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zondag 31 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA News Journal Update - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: Agricultural and food sovereignty - the bluff of Made in Italy. (Part One) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


From October 13 to 15, 2023, in Rome, Coldiretti promoted the nationalmeeting "I am with the farmers", "the best Italian food", and foundedthe Little Italy Village of excellent, typical products. With thecontribution of ENI, Intesa San Paolo, Snam, Terna, Philip MorrisItalia, Ferrovie dello Stato, ENEL, Gruppo Cremonini, McDonald's...which are not small and organic. ---- The "Small is beautiful" fairytale is contradicted by real data: the beef sector has a trade deficitof 3.3 billion, which means that more live fattening animals, fresh andfrozen meat, preparations are imported from Poland, France, Holland andSpain as what we export. Self-catering only covers 42.5% of the market,a market managed by multinational companies such as Inalca (production),Marr (distribution, Cremonini Group), Chef Express and Roadhouse (catering).      Italy imports more agrifood in value terms than it exports: 29.8billion versus 29.4 billion (Source: Ismea 2022); Fish and extra virginolive oil from Spain, live cattle and wheat from France, cheese fromGermany, soybeans from Brazil, with 400,000 fewer farms in 10 years anda decrease in cultivated area of 2.5%, 10% of land subject to fragility:a strange concept of "food sovereignty".     Food supply chains are part of a global food system governed by afew multinational corporations, as in the case of grains: when Syngentyaand Monsanto (now Bayer) have absolute control of the world seed marketwith Corteva Agriscience, Basf, Kws with 58.3%, Archer Daniels Midland(Adm), Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfuss control 90% of world trade andits supply chains: they are able to artificially create the prices ofcorn, soybeans and canola; Under the pretext of the war in Ukraine, theyincreased their profits by 74% in 2022 to 2021, where Ukrainian wheataccounts for only 2% of world exports of 3,000 million tons to 500million tons per year.     The pesticide market is held at 62.3% by Syngentya, Bayern, BASFand Corteva. Supranational companies hold 60.5% of the livestock sector,"Genetic Improvement" (GMO) is in the hands of three multinationalcorporations. The effect of oligopolies and monopoly cartels is toincrease consumer prices and maximize profits.     In economics, if you hold more than 40% of the market, you have amonopoly and convert the efficiency gains through economies of scaleinto profits for the company, which further strengthens itself. On theother hand, the Made in Italy government in Brussels, through theEuropean People's Party, is fighting for new GMOs and against the GreenDeal and the Farm-to-Fork strategy, i.e. H. halving the use ofpesticides by 2030; Italy is the country that imports and consumes themost pesticides in Europe and sixth in the world: 11,500 tons per yearwith 400 different substances.    The agricultural and food system is structurally linked to thecapitalist economic system, whose prices are set on the (private) stockexchanges of Chicago, Paris and Mumbai, whose main shareholders are thefinancial investment funds Black Rock, Vanguard, JP Morgan and StateStreet Corp. are . Capital International Investors: You bet on pricedevelopments without having a purchase contract. These funds alsocontrol seed and agricultural production companies and distributionchains: a gigantic global food monopoly that, by speculating on "crisisand inflation," has reaped $30 billion in dividends in two years at theexpense of farmers and families.     In Italy, the ruler of industrial agriculture is the BonificheFerraresi (BF) holding, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, blessed byColdiretti and Meloni. It owns all major agri-food segments:- Production and sale of seeds, Società Italiana Sementi SpA;- Ownership of agricultural land, Bonifiche Ferraresi and BFagricolturaSpA, the largest in terms of cultivated area of 7,750 hectares inFerrara, Arezzo, Oristano, Grosseto (rice, corn, durum and soft wheat,barley, sugar beet, alfalfa, soy). , vegetables, medicinal plants, fruit).- Drafting supply chain contracts, Filiera bovini Italia srl withColdiretti partnership;- Grain milling systems with Milling Hub SpA;- Product transformation with BF agro-industriale Srl;- Food brands in supermarkets with "The Seasons of Italy";- Consorzi Agrari d'Italia Spa, services and products for agriculturaloperators.- Eurocap Petroli for the sale of fuels for agricultural vehicles (135million sales as of June 30, 2022)As of October 2022, the main shareholders of BF are Aurum Spa ofFederico Vecchioni, former CEO of Confagricoltura, with 20.13%; DompèHolding Srl with 20.04%, a financial company with reference to themultinational pharmaceutical company Dompè; Cariplo Foundation with19.29%; Cdp equity Spa, public investor on behalf of Cassa Depositi ePrestiti - in turn 83% controlled by the Ministry of Economy and 16% bybanking foundations -. BF continues to expand by acquiring cerealproduction companies such as Ghigi 1870 Spa, Bia Spa (couscous), PastaFabianelli Spa in order to have absolute control of the Italian wheatsupply chain.   "the government does not want to disturb those who want to do andcreate wealth", Giorgia Meloni at Villaggio Coldiretti Milan, October2022, first public outing.    Industrial and intensive agriculture and its food supply chain arethe main causes of the loss of biodiversity, the disappearance ofhabitats through monoculture, climate change and the degradation ofecosystems. Of food inequality and access to food. They are a source ofdiseases, of a reduction in life expectancy which affects consumers withpoor health, reduced to the biological capital of the healthcareindustry, whose shareholders are often the same as the agro-industrialsector.Roberto BrioschiThanks to Altreconomia Edizioni and Riccardo Bocci Technical Director"Rete dei Semi Rurali"https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, OCL CA #335 - United States: the reasons for the anger (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Like strikes such as those of screenwriters (WGA) and actors(SAG-AFTRA), recent news is marked by numerous worker movements in theUnited States. ---- This should not surprise us, however, the countryhas been crossed throughout its history by intense struggles where thebourgeoisie has more than once wavered before regaining control, alwayswith brutality and racism. Of course, our national press avoids beinginterested in these subjects as much as possible and prefers to presentthe country from the angle of the American dream or by making fun of theso-called idiocy of its inhabitants.We will briefly present the situation in the country since Covid, basedon local meetings and articles from the American press. Since 2020, thecountry has been marked by the national Black Lives Matter protestmovement and its fierce repression/repression by the Americanbourgeoisie. In the midst of the Covid crisis, discontent has alsolargely focused on the question of salary.During this period, many employees (often the most precarious and unableto work remotely) found themselves unemployed following the liquidationof their companies or massive layoffs by large companies (1).Working conditions in the country are particularly harsh and wages verylow for those paid at or just above the minimum wage. To give somecontext, the federal minimum hourly wage is $7.25 (no increase since2009) and is in effect in many states. No state, even the most"progressive", exceeds $16 per hour. Currently, nearly 30% of workershave an hourly wage of less than $15, while the minimum hourly wage fora decent living is estimated at $25 in 2023, or even more in certainregions.Beginning of the end of Covid, resumption of the struggle by workersSince the Reagan era and the advent of neoliberalism, the number ofstrikes and their importance have decreased constantly until the end ofthe 2010s with on average less than 100,000 strikers per year (2).However, just before Covid, the number of strikers recorded in one yearjumped to almost 500,000 in 2018 and 356,000 in 2019. A trend wastherefore beginning to emerge with a resumption of struggles involving astrike, a mode of action considered extreme by American union bureaucracies.In 2021, when the recovery began and Covid became a less and lessimportant daily subject, spontaneous and sometimes original movementstook place. The "Great Resignation" of 2021 actually corresponds to alonger trend with an increasing number of departures since 2010 (3).Quitting your job has often become the only way to get better pay orbetter working conditions. It is rather the media coverage of thismovement, particularly via social networks, which was able to make animpression and initiate the resumption of this movement after the "Covidbreak".This media coverage also highlighted the "striketober" (Octoberstrikes). Here again, social networks helped to spread the movement andwe can wonder if this has not contributed to the recovery observed todayat the national level. During the striketober, numerous local strikestook place in various sectors: education, caregivers, food workers, etc.During that same year, workers at Amazon and Starbucks began organizingto found the first unions at these two giants.The situation in 2023Since this resumption of the struggle, an Amazon warehouse and more than360 Starbucks coffee shops are now unionized. And this despite thebrutal anti-union fight put in place by these companies. Unions are alsopopular and nearly 70% of Americans support them.However, even if the number of union members increases, the unionizationrate is at its lowest since the early 1980s at only 10.1% in 2022. (4)The situation is therefore still largely in favor of the capitalists inthe workplace struggle. Especially since American law largely disfavorsthe formation of unions and limits the right to strike. However, thestrikes carried out in 2022 and 2023 have often been victories, even ifnot all demands have always been met.This is the case of strikes led by screenwriters and actors. Thesestrikes, particularly difficult and long (146 days for screenwriters!),allowed these workers to obtain significant increases in theirremuneration and secured for their benefit, at least temporarily, theuse of artificial intelligence in their domain. We can also take as anexample the strike of automobile workers which for the moment has madeit possible to obtain, among other things, a salary increase of almost25% over 4 years at Ford and Stellantis.For the most part, these struggles are being waged without nationalcoordination