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woensdag 3 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE CZECH News Journal Update - (en) Czech, AFED: Comment by Belarusian anarchists on how Putin's friend Orbán started hunting anti-fascists in the EU (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 For twenty years, the neo-Nazi group Blood&Honor has been calling

thousands of neo-Nazis from all over Europe to the "Day of Honor", ademonstrative event that takes place every February 11 in Hungary. Thepretext of one of the largest international neo-Nazi meetings in theworld is a reminder of the event when Hitler's soldiers, together withtheir Hungarian allies, tried to break out of Budapest surrounded bySoviet troops and return to Nazi Germany. Of the 28,000 soldiers of theWehrmacht, the SS and the Hungarian allies, only a few hundred made itthrough. Most of the Nazis were then killed or captured by the Red Army.Now the neo-Nazis organize an annual 60-kilometer march from Budapest tothe breakthrough lines, commemorating the SS veterans who died in WorldWar II with sad faces.The far-right Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán does not particularlyinterfere in the march and, according to some sources, even directlyhelps far-right groups in rewriting history. The organization thatofficially organizes the march received about 2,700 euros from theHungarian Ministry of Human Resources, and the organizers themselvesfilmed several documentaries for Hungarian state channels, including oneabout the glory of Hungarian soldiers in World War II.For several years, Hungarian anti-fascists have been calling forinternational support in the fight against neo-Nazis, many of whom arecoming to Budapest from Germany and Austria. In 2023, activists fromGermany, Italy and many other countries responded to the call to standup to the Nazis. As a result of several skirmishes before the march,Hungarian law enforcement authorities opened criminal proceedings,including accusations of participation in an international organizedcrime group against... anti-fascists. Some were arrested on the spot andan international manhunt was announced for some anti-fascists. Now twoanti-fascists from Germany and Italy are in pre-trial detention inBudapest. There are more than a dozen people on the wanted list.At the request of the Hungarian party, two more anti-fascists weredetained in Italy, where fascist Prime Minister Meloni rules, and inGermany, who are awaiting extradition to Hungary, where they face up to15 years in prison.It is clear that the conservative Hungarian government is using theofficial international structures to fight against the opponents offascism, which with the support of the Putin regime is gaining more andmore power. Viktor Orbán's blocking of a large aid package to Ukraine isonly the tip of the iceberg. The fight of Orbán's far-right Fidesz partyagainst anti-fascists is part of the suppression of ideologicalresistance against everything that Orbán is promoting in the EU with thesupport of Moscow and other reactionary forces. And today we see thatthis struggle is no longer limited to the borders of Hungary. Anarchistsand anti-authoritarians from Belarus/Ukraine/Russia, even in exile, mustremain vigilant and remember that in Europe today there are a hugenumber of different forces supporting the imperial ambitions of theKremlin and openly sympathizing with the ideology of fascism.You can support the detained anti-fascists through the BudapestSolidarity group.Source:https://pramen.io/ru/2023/12/kak-drug-putina-nachal-ohotu-na-antifashistov-v-es/https://www.afed.cz/text/8076/vrana-k-vrane_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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