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zondag 1 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #341 - Culture, Read Aurélien Berlan, "Land and freedom, The quest for autonomy against the fantasy of deliverance" (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Almost all of our consumer goods are produced by people reduced to slavelabor and we are devastating the world. It is time to get out of "thesocio-ecological impasse into which we are sinking". Building on thisobservation and questioning the idea of freedom, thephilosopher-gardener Aurélien Berlan reveals an "old aspiration fordeliverance" under the ideal of emancipation as a tearing away fromnature, to which he opposes the quest for material autonomy. andpolitics. ---- From the 17th century, individual freedom based onproperty and the rule of law gradually replaced the collectiveconception of freedom shared until then by most cultures and traditionsof thought. And the partisans of socialism defended a conception offreedom ultimately hardly different from that of the liberals, exceptthat they wanted to achieve it for all. For them too, "Progress is avector of deliverance". Modern emancipation has oriented the quest fordeliverance towards technoscientific paths, diverting the exploited fromthe fight against socio-political problems, showering them with illusorypromises about the "bright future". However, the material livingconditions of the working classes continue to decline.More than being freed from the tasks linked to daily life, the workingclasses, from the German peasants of 1525 to the peoples of the Southtoday, demand "autonomy through self-sufficiency and access to localresources which is the first condition", demand condensed in the slogan:"Land and freedom!» It is this "subsistence perspective", inspired byMaria Mies and Veronika Bennholdt, that the author proposes as "the onlypractical, tested and proven alternative to capitalism, and the bestbasis of inspiration for rethinking our freedom in a world in turmoil. Avery "nourishing" work.Ernest London (UCL Le Puy-en-Velay)Aurélien Berlan, Earth and freedom, The quest for autonomy against thefantasy of deliverance, editions La Lenteur, 2021, 220 pages, 16 euros.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lire-Aurelien-Berlan-Terre-et-liberte-La-quete-d-autonomie-contre-le-fantasme_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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