What is the strength? ---- In everyday life, we all know well how
important friendship and mutual assistance are. But, unfortunately, thisunderstanding often does not go beyond personal relationships and doesnot extend to the public sphere. It's no secret that Russian society isdeeply atomized, split into small groups of friends and relatives, oftenunable to unite with each other and solve common problems. Meanwhile,this ability for collective action largely determines the vector ofdevelopment along which society moves. This is very well illustrated bythe news that came this week. We are talking about the confrontationbetween Swedish workers and the American company Tesla.This company is known for its widespread failure to respect the laborrights of its workers. The head of the company, Elon Musk, hasrepeatedly stated that he opposes trade union activities and generallyprohibits "his" workers from joining trade unions.In Sweden, this approach to people was considered unacceptable. TheSwedish inter-industry trade union IF Metall demanded that Tesla workersconclude a collective labor agreement and, after the company's refusal,organized a large-scale strike, which was joined by many Swedish tradeunions, effectively paralyzing Tesla's activities in the country.Service center mechanics, electricians, dock workers, postal serviceemployees and many other workers in the auto delivery, sales, repair andmaintenance system refused to work for Tesla until a collectivebargaining agreement was signed.The corporation's management reacted violently. In addition to emotionalstatements addressed to trade unions, Elon Musk even filed a lawsuitagainst the Swedish authorities represented by the country's TransportAdministration (lost, according to a preliminary decision).Among other things, Musk decided to implement a cunning plan: Teslatried to enter Sweden "from the other side" - to deliver cars to Danishports and then deliver them to Sweden using Danish transport companies.Having learned about this, the IF Metall trade union did not sit idlyby, but asked the largest Danish inter-industry trade union, 3FTransport, for help. The Danes immediately showed solidarity with theirSwedish colleagues and supported the union: "We will intervene and putfurther pressure on Tesla. We naturally hope that they will sit down atthe negotiating table and sign an agreement as soon as possible.""Danish dock workers and drivers will not accept or transport Tesla carsheading to Sweden. Even if you are one of the richest people in theworld, you can't just make your own rules. There are certain agreementsin the Scandinavian labor market and you must comply with them if youwant to do business here," the Danish union said in a statement.This story shows that in countries where people are capable ofcollective struggle, various bosses from business to government havemuch less opportunity to push through society and force thousands andmillions of people to live according to their orders. Unfortunately, asnoted above, things in Russia are very bad with this, and theauthorities and business everywhere take advantage of this.This week it became known that 1.3 thousand employees quit the formerVolkswagen automobile plant in Kaluga, and the new management isactually dismantling the plant itself piece by piece.?In May 2023, the Volkswagen plant in Kaluga was bought by the Russianauto trading company Avilon. However, she was unable to restart theplant. Not knowing what to do with the plant, the company keeps itsemployees idle. In the summer, they began to say that the enterprisewould be retrained for wood processing, but the authorities denied therumors and promised to restart the plant by the end of 2023. As usual,they got away with nothing but promises. The plant is idle untilFebruary 29, 2024.Gradually, the plant began to get rid of employees, forcing them toresign on their own, so as not to pay them compensation in the amount of8 to 10 salaries.The interregional trade union "Workers' Association" (abbreviated asMPRA) spoke about methods of squeezing out "unnecessary" plantemployees: canceling the delivery of workers by transport, mandatory"sitting through" downtime at the plant and, ultimately, reducingpayment for downtime.As a result, about 1.3 thousand people left the former Volkswagen plantout of 3.7 thousand remaining by October 1.There are another 500 "unnecessary" employees in line - they are alsobeing "processed" so that people quit "of their own free will."According to the workers, the new owners are simply destroying theplant: "In addition, the paint shop is used as a covered parking lot forcars made in China. But the body shop is still being "cleaned out" forparking of Chinese-assembled cars. Grinders mercilessly cut weldingstations and sell them for scrap. That is, jobs, equipment andtechnologies inherited from Volkswagen are being destroyed."Representatives of the MPRA trade union contacted the stateinspectorate, but they received only replies. The union is currentlyworking on the issue of a collective lawsuit in court. We can only wishthem to win this trial, but the problem is that the collapse of theautomotive industry in Russia is by no means the result only of theactivities of companies such as Avilon. This is the result of governmentpolicy.Import substitution is a fairy tale for idiots, because you cannotsuddenly suddenly start developing your own industry after the cockpecks in the ass and foreign automakers leave your country. Realdevelopment requires a long and consistent policy. Meanwhile, in 2022,the training of mid-level specialists in the field of mechanicalengineering was stopped in 14 regions of Russia, and in 2023, thetraining of such specialists was completely stopped by another 7 regionsof the country. That is, there is no talk of any development, and thecriminal war with Ukraine, because of which foreign car factories wereclosed in Russia, is part of the general degradation.Can you imagine Sweden starting a war against Denmark? Now we can seehow the Swedes and the Danes together have bent international capital inthe person of Elon Musk. In their countries, politicians who, under thesauce of pseudo-patriotism and pseudo-greatness, would propose to sowhatred and destruction all around, would simply not have a chance ofsuccess. And they would not have it precisely because society thereneeds the most traditional values: friendship, mutual assistance andcollective struggle with those who encroach on common interests.What can you teach children?The ability for collective action in a society cannot arise overnight.The tradition of uniting and fighting has been nurtured for generations.This is proven by the oil workers of Western Kazakhstan. In theMangystau region, oil industry workers constantly resist thearbitrariness of their bosses.This week, December 16-17, will be the next anniversary of the tragedyin Zhanaozen. Then, on December 16, 2011, a strike by Ozenmunaigasworkers resulted in clashes with police. 