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zaterdag 30 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, CNT-AIT, #184 - What is Esperanto used for? A concrete example (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Esperanto is an international language, which was "invented" more than120 years ago. Requiring a short learning period2 to be usable,Esperanto is thus presented as an effective and economically fairsolution to the problem of communication between people with differentmother tongues. It also aims to break down linguistic barriers, promotecommunication across physical or cultural borders and thus promote peaceby allowing dialogue. ---- Often when we say that we are learningEsperanto, we are met with the response "but what's the point of that?"And then anyway, there is English!» Certainly, today English iseverywhere... But the global diffusion of English is a sign of thecultural imperialism of capitalism, and particularly of Anglo-Saxoncapitalism. It is not a "neutral" language in cultural or political terms.Esperanto therefore allows us to dialogue with people who share with usthe hope of a fraternal world, rid of capitalism and its dominantideology, which crushes all diversity (started with linguisticdiversity) while claiming to "protect the identities", but which is infact only the promotion of the narrowest nationalism.I would like to give a concrete illustration of the concrete usefulnessof this universal language utopia that is Esperanto. On October 8, wedrafted a text "Stop the barbarity" condemning the terrorist attacks ofHamas and also the blind vengeance of the Israeli army which was goingto fall on the civilians of Gaza. This text was translated intoEsperanto by an Internet user who posted it on his site(http://neniammilitointerni.over-blog.com), thus giving it internationaldistribution. Based on this Esperanto version, an Esperanto anarchistfrom Great Britain translated it into English, the companions of theRussian section of the AIT translated it into Russian, other peopletranslated it into German and it was even translated into Chinese!!!The text in Esperanto was the editorial of our information sheet in thislanguage "informa bulteno". We sent it to Esperantists around the world,including those at the "Zamenhof" Institute in Togo, Africa, whoresponded to circulate it among their students.This is what Esperanto is for: to facilitate exchanges, communication,for Peace and Humanity.So if you too want to start learning Esperanto, there is probably anEsperanto group far from you. There are also many websites to help youlearn it, which is very easy.If you would like to receive our Esperantist newsletter, and even whynot contribute to it, whether you are an experienced Esperantist or asimple beginner, do not hesitate to contact us by writing to thenewspaper or by sending us an email at contact at cnt-ait. info/http://cntaittoulouse.lautre.net/spip.php?article1376_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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