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zaterdag 2 september 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIAN News Journal Update - (en) Russia, Avtonom: Resentment: Trends in Order and Chaos Episode 119 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 1. What is the Russian fighting for? ---- I read studies by

psychologists and psychiatrists about how consciousness saves itself,sometimes trying to reject the obvious. For example, the realizationthat Russia is a fascist country, that the Russians are ruiningUkrainian cities and robbing and torturing residents in the occupiedterritories, is so destructive for many Russians that they are ready tocling to any justification for the actions of their state. And I onceagain thank anarchism for saving my cuckoo. "No god, no homeland, nomaster" - after the start of the war, some of those who left Russiareally found themselves in such a situation.But in fact, these words speak of freedom. You don't worry that thechurch supports the war, it's impossible to take you to the manipulationof "duty to the motherland", you spit on the hierarchy and don't thinkthat "the authorities know better". Anarchism allows you to see thingsas they are and not expect anything good from churchmen and authorities.In the meantime, even the most advanced of those who consider themselvesliberals and democrats have enough ideas to "replace a bad governmentwith a good one." In order to again entrust their lives to other people,whom they will feed along with the entire state apparatus, includingpunitive bodies, and will completely depend on them.If you talk to the Russians - supporters of the war, then, firstly, theywill deny the very fact of the war: this is not a war, but a militaryoperation, hmm ... there is no war, but there is a military operation?Well, they will tell you that the Russians never attacked anyone, theyjust always defended themselves, and now they are defending themselves,and in general - these are all primordial Russian lands, but the damnedNATO attacked, otherwise they are for peace in all over the world. Andthey never were colonialists, and so on.As I have repeatedly repeated, people really want to consider themselvesgood, but for some reason identifying themselves with the state. Sincethe state cannot be good by default, and the fascist state, and evenunleashed an aggressive war, cannot be all the more good, then we needto come up with an explanation why black is still white, and bad isgood, and pull this owl on the globe. Here, for example, is how thepriest who consecrated the monument to Stalin explained his actions:"thanks to this (that is, Stalin's repressions against priests) we havemany new martyrs."And in fact, why be surprised here if members of the Communist Partybelieve in God and the "great Stalin", and from all state and churchirons they call to die for their homeland?It is interesting that the callers themselves are in no hurry to dothis. For example, now in Spain is the holiday season, who owns realestate there? For example, the actor Porechenkov, a lover of machine gunshooting and inspiring speeches to soldiers. Apparently, it is somehoweasier to love your homeland from abroad. Porechenkov, however, urgingto keep the line, says that there was no order to die, but here, as itturned out, it's not very good with rotation at the front, there is nomobilization of mass support, so it seems like one should die for theMotherland, but not today.But besides him there are other actors, deputies and propagandists. Hereis another pre-war link, when even TASS could publish lists of peoplewith foreign real estate. Sunny Spain is there in the first place. MostRussians, not only in Spain for euros, but also in their homeland forrubles, cannot afford such a house or apartment, but what can I say, themajority of Spaniards, too. All of these properties are luxury.So why should a Russian die with a toilet in the form of a hole in theground? For the Spanish mansion of a deputy or a TV propagandist? Forthe oligarch's yacht? Also, you know, before the sanctions, the Russianoligarchs were very fond of the Barcelona berths. Compared to the rest,their yachts looked like cruisers among punts. Well, now they just keeptheir favorite toys somewhere in the ports of Saudi Arabia, except, ofcourse, those that the Europeans managed to arrest. Is a Russian goingto die for these yachts? The list of arrested yachts can be found atanother link, their total value is $ 2 billion. What does the Russianthink, where did these 2 billion dollars come from? Isn't he stolen fromhim?2. Passport or deathLet's take the so-called "new territories". From people from Crimea, Iknow how many were disappointed that the new government did not createnew jobs, the owners of new hotels imported all the staff from themainland, prices rose, wages - no, you still have to go to Russia forgood earnings.Donbass got war, banditry and torture cellars. Such a "Russian world".In the occupied territories, where the surviving population does notseek to obtain a Russian passport, people are forced to do so in orderto conduct a pseudo-vote as soon as possible. In fact, they are facedwith a choice without a choice: either a toxic passport, or deprivationof all the opportunities that a person can get only with this piece ofpaper. Until deportation.But, indignant at the arbitrariness of the Russian occupationadministration, probably few people think that absolutely any state putsthose living on its territory in a situation of such a choice without achoice, against which anarchists, among other things, protest.3. What do liberals not see?And now let's imagine, as the liberals from the opposition say,"beautiful Russia of the future." It will not have oligarchs with theiryachts? "Owners of factories, newspapers, paratroopers"? Well, how, how,the liberals are so afraid that the people will be able to "takeeverything away and divide", that God forbid. I read many of theliberals, including human rights activists. None of them, even those whoadmit that they probably messed up somewhere, do not see or understandthe system error. Russian liberals completely ignore the social