15 people were killed by thepolice, hundreds were injured and arrested, and many detainees weretortured. The next day, in the village of Shetpe, another person died inclashes with police. On March 27, 2012, a trial began in Aktau oncharges of 37 people participating in the riots. The verdict wasannounced on June 4-5, 2012. 13 defendants were sentenced toimprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years, 21 defendants were sentenced toa suspended sentence or to punishment with simultaneous amnesty, threedefendants were acquitted. Three more people received prison sentencesby the decision of the regional court.These tragic events were preceded by a long series of strikes byemployees of subsidiaries of the state oil and gas company KazMunaiGas(Karazhanbasmunai and Ozenmunaigas), which had been going on since 2008.Since 2010, a labor conflict dragged on at the Karazhanbasmunai oilcompany, during which a fairly large group of workers began to demandimproved working conditions and higher pay.The strikes initially took place on the territory of the Karazhanbasfield in the Aktau region from May 17, and from May 26 they were joinedby workers of the Ozenmunaigas production branch in the Zhanaozenregion. In the Aktau region, more than 700 workers have been on strikesince May 17, and the company has lost $1.6 million in probable revenuein ten days. From the first day, 1.5 thousand oil workers were drawninto the strike in Zhanaozen.On June 2, in Aktau, a mass action of strikers took place on the squarein front of the akimat of the Mangistau region, during which theyunsuccessfully tried to meet with the akim Krymbek Kusherbayev to conveyto him an appeal to the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev.Since the strikes began, several hundred protesting workers have beenfired from the oil and gas industry. In addition, striking workers wereconstantly subjected to attacks, which, of course, were not investigatedby the police.On January 30 and February 15, 2011, the deputy head of the trade unionof the Karazhanbas Workers' Union, Aslanbek Aidarbaev, was beaten andarmed threats, and his house was set on fire by unknown persons on thenight of May 19-20.On August 2, trade union activist Zhaksylyk Turbaev was found murderedin Zhanaozen, and on August 24, the body of the daughter of the chairmanof the trade union committee of the workers of the Ozenmunaigas company,Kudaibergen Karabalayev, who had disappeared the day before, wasdiscovered. However, representatives of the Department of InternalAffairs of the Mangystau region stated that there was no connectionbetween the murders that occurred and the strike.The government of Kazakhstan did not react in any way to the demands ofthe striking oil workers for 7 months. In the end, it all ended intragedy. But is it over?Despite state repression, the workers continued to fight. It especiallyintensified during the Kazakh uprising against the authorities inJanuary 2022 and after these events.And this week the news came again. ?In Zhetybai, oil workers fromWestOilSoftware LLP went on strike.For more than a year now, workers have been demanding equal rights andwages with oil workers of the national company KazMunayGas - people wantto receive the same wages for the same amount of work performed.According to the workers, on the meager wages they receive, they cannotlive normally, only somehow exist.All the demands of the oil workers remained unheeded by management andauthorities. Therefore, the workers created a conciliation commissionand filed a notice of intent to begin a completely legal strike."We, WestOil workers in the Mangistau region, previously put forward ourdemands within the framework of the law, which were not met. Due to thefailure to comply with these demands, we, using our constitutionalright, took extreme measures, in particular, on December 11, we took tothe streets," a representative of the workers said on social networks.The workers actually took to the streets. Literally the entire WestOilcompany went on strike - 530 people. Even the special forces, which werebrought in to suppress the protest, could not disperse such a meeting ofworkers. The special forces were unable to intimidate the oil workerseither with outright threats or physical force, so the strike continued.The special forces were forced to leave.The authorities are trying to suppress the peaceful legal protest ofworkers by other methods. To begin with, more than 30 oil workers weresummoned to court and investigative authorities. But in the end, almostall the assembled workers were tried in absentia, in which the localdeputy akim (mayor) played the role of judge. The trial opened at nightin order to declare the strike illegal as soon as possible, justifyingthis by the fact that "the Zhetybay Department of TechnologicalTransport of West Oil Software LLP is a dangerous production facility,the suspension of activities of which is associated with severe anddangerous consequences." As a result, 470 oil workers were convicted.Now their relatives are being pressured to force the workers to leavethe meeting. But the strike continues.The workers were forbidden to set up tents, but they do not leave, eventhough they have to stand in the cold. Almost all residents of Zhetybayfully support the strikers and bring them food and warm tea, and inaddition, they go to the local akimat (mayor's office) with statementsthat the workers' demands must be met. In addition, the strikers weresupported by workers of other oil companies in the Magnistau region.They recorded video messages in support of the strikers.However, the authorities do not want to give in to the workers. Thechairman of the board of KazMunayGas flew from Astana to "negotiations"with oil workers in Zhetybay to report that the strikers would neverhave equal rights and salaries with KazMunayGas workers. This causedindignation among the workers, the "negotiations", of course, failed,and the strike continues.More than 10 years have passed between the tragic events in Zhanaozenand the current strike of oil workers. The authorities still do not wantto make concessions, they still strive to recognize the workers' protestas illegal and disperse it with the help of special forces. But theworkers also keep their traditions. Those who were still children orteenagers in 2011 are already participating in the current strike. Thisis a connection between generations of workers. Without it, society willbe absolutely powerless against the arbitrariness of capital and thestate. Without her, the Danes and Swedes could not have defeated ElonMusk. If we want the same thing to happen here, then "grandfathers wenton strike" should replace "grandfathers fought." Otherwise, imaginarygreatness will never be replaced by real strength.Well that's all for today! We remind you that in Trends in Order andChaos, members of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchistassessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud andother platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our e-mailnewsletter!https://avtonom.org/news/tradicionnye-cennosti-trendy-poryadka-i-haosa-epizod-136_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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