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zaterdag 2 september 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN News Journal Update - (en) Spain, CN #434 - The remedy - Victor Dupont (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Let's imagine that, between the first and second half of the last

century, it was decided worldwide to prohibit all artistic expression.Let us imagine the political authorities of that time pointing out thedanger constituted by such a 'vice'. Poets, actors, sculptors,musicians, etc., would be perceived as criminal agents and theirentirely toxic and lethal products (in a mental and spiritual sense).Scientific endorsements would be added to this absurd opinion: doctorswould lend their voices on brain and muscle atrophies caused by themusic of Satie or Stravinsky, the distortions in the nervous system ofcompulsive readers -didn't Cervantes enlighten us on the dangers of agentleman who confused reality and fiction for his excesses with books? -.For their part, the ineffable members of psi communities, alwayssubservient to the arbitrariness of power, would have a lot tocontribute: the creation of sculptures could be associated, for example,with perverse materializations of psyches affected by childhood traumas.And it would be necessary to prosecute, with all possible punitiveapparatus and haste, those objects that carry aesthetic pathologies. Artconsumers would then not be seen as sophisticated people, but rather asmentally ill.The burning of books and the burning of drugs have something in common:the smoke released from their bonfires is an incalculable combustion ofannihilated pleasure.With the obvious differences in the case, this has been the case sincethe last century with the prohibition of drugs. They will tell me that asubstance is not the same as an artistic object. And of course. But thepoint is another: the arbitrariness of the underlying criteria. Plato,Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, to give famous examples, warned of the dangers ofsome artistic expressions and, in certain cases, directly censored orprohibited them. The burning of books and the burning of drugs havesomething in common: the smoke released from their bonfires is anincalculable combustion of annihilated pleasure.Prohibitionism is one of the worst moral experiments in history. He tookaway a tool from people (which, like any other, can cause harm if youdon't know how to use it). It is only comparable to what the repressiveculture has been doing with sex from its foundations. Raising this issomething so simple that the ignorance of the defenders of the currentstate of affairs is sad and angry at the same time.Returning to the comparison at the beginning, suppose that a few decadesafter the prohibition of art some sensible propose a reform: «why notlegalize painting? As we know, it does not produce effects as harmful aspoetry or theatre. I recently heard a politician say that thelegalization of cocaine is impossible to propose, although it isconvenient in the case of marijuana. Oh yeah? Cocaine is a veryinteresting drug. At least in my case it goes well in certain statesthat I want to go through under its coat: talkativeness with itresembles a waterfall with slow and accelerated tempos, depending on thedose. The head is a little faster, and the speed of its effects works asa high-tonity mood modulator with great immediacy. It allows what couldbe called a complex drunkenness, because it makes the organism moregenerous in receiving other substances that, ingested in a combined andbalanced way, cause sensations of great physical and mental subtlety.Its disadvantage: the short duration of its stimulus.No. Drugs should not be legalized. You cannot legalize painting orpoetry or caresses. Let's not be ridiculous. The ban must be abolished.Drug comes from the Greek pharmakon: remedy and poison at the same time.If I use the first person here, it's not to shock, but to point outsomething: when by some eventuality these issues come out into thestupid public consciousness, the voice of consumers is hijacked. Thetelevision channels are flooded by police chiefs, psychologists,psychiatrists and, finally, the occasional 'addict'. And the addict is aconstruction of the same prohibitionist devices. A characterindividualized by repressive rites, and made available to the mediaspectacle: infantilized, inferiorized, and reduced to a moralcaricature. Put to confess in front of everyone, he paradoxically stealshis word.Finally, the first person in this case indicates a revulsion for so muchhypocrisy. The history of drugs is extremely rich, like a line ofquality or a good painting: it is almost four thousand years old andcases of abuse have only been recorded in the last hundred and fifty.This has to be thought of from a cultural framework that pushes theconsumer towards illegality, absolute secrecy, silent behavior and fullof danger. From the fruits of the poppy to the discovery of alkaloids,from the depths of psychoactive forests to the magic in the pharmacywindow; from mystery rites to Baudelaire and Rimbaud smoking opium. Theopen doors of perception were closed, and since prohibition wasinstituted, an interesting story has been forgotten amid randomshootings, low-quality substances, stigmatization, police bullets, andcollusion between states and drug traffickers.No. Drugs should not be legalized. You cannot legalize painting orpoetry or caresses. Let's not be ridiculous.The ban must be abolished.The repressive culture that gives rise to prohibition must be abolished.And separate the many at once, spitting on this customary hypocrisy.https://www.cnt.es/noticias/el-remedio/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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