, but when necessary, also fight with the police or Nazis.Mikola was first imprisoned in 2010, when he was sentenced to four and ahalf years in prison for a series of direct actions. He was released in2015 and went to Lithuania to finish his university studies. That's whenhe also started his blog, where he wrote analyzes and also explained theessence of anarchism. As a political scientist, he was interested in thehistory and politics of the Middle East and learned Arabic.He wrote a book about his prison experience, which was also published inCzech by the AF Publishing House. Highly recommended!Before he was arrested and convicted a second time, he was also workingon a book on the history of the Belarusian anarchist movement in 2000-2010.The arrest took place late in the evening of November 11, 2020. Thepolice then tortured Mikola for several hours because they wanted hisaccess passwords. He was accused of gross disruption of public order, ofcalling for a change of government, and of possessing Molotov cocktails(Mikola says the policemen threw them at him). Mikola Dziadok withstoodpolice violence and harassment with honor and maintained his dignity.According to the police, Mikola repeatedly called for illegal actions onsocial networks, including participation in protest events andresistance against police officers. He was forced to go into hiding evenbefore the protests started to avoid preventive arrest.In October 2021, he was sentenced to five years in prison.In the penal colony, Mikola is only allowed a few letter shipments ayear and one short meeting with his parents. His mail is usuallywithheld, so communication with him is very poor, but we know that he isholding on, not losing his optimism, playing sports and reading. From Mikol's letter:I recently calculated that I have already spent a total of six and ahalf years in prison, a fifth of my life.A lot of people for some reason think that the years spent in prison are"lost, that it's wasted time" etc. Honestly, I don't consider them lostto me in any way. Even the first time I was imprisoned, I decided not towaste a single day of my freedom. And it doesn't necessarily mean juststudying and training. Thinking, meditating, dreaming - all this helpsto live consciously.My life may not always be comfortable, but it is always meaningful.You can write to Mikol at the address:Grandfather Nikolay Aleksandrovich, 1, Grodno, 230023or through the Belarusian Anarchist Black Cross:https://abc-belarus.org/2020/11/13/dedok-nikolaj-2/The self-governing community center Trhlina and the Prague group of theAnarchist Federation invite you to a discussion with the Anarchist BlackCross of Belarus as part of the International Week of Solidarity withAnarchist Prisoners, which takes place from August 23 to 30. The talkwill be held on August 27 from 18:00 at Trhlina (Jaromírova 9,Prague-Nusle).   More info.Related links:Mikola Dziadok: Parallel world in colorBirthday cardsUntil all are free...The Belarusian regime condemned Mikola Dziadok"Even the one who is closed has his part in the change""It is important that the attention towards Belarus does not slacken"They threatened to rape me, take me to the Gestapo or to the forestI do not regret anythingJoin us!Belarus: another anarchist arrested and torturedRussia: Fake news directed by the FSB?Lessons from government repressionWarming up for the bookfairBelarusian anarchists at largeIn emigration for his friendsLimited power gridsPreface to the 2nd edition of "Magadan"Belarusian evening in BrnoStories of imprisoned anarchistsArticles about the revolution (Czech about events in Belarus)https://www.afed.cz/text/7999/narozeninove-prani-za-zdi-veznice_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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