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zaterdag 2 september 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, OCL, CA #333: The situation in Iran and in Iranian exile (2) - Interview with an Iranian comrade (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In January 2023, we conducted an interview with B, an Iranian

libertarian comrade living in Lyon. We completed it recently. Here wepresent the second part. The first part appeared in the June issue.http://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article3823 ---- People'sMojahedin Organization of Iran (OPMI) ---- Ideologically it is a mixtureof Marxist anti-imperialism and Islamism of the Muslim Brotherhood inShia version. They were trained by the Egyptian (Sunni) MuslimBrotherhood. Khamenei, the current Supreme Leader, translated anddistributed some of their books.The PMOI (established in 1965) was powerful in Iran before therevolution and at its beginnings. It was closely linked to the regime ofthe Islamic Republic of Iran before separating from it (attacks,assassinations of religious political figures, etc.) and being brutallyrepressed in 1981-1982.Tens of thousands of them[including the ruling couple Massoud and MaryamRajavi]went into exile and took refuge in Iraq. They were able to createa city there with a military camp, with heavy weapons (camp Ashraf).They fought on the Iraqi side during the 1980-1989 war against Iran.After the first Gulf War (August 1990-February 1991) and the oil embargoagainst Iraq, they allowed Iraq to circumvent the embargo on oil sales,by creating companies in Dubai which illegally sold Iraqi oil.They thus enriched themselves and became a real financial power. Theyhave invested in real estate in many cities in Europe (in Paris, theircolony is behind the Stade de France) and in 2013 created a small cityof their own in Albania (Ashraf 3) which serves as their headquarters.Currently, it is a real politico-religious sect led by Maryam Rajavi,the widow of the historic leader.Like monarchists, they can organize international meetings withwell-known personalities, like Mike Pompeo (former CIA director andTrump's Secretary of State) for which they pay $25,000 per conference.In Europe, they do not participate in any of the common demonstrationsof exile. They organize their own rallies by paying exiles from Lyon(200 EUR generally) or from Sweden (they manage to fill 5 buses) tocrowd waving their flag in their rallies in Paris.Their paramilitary ideology, their sectarian functioning, theirreactionary Islamism - after 40 years of exile in Paris, their womenstill do not have the right to remove their veils - cannot please arevolt whose watchword is "Women, Life, Freedom".They think their money makes them powerful, but as Victor Hugo said inessence, "No one can stop an idea whose time has come".The OPMI claims to have a strong presence in Iran - more than 40,000 -but this is false because no one saw them in the revolution. As inaddition they fought on the Iraqi side during the war, they are verybadly seen by the population.The Left and the RepublicansThere are no longer any left-wing organizations that are really activein exile, be it the Tudeh[Communist party created in 1941, following theAnglo-Soviet occupation of Iran]or the extreme -LEFT. The militants haveaged, and there has been no renewal. There are small groups but theiractivity is mainly theoretical.With the revolution, personalities from exile were happy to be invitedand to run on TV sets. We find them sympathetic, we can support them,but it is not an organization. Because politics is not that: it ispractice, it is creating a committee, organizing something concrete.Young people tried to create a left-wing political movement two yearsago, but there were many debates and disagreements. This is the problemof the left: we continue on our disagreements and the enemy oppositewill perhaps win.I recently participated in an online meeting. There were 5,000registered and it spoke a lot about Karl Kautsky... I took the floor tosay that the important thing is not to go back to the debates of acentury ago but to act on the current reality. The tendencies found inthis discussion were those of alter-globalism, eco-socialism,rebelliousness. It is no longer a Leninist left, but rather close towhat exists in Latin America with Lula.Left-wing political organizations in IranThe movement launched in September is the continuity of a long-termsocial movement made up of mobilizations, revolts with deaths. It isdeeply revolutionary, but it lacks a political translation to create apolitical balance of power in the country.The problem is that there are no more left (or right) political partiesin Iran. In 40 years of dictatorship, the Tudeh has been exterminated,the far-left groups have been crushed.During the movement, the Republicans, the progressives, theintellectuals, the people of the left who remain did not expressthemselves and did not participate, because of the repression. But onthe other hand the Iranian workers (unions are prohibited) went onstrike and demonstrated.Faced with this political vacuum, there are beginning to be discussionsto create neighborhood committees. Calls and texts circulated betweensmall self-organized struggle groups to come together and create something.Some are now thinking of recreating political organizations, but theproblem is that they will be underground with all the problems that poses.But I have not had more recent information (end of May).In the relations between exile and Iran my position is clear: I amagainst all the organizations which are outside Iran and give orders toIranians, because it is the one who revolts in the street who has theright to think about the future, he is the one facing the bullets, notme. So morally or politically, I have no right to tell them what to do.Several demonstrations took place in Lyon. How did this come about?Between September and January, monthly demonstrations were organized inLyon bringing together 200 to 300 people. A national demonstration tookplace there in January 2023 following the suicide of Mohammad Moradi, anIranian student in Lyon. It brought together a thousand people. From the second day of demonstration in Iran, we said to ourselves thatwe had to demonstrate. The first demonstration in Lyon was organized bya few individuals, then other Iranians joined us.In our