between workers from different sectors. But solidarityinitiatives were put in place: Starbucks workers came to lend theirsupport during the screenwriters' strike pickets, who returned the favorby towing in front of cafes. The future will tell us whether thesevictories, like these solidarity initiatives, will lead to moreorganized actions at the national level (which will then flirt withillegality as American law is strict in this area).A question may come to mind when looking at this situation: how is itthat strikes resumed with such intensity at the end of the 2010s? Andthis while traditional union leadership remains quite cautious aboutthis mode of action?Although several factors can explain this development, we will focus onone in particular: the recovery of union organizations. At a conferencein New York of the Democratic Socialists of the USA (DSA), severalworkers who had actively participated in strikes or unionization came totell their stories. These examples highlight an important point to whichwe will return in conclusion.Take the example of the nurses at Montefiore Medical Center in January 2023(5). These workers won their strike after only 3 days, while theManagers had warned that they would never give in during preliminarynegotiations.According to Michelle Gonzalez (unionist and nurse), this strike wouldnever have taken place a few years ago, when the previous unionleadership was in place.Thus, this flash strike is the result of long work to regain control oftheir union by the workers concerned. The rank and file thus had toreorganize to eject the corrupt union leadership. In this new direction,the union leadership is made up of workers who participated in thismovement to take control and must be held accountable. Michelle thenexplained that this organizational work linked the collective andstrengthened the balance of power during the strike, leading to victory.This process of taking control of the union, which those concerneddescribe as being similar to that of creating a union, also took placein the shadows before most of the major strikes of 2023. This is thecase for the strike of UPS delivery workers or for the ongoing strike ofauto workers (UAW). Among the latter, the corruption cases allowed thebase to regain control and elect Shawn Fain in March 2023, whoimmediately confronted the leaders of the major automobile groups (andalso proudly wore a " Eat the rich" during a video which was then widelyrelayed).These victories can also be explained by the solidarity between new andold workers.To reduce salaries and other benefits, companies hire new employees withnew, less advantageous contracts, while maintaining the benefitsreserved for former employees. This system ("two tier system") has beenwidely denounced and has led to numerous strikes, notably at Kellogg's,John Deere and UPS. Although it has not been abolished, in particularbecause of corrupt union leadership, it remains an example of the factthat workers will not be bought off so easily.ConclusionAs in the rest of the world, Covid was only a very short break forcapitalists. The workers' struggles resumed very quickly. The recentstrikes, widely publicized and supported, will undoubtedly inspire newones. Even if this remains to be put into perspective, the victoriesobtained enlighten us on the procedure to follow: organize in a unitedmanner. Trade unionism has many faults, but it allows us to create acollective, a bond, an essential element in waging the difficultstruggle to put an end to capitalism. The testimonies collected alsoshow us that the first step is to talk with your colleague, yourneighbor or any other person who shares the same difficulties as us. Itis in the exchange between individuals that a united collective can beinitiated, capable of overthrowing the union leadership and forcing theemployers to bend through a continuous and unlimited strike. Finally,Americans are returning to the recipes that have worked in their richhistory of social struggles. Let us hope that soon American workers willorganize across the country and, why not, with their comrades in Franceand elsewhere.QuichemanSources:1https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/25/nations-12-largest-employers-laid-off-thousands-during-the-pandemic.html2https://www.statista.com/chart/19407/number-of-striking-workers-in-the-us-per-year/3https://hbr.org/2022/03/the-great-resignation-didnt-start-with-the-pandemic4https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2023/union-membership-rate-fell-by-0-2-percentage-point-to-10-1-percent-in-2022.htm5https://www.thecity.nyc/2023/01/12/montefiore-mount-sinai-nurse-strike-ends-staffing-ratios/Video recommendations:Interesting Youtube channels covering American news (in English):SomemoreNews, Second thoughtVideo to understand the right to strike in the USA (in English):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ac...Journal of analysis of American news: https://www.jacobin.comTo understand the history of American struggles: "An American People'sHistory" by Howard Zinn (the book is quite long but it's definitelyworth it, listen to it as an audiobook if you know English)http://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article4007_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA #22: "Historia magistra vitae" - "History is the teacher of life". (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


