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vrijdag 29 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE US News Journal Update - (en) US, BRRN: After the Social Explosion: An Interview with the Anarchist Federation of Santiago[Chile](ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


In 2019, significant segments of the dominated classes of Chile gaveshape to what is now known as the "social explosion", a popular uprisingof national proportions. The social explosion produced a profoundpolitical crisis which forced the resignation of then presidentSebastián Piñera and initiated a process which sought to overturn andrewrite the country's dictatorship era constitution. ---- In thisinterview with Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation (BRRN),members of the Santiago Anarchist Federation (FAS) offer a number ofcriticisms and alternative proposals to the constitutional assemblyprocess. Members of the FAS also speak to the role played by both theleft and institutional forces, as well as factors that have contributedto the rise of far right and neo-fascist elements in Chilean society.This interview was conducted and translated by the Black Rose / RosaNegra - International Relations Committee (IRC). Español abajo.Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN): FAS has put out a number of critiques ofthe constituent assembly process, but also offered alternative proposalson how to move forward after the 2019 uprising. What criticisms did theFAS put out and what alternatives did it offer?Anarchist Federation of Santiago (FAS): Our criticisms can be classifiedin both form and content. In the first place, our critique had to dowith the political accord that gave rise to the process, which was ledby the most diverse sectors of institutional politics, ranging from thetraditional right to progressivism headed up by Boric. This accord wasdeveloped while street mobilizations remained relentless, and whileState terrorism was dramatically felt. In fact, on November 15, the dayin which the negotiations of the political parties were sealed, givingrise to the "Agreement for Social Peace and a New Constitution", AbelAcuña died in Santiago, through brutal police repression, making itclear that the peace of the bourgeoisie was the death of the peoples instruggle.Secondly, as anarchists we believe that advances in the demands that areachieved must be within the framework of direct action. Therefore, fromthe first moment we warned that this constituent process was a politicalsolution of the ruling class to crush the popular movement andinstitutionalize the conflict, replacing the class struggle withdemocratic dialogue, thus seeking to give oxygen to a weakenedinstitutionality. From this standpoint, we prefer to characterize theabove as a "Restoration Process", which aims to restore legitimacy tothe state apparatus by updating the limits of domination. We have beenclear in pointing out that the original issues of the class strugglecannot be resolved in a legal-institutional framework, hence, the taskof the process was to beautify and soften the social contract thatoppresses us.Regarding our alternatives, at that time we proposed four tasks:Contribute toward building the revolutionary self-management power ofcommunities.Contribute toward the united construction of a statement on communitiesin struggle.Develop a self-defense policy for the territories.Contribute to strengthening a new popular subjectivity.Through these tasks, we saw the possibility of resisting theinstitutional co-optation of the social revolt and extend what wasachieved in those moments beyond the situation itself. In order not toelaborate in a tedious way, I invite you to review our web page, whereyou can find the booklet "Proceso Restituyente", which goes into moredepth on what has been expressed here.FAS graffiti: "The electoral route failed. The only path: memory,struggle, and organization"BRRN: What is FAS' assessment of the results of the recent election ofthe constitutional council?FAS: Given the failure of the first constituent process, which had aconstitutional body dominated by social democratic progressivism, thepolitical parties insisted on a new constitution, and therefore, a newbody was elected, but this time the absolute majority has been obtainedby the extreme right, particularly the Republican Party, led by JoséAntonio Kast, who represent the ideas of Pinochetism, neoliberalism,conservatism, nationalism, and a long list of nefarious positions.This result is not surprising, especially for two reasons. The first isrelated to the fact that the extreme right was the only political sectorwithin the institutional apparatus that had a position againstinitiating this new process, an issue that represents, in general terms,public opinion, which is totally fatigued by the constant elections thathave taken place and the lack of concrete improvements in its day-to-daylife. Therefore, in view of the generalized apathy about the process,the institutional sector that is most critical of it, benefitedelectorally. The second reason has to do with the fact that after thesocial revolt and its transformational drive, the discourse of orderbegan to position itself, and from there a conservative restoration hasbeen launched. This agenda is precisely the core of the program of theextreme right, where we find proposals such as giving huge powers to thepolice, dehumanizing migrants while blaming them as the origin of crimeand drug trafficking, and building an authoritarian regime as a solutionto all the problems afflicting the population. Unfortunately, this hasbeen echoed by the population, since, in the ideological battle, theextreme right has gained considerable ground.BRRN: What is FAS' analysis of the current situation based on the recentconstitutional process and how the extreme right wing controlled thedrafting of the new proposal?FAS: The new constitutional proposal emanates from the extreme right,and as such, represents a major setback in several areas. Those threatscannot be confronted with suffrage. Democracy and its tools arecompletely ineffective as a way to destroy neo-fascism. Therefore, weare invested in popular struggle and organization as the only effectiveinstruments against the project of pinochetism.Social democracy will make a call to the polls, and according topreliminary measurements, it is possible that the constitution of theextreme right will be rejected. But beyond that, an electoral processwill not corner the reactionary agenda, communities developing popularpower will. Therefore, our organization believes that our energiesshould be concentrated in strengthening social organizations, indeepening the commitment to Community Management (a concept discussedbelow), and developing tools that allow us to advance in the ideologicalstruggle.Finally, on our website and social networks, you can find our "OpinionLetters", where we are constantly offering analysis of the currentsituation and organizational proposals for struggle. There you will findfurther material on characterizing the constitutional process inparticular, and the situation in general.BRRN: Have your proposals changed at all since the plebiscite took place?FAS: The proposals we elaborated at the end of 2019 and the beginning of2020, rather than changing, today unfold in a completely differentterrain. Therefore, their