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woensdag 3 januari 2024

WORLDWIDE WORLD FRANCE CATALONIA News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #344 - International, Catalonia: Solidarity with self-managed spaces in danger (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


We reproduce here, translated from Catalan, a text from the Embatcollective, a Catalan libertarian organization active in the strugglesof residents at the neighborhood level, on the union front and also inthe Catalan self-determination movement. ----- From EMBAT we stand insolidarity and give all our support to the struggle and work of anyself-managed space, but today we want to highlight those who, duringthis month of November, are threatened and attacked by the countlessactions carried out. by different representatives and hitmen of capitalwithin the neoliberal model.As libertarians, we recognize these spaces as another key tool and aliving nest of new opportunities to achieve the construction of popularempowerment that we defend. The one who must enable action and unitepeoples in all their diversity and richness, in order to make possiblethe construction and common realization of a revolutionary socialalternative, based on principles such as integral development, the fightagainst everything type of domination and oppression. , solidarity,mutual support, self-management and decentralization of power, among others."We have the keys to every house"embat.infoSpaces such as L'Obrera de Sabadell, La Taràntula, La Kasa Estudi, laRuina, but also many others that are born and grow in our neighborhoodsand on the margins of capitalist society, are refuges and fertile wombswhere the people power has power. the opportunity to develop and alsotranscend individual struggle and resistance; pooling lives, needs,interests, voices and struggles to nourish and mature through thediversity of individual and collective subjects, which are at the sametime crossed by their innumerable intersections.It is from this complex and heterogeneous reality, and from the capacitythat we all have, to weave together solid meeting points, but also tobridge and overcome our differences, that a new type of power mustcontinue to germinate, grow and form - if A power that avoids fallinginto the hands of a few because of simplifications and homogenizations,flat speeches and the fear of not being able to face such a difficulttask, but at the same time if necessary.Praxis and camaraderieIt is only from experience and careful thought, from balancing practiceand theory, from trial and error and true camaraderie - where one musttry to make whatever is possible to say and debate, and wheredifferences are not synonymous with weakness and fragmentation, but withstrength and progress we can achieve the goal we so desire; a trueliberation of all and for all.SO; If you know of a self-managed space in your neighborhood, if youfeel that there is something that does not suit you or if you have aneed or interest that the system does not seem to solve, we encourageyou to approach it and to take a profitable step that can allow you tolive and build an alternative reality and change while working hand inhand with your community.For popular empowerment, against all domination and in favor ofself-management based on libertarian principles.EmbatSource: Solidaritat amb els espais autogestionats en perill, Embat.info,November 12, 2023.https://embat.info/solidaritat-amb-els-espais-autogestionats-en-perill/https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Catalogne-Solidarite-avec-les-espaces-autogeres-en-danger_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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