This is a very schematic reduction of a broader Latin phrase (1) whichhas sometimes given rise to mechanistic interpretations, as has happenedamong theorists of socialism and in the history of the Italian andinternational workers' movement. ---- In reality, if in history it ispossible to find the references to comprehensively understand thepresent and to define and update our theoretical, strategic andorganizational identity, it is essential that this research is conductedwith a scientific method as history is a articulated, complex,contradictory and deceptive phenomenon, the superficial or partialconsideration of which can lead to error and mystification, sometimeseven conscious: examples galore, precisely in reference to currentinformation in its broadest sense, for which the system Capitalismcontinues to appear to be the only future prospect, despite the horrorsthat arise from it.In fact, considering the war in its objective extension; considering themigrant masses made up of human beings fleeing war and poverty in searchof better conditions of existence; considering the insensitivity andviolence with which this humanity is rejected, putting their very livesat risk, precisely by the states that boast "the most beautifulconstitutions in the world" which, to deny any right to asylum, set uprefugee camps abroad , as our government believed it could do byagreeing with Albania; considering the environmental destruction andpollution as a consequence of the capitalist management of the territoryfor which the air, water and environment are poisoned and every stormturns into a flood (see lastly the most recent and dramatic events inEmilia Romagna and Tuscany) due to the widespread and lavishlyprofitable cement construction carried out to the detriment ofenvironmental and urban maintenance; considering the decline in thematerial conditions of work, wages, essential social services andtherefore the living conditions of our class; considering the fascist,homophobic, patriarchal and racist resurgences, which weaken to thepoint of nullification historical conquests regarding the rights andprotection of women and all the weakest social components of society,well: all these phenomena constitute the cusp of a widespread andviolent intolerance against everything that is different and that in anycase claims its own autonomy which, even in everyday life, is repressedwith violent and murderous practices, as the resurgence of feminicidesdramatically and bloody demonstrates.In this dramatic setting we find ourselves faced with indisputablefacts, which the widespread sources of information of imperialismskillfully dematerialize into opinions: thus history becomes the "lifeteacher" of capitalism and imperialism themselves and is aimed atperpetrating the their domain.In such a context, the very concept of "people" must be understood inits real interclass meaning, understood in the qualifying andnon-derogatory sense of the term.The people are in fact an entity made up of social and class stratahaving different interests.It is therefore a contradictory entity in that it expresses opposingpower relations which nevertheless define a dominant social result. Inour capitalist system this social result is the bourgeoisie, that is tosay a class that does not produce but retains, accumulates and uses forits own exclusive and particular advantage the social wealth produced byanother internationalized and universal class which is the proletariat.It is not the people in the abstract who create their own state, but itis the dominant bourgeois classes who, in concrete terms, equipthemselves with the economic, legal and political institutions capableof planning and replicating their condition of material and intellectualsupremacy over the entire society.On the other hand, paraphrasing Marx "The ideas of the dominant classare the dominant ideas in every era;[...]