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zaterdag 2 september 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE BULGARIA News Journal Update - (en) Bulgaria, FAB: War and Anarchism - KAF (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Notes on Anarchist Philosophy, Activity, Ideas Close to Us, Position,

World, Articles, Aims ---- War and Anarchism: A Few FundamentalQuestions Before Taking a Position or Returning to the HistoricalPosition of an Anarchist Movement Against War Between political forces,militias, bodies and states, we must consider the war on the basis ofthe present conditions of the world, on the basis of the experience ofthe whole history of class society. ---- To this end, the best way toarrive at a correct position regarding the war between capitalist unionsis to seek answers to the following empirically determined andhistorically determined questions.Based on this, we have the following questions:- Are the anarchists in Ukraine or Russia in general at a similar level,in terms of their armed forces and social mobilization, compared to theMakhnovists in Ukraine from the beginning of the last century?Considering that the Makhnovist movement did not face only one enemy,but simultaneously opposed, on different fronts, different forces suchas the Red Army, the White Army and the Prussian Army. Do the currentarmed anarchists on the Russian and Ukrainian battlefields have thestrength and social presence (like the Makhnovists) to fight and resistsimultaneously against the Russian army, the Ukrainian army and thenationalist militias?- If we may put it this way, are the anarchists in the Russo-Ukrainianwar capable of liberating a city or region independently of andseparately from the Ukrainian state/army, or are they capable ofliberating and defending a Russian city on their own?Or at least do Ukrainian anarchists have an autonomous existence andactivity outside of and against the Ukrainian and Russian state andarmies? If none of these possibilities exist, how do they determine theautonomy of their armed activity? In that case, what will the anarchistsachieve and what would be the result of their actions?- We all know that the number of armed comrades is not significantenough to withstand an attack by the Ukrainian state army and defendthemselves (Just as the Red Army stabs Makhnovists in the back afterrepelling the attacks of the White Army and making an agreement with thePrussians). Does the defense of the capitalist state of Ukraine, or thekilling of a few soldiers who were forced into the Russian army, or thecoverage of a few Russian military attacks, deserve fellow anarchists tosacrifice their lives?- Participation in the war between two bourgeois entities or nationalistfronts or two world superpowers under the pretext of fighting fascism"the bad side", as if the state, governments or any other authoritarianpower does not carry the seeds of fascism. Can the state exist withoutfascism, nationalism and imperialist interests, so that we can fight onthe side of one against the other?- Do we the oppressed have a state or worse, do we have a bettergovernment that deserves to be protected from an "outside" aggressor?- Many of the grounds for taking up arms for one side of capital againstanother are based on the myth of freedom and democratic rights.- Whether the participation of comrades in the name of anarchism in awar against humanity, life and the environment, between two bourgeoisarmies, is more appropriate than the participation of anarchists andleftists in the forces of YPj, PYD and YPG Rojava, which led to theconsolidation of capitalist power in killing anarchists?-Now, after centuries of anarchist experience, of the self-sacrifice ofthe most active, brave and energetic young comrades, as in Rojava, inthe Ukraine or elsewhere, when the war is not for our interests and whenit is not waged through our own autonomy against the capitalist state,doesn't that mean he's trapped by the world's superpowers? Isn't it tobe lured by the tricks of the enemy when every day, somewhere in theworld, the oppressed live and rebel energy used as cannon fodder forcapitalist wars to revive the arms market for the military-industrialcomplex?- Isn't killing anarchist comrades in Ukraine the same as killingmarginalized and idealized young activists and angry saboteurs fromEurope among ISIS and PYD?- We know who our losses are in capitalist wars around the world (bethey soldiers on the war fronts, anarchists/freedom fighters orcivilians in the settlements).What deathblow will their death inflict on the social and revolutionarymovement? What are our achievements as anarchists and activists forsocial revolution, from participating in these conflicts?Unfortunately, there are many examples of such disasters and they arerepeated daily on the battlefields of the world capitalist wars.- Many war-loving "anarchists" justify their involvement in theRussia-Ukraine conflict, or the war between the PYD government and theTurkish/ISIS/Syrian state, or elsewhere, by comparing their own positionto the armed resistance of Makhnovists and Catalan anarchists. Does suchsocial and subversive activity as that of the Makhnovists of 1917-1921or in 1936-1939 exist in Spain, anywhere in the world?Are there such collectives or cooperatives of production and fairdistribution of goods that can justify our participation on thebattlefield to protect them?Have the Makhnovists or anarchists in Spain become part of the bourgeoisbattlefields? Were they defenders of "their" country and "their" people?- As is known, the participation of anarchists in the wars in the 20thcentury was to maintain and develop a social revolution. Unfortunately,neither in Ukraine, nor in Rojava, revolutionary organizations, socialresistance and the formation of anarchist communities and anarchistmovements, programmatic and organizational autonomy, are not at thelevel of the anarchists of the 20th century to oppose the nationalists,religious forces and political parties.Once again, isn't the propaganda for participating in these wars thesame as that of wars in the cause of Allah? Or to those fighting fornationalist and patriotic feelings? Or a quest for the mythicalprotection of democratic rights and freedoms allowed by capitalists?