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zondag 1 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMANY News Journal Update - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Addendum to the discussion on political and wildcat strikes with Duygu Kaya and Attorney Benedikt Hopmann in the Café & Grössenwahn (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The discussion mentioned took place on August 12th, 2023 as part of ourCafé & Grössenwahn. After a short greeting from us, Duygu and Benedikttook over the moderation. ---- Benedikt began by explaining what thesituation is with the German right to strike (see also lecture: "Theright to strike is a human right"), as well as the current status of theprocess against the dismissal of the three Gorillas employees in 2021.---- One of the most discussed topics of the day was the "relationship"of "the radical left" and the trade unions in Germany. A quote from DGBleader Yasmin Fahimi was given as an example of the obviousfragmentation: "But now is not the time for fundamental debates criticalof capitalism." The social partnership policy of the German trade unionsis diametrically opposed to a radical break with the existing capitalistregime. At the same time, the unions are the only socially relevantworkers' organizations. Based on these findings, a controversial debatedeveloped about membership and/or active participation/influence inthese same unions. We cannot present a final result here; none of thosepresent claimed to have the perfect plan in their pockets.In addition to the discussion about union work, those present sharedtheir reasons for taking part in the event, which led to an explanationby Duygu about the actual exploitative conditions of the "guest workers2.0".All in all, it can be said that it was an insightful round that we wouldlike to repeat as part of our Café & Megalomania.We will be continuing our program as part of the "Campaign for acomprehensive right to strike" on October 14th, 2023 and are lookingforward to welcoming you to our Café & Megalomania on the topic "1973 -the year of wildcat strikes in West Germany".We would also like to call on you to do the same as us and either becomepart of the campaign or support it, for example by promoting our events.The campaign can be found here:https://rechtaufstreik.noblogs.org/#ClassStrikehttps://berlin.dieplattform.org/2023/09/20/nachtrag-zur-diskussion-zu-politischen-u-wilden-streiks-mit-duygu-kaya-u-ra-benedikt-hopmann-im-cafe-groessenwahn/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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