. The dominant ideas arenothing other than the ideal expression of the dominant materialrelations,[...]they are therefore the the expression of therelationships that make a class the dominant class, and therefore arethe ideas of its domination".This last consideration, ancient in time but very appropriate tounderstand and counter the lies that are fed to us every day, explainsthe economic and social dynamics through which a historically oppressedpeople can become, in turn, oppressors of other peoples.: This is asocial and class dynamic that characterizes the factions that arebloodily facing each other in Ukraine, Gaza and in all the otherwidespread wars of capital, in the framework of imperialist competitionbetween powers for control of the world market.This last consideration that is too often removed pushes us tore-propose theoretical contributions from exponents historicallyextraneous to the traditional "anarchist milieu", but which neverthelessconstitute fixed points for orienting our action in the present.We refer to the text "The crisis of social democracy"(2) that RosaLuxemburg wrote in prison in April 1915, when the world and humanitywere overwhelmed by the first imperialist world war.A text that recovers older indications, already dating back to thetheorists of socialism and anarchism, updated and re-proposed by R. L.with admirable clarity and which send us back to the present in itsdevastating manifestations: economic crisis; war; increasedexploitation; degradation of work; growing and widespread poverty;marginalization of the weakest strata of society; environmentaldevastation; progressive suppression of historical achievements relatingto individual and collective freedoms and protections; crisis of tradeunionism and representativeness; authoritarian drift of bourgeoisdemocracy; fascist and racist regurgitations, together with thedevastating manifestation of patriarchy and militarism."The future of civilization and humanity depends on whether theproletariat... knows how to throw its revolutionary sword onto thescales... either progress towards socialism or regression intobarbarism... the triumph of imperialism leads to 'annihilation ofcivilization..."(3)These very brief but effective quotations, extrapolated from an overalltext that is over a century old, are still valid today precisely becausethey refer not only to the need, however necessary, to document thehorrors perpetrated by capitalism in its imperialistic dimension andtoday dramatically replicated in current news, but also to the need toevolve from the warning that emerges from these few words and which is aclear strategic indication that anarchist communism has always pickedup: "socialism or barbarism".Barbarism is present around us because "imperialist politics is not thework of one or some states, it is the product of a certain degree ofmaturation in the global development of capital, an internationalphenomenon by definition, an indivisible whole, which can be recognizein all its mutual relationships and from which no single state canescape".(4)Horror is around us, it hits us with all its deadly shock which cannotbe immediately contained: despite the protests and mobilizations againstthe growing environmental devastation; despite the widespread anti-warmobilizations for the desirable requests for an immediate cessation ofthe fighting and the systematic massacre of the population of Gaza bythe Israeli army coming from the streets all over the world, because inevery war the first innocent victims are precisely the populations , andwe don't shoot at civilian populations.But in this desperate setting we also have another task, that ofindicating the ways for the liberation of humanity from the slavery ofcapital, from its wars and its devastation. We know well that the pathsof awareness are the most difficult and for this reason we believe weshould replicate another teaching, which is a very current strategicindication coming from the history of our class (5) and in this sense,for us, "History is the teacher of life":Never in world history is there? was it a task anymore? urgent, more?high, more? noble; its realization must be our common work. No sacrificeand? too great, no burden too heavy to achieve this goal: therestoration of peace among peoples.Workers, mothers and fathers, widows and orphans, wounded and maimed, toall of you who suffer from war and because of war, we cry out: Above allborders, above the battlefields, beyond there? of the countryside andthe cities? devastated:Proletarians of all countries, unite!Note1) The complete phrase turns out to be: "History is in truth a witnessto the times, the light of truth, the life of memory, a teacher of life,a messenger of antiquity". (Cicero, De Oratore, II, 9, 36)2) Rosa Luxemburg: "The crisis of social democracy" in R. L. "ScrittiPolitici", Rome 1970.3) Ibid., op. cit.4) Ibid., op. cit.5) Taken from: "Poster of the Zimmerwald Conference", 5/8 September 1915.Il Cantiere n. 20 ottobre 2023 ilcantiere@autistici.orghttp://alternativalibertaria.fdca.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE BELGIUM BRUSSELS - Classic Concert- Brussels Chopin Days - 20 January 2024 - 20h - News Journal Update


