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vrijdag 29 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE THE NETHERLANDS News Journal Update - (en) Nederland, vrijebond:[Zeist]Noise demonstration against Camp Zeist (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Friday, December 22, 4 p.m. noise demo against Camp Zeist! Near

Soesterberg (address: Richelleweg 13) is the Judicial Complex Zeist,including the "Closed Family Facility". ---- Noise demo against KampZeist December 22: no camps or prisons anywhere! ---- In the ZeistJudicial Institution, families with children are locked up and deported,in addition to a section for other prisoners. The Dutch state has beenparticipating in oppressive international border politics for years. Inthese inhumane practices, collaboration with the prison system isevident. For the people inside and near Camp Zeist, there will be anoise demo on December 22 at 4 p.m.! Because we will never all be freeas long as prisons like Camp Zeist exist.An escape in search of a better life, forbidden ways to put bread on thetable, or resistance against the system; you can be punished for that.In this society, punishments hang over our heads as a threat so that weparticipate in the system in the desired way. The state locks people upin isolation. We can break this insulation. All kinds of names areinvented for types of prisons and detainees: penitentiary, detentioncenter, closed family facility, remand center... ultimately they are allplaces where people are controlled and locked up. The story that peopleare here because they are guilty, that they are therefore beingre-educated and thus helped to participate in society is misleading:Recidivism (that people do something illegal again) remains high becauselocking people up is not providing assistance. What guilty legally meanshas been created by those in power: and even if we too see these actionsas bad, incarceration does not eliminate the social, economic, or otherreasons people did it. From their very existence, prisons have not served our security: prisonpunishes poverty, strengthens state power and further destroys people invulnerable positions. Money is made from the prison system: through theexploitation of prisoners, through public-private contracts and allkinds of companies that together benefit from the system on the backs ofothers. In the case of the detention center, false talk from politiciansalso maintains the detention. But no person is illegal!What we need is a better society where people help each other, whereeveryone's basic needs are met and all prisons are razed to the ground!Against confinement and control! Down with state and capitalism!https://www.vrijebond.org/lawaaidemo-tegen-kamp-zeist/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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