issue.And they continue to pray for capitalism. You just need to change the"wrong capitalism" to the "correct".Well what can I say, all they can offer is systemic injustice leading toresentment. And the Russian authorities, as we see, have turned thisresentment to their own advantage so far, channeling resentment andhatred into revanchism of the war and the creation of a "great power tobe proud of." In those "great powers" that propagandists refer to, suchas the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union of the Stalin era, kept themajority of the population in poverty, but, according to statesmen, themain thing for a person is to be proud of the achievements of the state,and not his standard of living. It's like a slave is offered to be proudof the wealth of his master. Well, someone is proud. However, thehistory includes the rebels, those whom pride did not allow to reconcilewith the fate of a slave.It seems that domestic liberals and libertarians are not familiar withthe name of the Nobel laureate in economics and former vice president ofthe World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz. Writing for the Daily Star, he writes:"For economists, the natural measure of freedom is the range of what canbe done. The larger the "opportunity set", the more freely you can act.The one who is on the verge of starvation, doing what he must, just tosurvive - in fact, has no freedom. From this point of view, an importantaspect of freedom is the ability to realize one's potential. A societyin which large segments of the population are deprived of suchopportunities, as is the case in societies with high levels of povertyand inequality, is not really free." (Translation from the channel"Tread of Astrea")That is, capitalist economists are fully aware of the danger ofresentment, but statesmen, to whom Stiglitz belongs, usually offercoercion. However, as an economist, he sees the origins well: in thebook The Roaring Nineties, the economist blames the shock reforms inRussia and the revanchism they have grown, including on Westernpoliticians and economists, on whom Russian liberals still pray.Probably, the question that the social struggle and the struggle for aworld arranged on fundamentally different grounds than the one that ledhumanity to a dead end and again put it on the threshold of nuclear warhas never been so clear to anarchists before the question that thesocial struggle and the struggle for peace, arranged on fundamentallydifferent grounds, is the most important thing, Why do anarchists exist?Not a subculture, not life at the expense of working comrades, butthat's it. No one else in the world, except anarchists, can offer aworthy future. And no one else in Russia. And they won't follow you ifall you can offer is to smoke weed and relax.4. Comrades who are not comrades to usBut, of course, the first priority now is to stop the war. The collapseof Russian power now depends on it. And that means the freedom of ourcomrades and other decent people, whose only crime was their humanityand sympathy for the victims of the war.Anarchists who were forced to leave Russia and Belarus due torepressions face misunderstanding from that part of anarchists andleftists who are accustomed to seeing their enemy exclusively in NATOand neglect the experience of anarchists from post-Soviet countries. Theselective blindness to Russian fascism and imperialism makes them forgetabout anarchist solidarity and demonstrates their essentially colonialmindset, in which they consider their own experience, the experience ofpeople living in safe and rich countries, more important than theexperience of those who go through prisons and torture and risk freedomevery day. Criticism of such pseudo-anarchists can be read in thearticle translated by the "Pramen" group.So for anarchists who find themselves abroad, in addition to the worriesassociated with starting life in another country and activity related toactivities aimed at the liberation of Russia and the fight against itsmilitarism and colonialism, another direction for making efforts is notonly cooperation with local social activists, but also an explanation ofthe essence of Russian fascism and the Belarusian dictatorship. This ishow, for example, anarchists from post-Soviet countries act inBarcelona. If you need Spanish-language materials about the position ofanarchists who are in solidarity with the anti-colonization struggle ofUkrainians, then, for example, comrades living in Catalonia have them.5. Solidarity in the fightAs you can see, even by squeezing the anarchists out of the country, theregime will not be able to get rid of them. For those who turned out tobe prisoners, it is important to take care of ourselves first of all.Letters and material support are still needed and important. On theresources of "Autonomous Action" you can regularly find out where and towhom to write.We remind you that every contribution to the cause of freedom and peaceis important, even if it seems small to some. Everyone has differentcapabilities and resources, but where one cannot cope, many will cope.Resentment - the despair and anger of the dispossessed - resentment mustbe ours.Last week was just the anniversary of Swan Lake, and it is important toremember the cautionary tale of August 19, 1991. Gray putschists withtrembling hands, people building barricades against tanks (includinganarchists, by the way). The barricade builders won. But politicianshave decided that they are the winners. Next, these politicians willbuild a new prison.Having taken freedom, it cannot be given to "professional politicians"and "effective managers". Only anarchy, only self-government.Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order andChaos" the participants of Autonomous Action and other authors giveanarchist assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube,SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribeto our weekly e-mail newsletter!Issue prepared by Nina T.https://avtonom.org/news/resentiment-trendy-poryadka-i-haosa-epizod-119_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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