content remains in force, but the mechanismswe use to carry them out have certainly been modified.But we would also like to mention a proposal that began to be elaboratedin the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and its catastrophic effects onpopular sectors. This proposal is "Community Management", which aims tobe a prefigurative alternative for the oppressed class in the face ofthe false dichotomy between State and Market. During the constitutionalprocess and the pandemic, a debate arose regarding the public-statedimension of the economy and in the management of social services,pointing toward social democracy, and that there would be a guarantee ofaccess and better living conditions for the popular classes. For ourorganization, this is an illusion, due to the fact that the old "WelfareState" makes no sense in the current crisis, and this would depend onexacerbating the pattern of capitalist accumulation, which translatesinto the plundering of our territories and the deepening ofexploitation. In short, our lives would become even more precarious. From the above diagnosis, we have positioned "Community Management" asa tool that allows social organizations to assume greater responsibilityfor their social and environmental circumstances, in order to advanceterritorial control. For a deeper understanding of this idea, we haveavailable on our website, the booklet entitled "Community Management",which is a first draft of the proposal. We hope to publish an update ofthis perspective soon.FAS graffiti: "Strengthen popular protagonism"BRRN: What has been the relationship between the Chilean left and theinstitutional apparatus throughout the different phases of the SocialRevolt, both during and after?FAS: The Chilean left has historically been conservative in itspolitical positions, hence its most radical expression was thegovernment of Salvador Allende, a political project that sought theimplementation of socialism while respecting the margins of bourgeoisinstitutionality, renouncing the armed path in the midst of the "ColdWar", and we already know how that ended.For this reason, the historical project of the local left has neverproposed a total rupture with the capitalist order, and they stick to adevelopmentalist project. In line with this, the Chilean left tried tohinder the development and impact of the Social Revolt, with a strategyof institutionalization, which promised profound changes at political,economic, social and environmental levels, in exchange for all thediscontent expressed in protests, territorial assemblies, and variousforms of struggle and organization, to be channeled into electoralism.In this context, they became part of the November 15 agreement thatinitiated the constitutional process, and subsequently raised thepresidential candidacy of Gabriel Boric.Once Boric won the presidential election, all those promises vanished,giving way to one of the most nefarious governments in living memory.This government arrived talking about the Wallmapu and restitution oflands to the Mapuche people, but a few weeks later, the called ancestralterritory "Macro South Zone" in a clear military discourse and they havemilitarized it, an issue that continues to this day, and no governmenthas ever used it as intensely and constantly as the current one, wherethere have been more than 500 days of deployment of army and navy troopsin the Mapuche territory. On the other hand, this government declareditself to be ecological, but shortly after taking power theyenthusiastically collaborated with the deepening of extractivism in ourterritories, going to look for investors from Canada, China and the USA,so that they could destroy our ecosystems. Finally, this governmentpromised to put an end to the terrorist institution of carabineros, "lospacos", militarized police that have historically murdered the oppressedclass with impunity. Instead, it has given them more powers andresources than the Pinochet dictatorship itself, guaranteeing theircontinuity and impunity.For this reason we want to warn: reformism, social democracy andprogressivism are enemies of the emancipation of the oppressed class, nomatter how much they dress themselves in critical, radical andtransformational garb. They are representatives of the historicalproject of the ruling class. Neither Boric, nor Sanders, nor any ofthese timid ones are part of our struggle.BRRN: How does neo-fascism present itself in Chile? What are itsdominant characteristics? How does it align with the agenda of theruling classes in the Chilean national context?FAS: We want to start by saying that it is tremendously necessary todefine what we mean by "neo-fascism" and not only on a local scale, butglobally. The movements, groups, parties and leaders to whom we givethis nickname do not necessarily correspond to that historical fascismof the 20th century, which aspired to corporatism and had strongworkerist components. Therefore, defining what is "neo" and what isfascist in this phenomenon is fundamental for crafting a correct tactic,which will allow us to crush them on all fronts. For the time being, webelieve that we are up to this task, and it is urgent that  anarchismand the revolutionary movement more broadly stresses these categoriesfor a correct reading of the period.However, we can point out some of the characteristics of the above inour territories, since nationalist, xenophobic, racist, sexist, andauthoritarian positions have been strengthened. Now, in the territorydominated by the State of Chile, there is no clear organic referent ofneo-fascism, that is to say, an organization that groups, directs, andrepresents in a clear and mass level way its death project, a matterthat could change in the short term, since at a subjective level itsideas have gained significant ground in the popular sectors, where itsslogans, especially the racist and xenophobic ones, are quicklyincorporated in the middle and lower strata of the population. Thisneo-fascism that is being incubated comes to the fore in actions such asthe eviction of Mapuche community members from the municipality ofCuracautin in 2020, and the burning of migrant camps in Iquique in 2021.Racist and xenophobic speeches encouraged both of these events respectively.Although neo-fascism does not have a clear referent at the politicallevel, today the Republican Party is the one who, at the institutionallevel, represents its agenda the most. This has been able to take shapeat the constitutional level, because this party has controlled theprocess, some constitutional articles have embodied the fascist project,especially around migrants, which establishes their immediate expulsionin case of entering the territory dominated by the Chilean State in anirregular manner, putting at serious risk the international law onpolitical refugees, and equal access to a fair trial. Also, inconstitutional matters, they have rolled back the right to abortion onthree grounds, preventing the free choice of those who get pregnant, anissue that was already extremely limited in this territory. Therefore,the institutionality of the ruling class has been totally permeated bythe ideas and anti-values of the new and old fascists.https://blackrosefed.org/after-the-social-explosion-fas-interview/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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