Winner of the Arthur Rubinstein Competition plays F. Chopin

Saturday 20 January: Szymon Nehring

For all information and reservations: info@brusselschopindays.com and/or www.brusselschopindays.com

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL press release: Loi Darmanin, the voice of his master RN (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The "Asylum and Immigration" law, known as the "Darmanin law", waspassed. The government wants people to believe that this text owesnothing to the RN. It's wrong. The RN voted for it but, above all, theRN inspired it. Macron's five-year term marks the victory of the farright: the institutional and legislative validation of its xenophobicfantasies, completely out of step with the reality of immigration. ----Whatever the future of this law, whether it is promulgated as is orwhether its most xenophobic and anti-democratic provisions are set asideby the Constitutional Council, a step has been taken. Jordan Bardellaand Marine Le Pen recognize this with unrestrained pleasure: theadoption of this text is an "ideological victory": end of automatic landlaw, reinstatement of the offense of illegal residence, deprivation ofsocial benefits, automation of OQTF, establishment of migration quotasset by Parliament, tightening of reception, accommodation and studyconditions for all foreigners. François Hollande caused a scandal bymentioning it in 2015, the loss of nationality is now legal, for anyFrench binational guilty of murder of a person holding public authority.This text marks a serious step in the fascistization of French politicallife. It marks the death of the last remnants of the "republican" right,definitively under the control of the National Rally. He is the symbolof a liberal government which has given in to the demands of the farright to remain in power. It demonstrates the ineffectiveness of theparliamentary route alone and of a so-called "republican arc" to defendthe interests of our class via a minority parliamentary left, incapableof counterbalancing this seemingly inexorable march towards a fascistpower. And this is only the beginning, in order to have an agreement thePrime Minister did not hesitate to haggle over the AME, which she plansto reform in January.Worse, republican institutions have proven today that they can serve asa stepping stone for the extreme right in order to strengthen its ideas,whether or not it is in government. The far right does not smooth overthe exercise of power and "normalization", on the contrary it is apoison that contaminates its environment.Faced with this filthy Darmanin law, our only possibility is to lead anintense anti-racist and anti-fascist mobilization, united, popular andunited, at all levels and over the long term. Alongside collectives ofundocumented immigrants, unions, anti-fascist organizations, within theAnti-racism and Solidarity campaign, we will have to fight tirelesslyagainst the march of fascisation and its uninhibited racism. To protectthose we meet daily in our places of work and life from the futureeffects of this law, it will be necessary to build networks ofresistance and concrete solidarity.The extreme right, street or institutional, must be fought everywhere,all the time. Today, more than anything, solidarity is our weaponagainst racism and fascism.Libertarian Communist Union, December 20, 2023.https://unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Loi-Darmanin-la-voix-de-son-maitre-RN_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE BELGIUM BRUSSELS - dewereldmorgen.Magazine Progressieve Media - News Journal Update - Samen Sterk: Een terugblik op 2023 en de beste wensen voor 2024


Beste lezer, medewerker, steungever,  

Jouw betrokkenheid als trouwe lezer, medewerker, en steungever is onze brandstof, de drijvende kracht voor DeWereldMorgen.be.    

Het afgelopen jaar was weer een pittig jaar geweest waar we uitgebreid over hebben bericht. We brachten artikels en interviews die je vaak nergens anders kon lezen: van de zaak Sanda Dia die de schijnwerper zette op klassenjustitie tot de voortdurende oorlog in Oekraïne. En van de strijd tegen de criminalisering van actievoeren met de wet van Quickenborne tot de protesten tegen de franchisering bij Delhaize en de genocide in Gaza.  

Dankzij jouw steun blijven we deze onderbelichte en cruciale perspectieven brengen.  We danken ook al de geweldige medewerkers die DeWereldMorgen kleur geven met hun blogs, opinies, artikelen, video's en vertalingen! Jullie onmisbare bijdragen zijn het kloppende hart van DeWereldMorgen.

We hopen dat je ook het komende jaar betrokken blijft als medewerker, lezer en steungever.   

2024 staat voor de deur. En wij staan te trappelen om samen met jou dit nieuwe jaar te betreden en met hernieuwde energie te strijden voor een solidaire en rechtvaardige wereld.    

Met enthousiaste groeten,  

Het volledige team van DeWereldMorgen.be    

Helenka, Jeroen, Keltoum, Lode, Marc en Seppe 

PS: Onze website is toe aan vernieuwing. Help jij mee om dit mogelijk te maken? Klik hier

Uw Top 20 van 2023: Iran, Sanda Dia, Palestina, N-VA, BRICS, sociale strijd, depressiepandemie

Tweemaal Iran, viermaal Sanda Dia waren dé topartikels van 2023. Daarnaast ook dit jaar veel belangstelling voor wat in het buitenland gebeurt en voor de sociale strijd in eigen land, met context en geschiedenis. Lees meer

De 10 meest bekeken video’s van 2023: Pepinster, Paul Goossens, Delhaize, Palestina en zoveel meer

Twee jaar na de ramp in de Vesdervallei is jullie belangstelling voor de slachtoffers nog even groot. Jullie keken ook talrijk naar Paul Goossens, 10 jaar Rana Plaza, Palestina (reeds voor de genocide), Paul Verhaeghe, Griekenland, Noam Chomsky, Delhaize, de zorgsector, het openbaar vervoer en het Vlaams stikstofplan.  Lees meer

De hel op aarde in de 21ste eeuw, dit zijn onze 10 meest gelezen artikels over Gaza van 2023

Onze meeste artikels over Gaza vallen tevens onder de rubriek 'mediakritiek'. De vooringenomenheid van onze media over het verzet van het Palestijnse volk tegen 75 jaar repressie, kolonisatie en apartheid, lang voor 7 oktober, misleidt de publieke opinie niet langer. Beelden van een genocide zijn immers moeilijk nog te framen als 'recht op verdediging van een bezetter'.  Lees meer

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