gatherings, where the world could come, there was a freemicrophone because people need to speak even if they say anything or ifit is not my ideas.Thus, I am against the monarchist flag but I do not see myself banningthem. Because in politics and reality this will change. Because whoevercomes with the monarchist flag today, can change his mind with thediscussions.The team was more on the left. There is a group of Iranian students andex-students from Lyon with whom we had a lot of problems because theytried to impose a whole series of bans on the collective.During our first rally, an old lady from "Femmes Solidaires" (areformist and secular feminist association) spoke up to defend themovement of Iranian women against religious oppression while criticizingthe pro-veil currents in France.They said that she was far-right and that we should not talk about theissue of the veil in France in our demonstrations, no more than theclosure of the Iranian embassy in France, nor the freezing Pasdaranassets abroad.After heated discussions, they left.It is a problem of a part of the Iranian left, which still believes thatthe Iranian regime is anti-imperialist and anti-American, while it hasongoing relations with the United States but different interests. Theyare as liberal as the American leaders. Its elites continue to sendtheir children to study in the USA. This is the case of Masume Ebketar,former student spokesperson during the 1979 hostage crisis, twicevice-president of Iran (1997-2005 and 2013-2017) whose son studied inthe United States. United from 2015. This is also the case of Khomeini'snephew who lives there.In France who comes to the demonstrations?They are mostly Iranian and some French. Normal people, families,activists, lots of women.There was quickly a strong monarchist presence, which gave theimpression of an organized force, and which attracted people becausepeople said to themselves "if the son of the Shah can bring down theregime, I support him even if I don't am not a monarchist.The left and the Iranian republicans do not understand that it isnecessary to organize and have proposals in the face of these richorganizations, the most presentable of which is the monarchist. Theseput forward as models the democratic and constitutional monarchies thatexist in the world (English, Belgian, etc.) and score points.What was the support of the French left in the broad sense?A step back is necessary. I arrived in France in 2013 and I met membersof the Parti de Gauche (ancestor of LFI) with whom I campaigned oninternational issues.In 2019, I took part in the meeting intended to establish LFI'selectoral strategy, in order to conquer working-class neighborhoods andalso young urbanites.For me that meant conquering the sores of the St Martin canal and theyoung people of the estates. This strategy ignored the workers.The supreme guide of LFI answered me that the question did not arisebecause the workers and the trade unionists were obliged to voteMélenchon. When no, the workers vote for the FN.There was a pro-Russian pro-Chavez and Lula line and when Obono and theothers arrived, there was also a decolonial, Islamistophile line. And,LFI participated in the demonstration against Islamophobia at the end of2019. I no longer found my place there because I want to defend humanrights in a universal way. So I left them, keeping in touch.When the movement started in Iran, I contacted Manuel Bompard. As theright-wing deputies were organizing a meeting with the monarchists inthe Assembly, it was therefore necessary for the left to take a positionquickly to support the revolt and organize meetings with the Iranian left.Bompard has never responded and LFI has never supported thedemonstrations of Iranian opponents in France because they are in anelectoral clientelist approach.In our opinion, it was necessary, on the one hand, to freeze the assetsof the Pasdarans and the regime and, on the other hand, to obtain theclosure of the Iranian embassy. This is used to monitor and spy on exileand the secret services put pressure on families in Iran.But part of the left refuses these kinds of initiatives because they arealso supported by the United States, and for them, anything that seemsto come from the United States is necessarily bad. We have also seen itfor the sanctions against Russia.Sandrine Rousseau (EELV) and Manon Aubry (LFI) were booed on SundayOctober 2, 2022 at one of the demonstrations in support of therevolution. This is normal because they have chosen to be on the side ofpolitical Islam and the Iranians in exile do not want that.In Lyon, the mayor refused to come to the rallies (although he was verypresent for Ukraine). This is normal because he is very close to Piolle,the mayor of Grenoble. Their ideas on Islam and the veil thereforeprevent them from coming to a demonstration of Iranians who supportwomen who refuse the obligation to wear the veil. However, green electedofficials were present. The question is therefore complex.The NPA Trotskyists participated in some demonstrations and alsoorganized public meetings of support.The libertarians did not organize anything and we did not see them muchin the demonstrations. They are in the same problem as the left. Beforethey said "Neither God nor master" but now they accept gods and masters.How can one be a Christian and an anarchist? For me it is unacceptablejust like being pro-Islam and anar.More broadly, it is a neo-colonialist position of certain activists whobelieve that emancipation is not for women in neighborhoods and suburbs.For me, all women, of all countries, of all cultures want emancipation.Who wants to be a prisoner of anything?We cannot say that freedom is good for me who lives in France and refuseit to an Iranian or a Senegalese who should continue with his culture.If there are in a certain number of African countries terrible actionsagainst women, should we let it happen because it would be their culture?Since when is culture something that is put higher than the universalright to freedom?This is a problem of current anarchism and there is no debate on theseissues. But how can one live as a political activist without being ableto read, debate, criticize?Olive Oyl and Eugene the Jeephttp://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article3905_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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