- As we all know for every new anarchist, thousands become members ofmobsters, special forces soldiers, contract militias and adventurers toget rich competing with each other. Isn't the silence and inactionagainst the victims of fresh and active young anarchists under thepretext of respecting individual freedoms, an attack on anarchism andits historical position? (It is true that we cannot dictate to peoplehow to live and die, within which authoritarian forces and fronts or inthe name of which capitalist entity), but whether everyone is free to bepart of a state force or a front of capitalists against others in thename of anarchism? "Is it responsible and acceptable to support comradeswho openly instigate a war that is not theirs and is a blow to thesocial revolution in Ukraine, Russia and the world?"- Can we adopt a position of double standard regarding war. On the onehand, the position of the Russian anarchist comrades who on a dailybasis resist the Russian military attacks in Ukraine or sabotage theseattacks, and on the other hand, the position of the comrades who arearmed and fighting on the same battlefield, side by side with theUkrainian army? Shall we call both positions equally anarchist? Do thosecomrades who think it is right to support the armed Ukrainian anarchistssupport the anarchist comrades and anti-war activists in Russia? Doessilence and support for such a historical error (the anarchist frontlinepresence on the side of one state against another, defending theintegrity and sovereignty of a bourgeoisie against the onslaught ofanother capitalist state and in support of the nation-state) betray thehistorical positions of anarchism?Isn't this a denial of the revolutionary positions of anarchism?Is this not the fulfillment of the age-old dream of the opponents ofanarchism, to see anarchists in their historically radical positiondominated by the media war machine and nationalist ideologies. And do wenot contribute to this by our silence and inaction against thishistorical error and deviation?- If the question is about the role of anarchists in the events of theclass struggle, to protect the life of the communities, to preventfascism, etc., why don't we go with these comrades to the Amazon, toSouth Asia or to Africa, where the communities live under constantcorporate attacks?What is the difference between the attacks of giant capitalist companiesbased in Europe, the United States and elsewhere against the indigenouscommunities of the Amazon and African regions and the destruction of theenvironment and human life in the world, with the war in Russia and Ukraine?What direct and cooperative actions have we organized against thiscontinuous war in our daily lives?- Whether for anarchism in general and the IFA in particular, the damagefrom a split in the federation and leaving the IFA outweighs the damagefrom the IFA's current unclear and wavering position on the war, whichrisks misleading new generations of anarchists and strengtheningnationalist elements in the IFA?- Preserving unity at what cost? Is it by deviating from and ignoringthe foundations of anarchism?When in history has a world anarchist federation been silent about theparticipation and support of war by one or more anarchists?- Furthermore, while insisting on the freedom of individuals andfederations and our belief in the independence and neutrality of theseanarchist principles, is it right for a member or federation toparticipate in elections, vote and engage in wars in the name of theIFA? Is this not a departure from the basic principles of anarchism anda departure from the historical anti-state line of anarchism?- Do all anarchist comrades in Ukraine support and approve ofparticipation in the state army? If the answer is "no", how do thecomrades who support the armed anarchists in the country of theUkrainian Army see and read the position of the Ukrainian comrades whoare against joining the military front?- If Iranian and Iraqi anarchists had participated in the Iran-Iraq warunder the same pretext as some Ukrainian anarchists; Also, if the Iraqianarchists had taken up arms against the coalition armies in the secondand third Gulf wars, what would be your reading of them?- If the anarchists in the Kurdish areas of Iraq intervene to oppose theattacks of the state on the territory of Turkey, which uses chemicalweapons, kills children, deports villages, destroys the environment,trees and animals, and bombards border villages for 33 years? How do youtreat Kurdish anarchists when they join the KRG or PKK army and whatwill be your position?- Do anarchists in European countries whose "countries" are constantlyat war with other nations of the world, such as wars in Africa and theMiddle East, carry out sabotage and direct struggle against the armiesand authorities of their countries, as the Russian comrades are now andas the revolutionaries anarchists, communists and socialists during thefirst and second world wars?Note: We as KAF have had these questions and comments from the beginningbut were awaiting your position and that of other IFA comrades. Webelieve that some of you have a long history of formal involvement inanarchist movements and are aware of anarchists' historical positionsagainst war, against the state, and against capitalism. We must admitthat the attitudes and positions of some European anarchists towards thewar in Rojava and in Ukraine shock us. Especially when we see that thereare elements who openly and actively participate in the wars between thevarious capitalist countries in the name of anarchism, when we see somewho support these positions and also those who prefer to remain silentwhile anarchists are killed for the benefits of capitalism and his wars!Our contribution to the work of the last congress on capitalism and warclearly reflects our position, and we hope that this error will help usto coordinate and strengthen our anarchist unity.https://www.anarchy.bg_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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