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woensdag 3 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA #22: WHEN NATO BOMBED SERBIA - WAR POISONS, PROFITS AND LIES - Marilina Veca (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Twenty-four years have passed since the beginning of NATO's bombing and

savage aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. ---- NATOunleashed that savage aggression - in which Italy took an active part bysending its fighter-bombers - causing the death of over 500 civilianskilled "outright" in addition to the thousands of deaths that were addedover the course of 78 days of bombings and in the following days,months, years, considering the military victims, and all the civilianskilled, kidnapped, destined for organ trafficking in Kosovo and Metohijaby the KLA terrorists under the "distracted" eyes of the multinationalforces of KFOR; also considering the deaths that continue to be added tothe list even today since the war unleashed by NATO with depleteduranium projectiles was also a chemical and bacteriological war - justthink of the destruction of the vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) tanks ofpetrochemical plant in Pan?evo - causing a very high increase in tumorpathologies in the civilian population.Military targets and "intelligent" bombings in official declarations,massacres of innocent civilians in reality: innocent victims killed inthe name of "freedom and humanity". The lives they lost will not beforgotten, they will live on in the memory of all those who condemn warsand their lies. Years after the end of the aggression, Kosovo is anunlivable place where only illegal trafficking thrives, ethnicdiscrimination continues and over 250,000 inhabitants of the Province(mainly Serbs) have not been able to return to their homes despite thepresence of NATO, the United, and now Eulex, despite the promises of theinternational community. The so-called peace missions are nothing morethan a caricature of justice.The words of a contemporary Serbian poet, Matija Be?kovi?, are asrelevant as ever: "We are only small crosses on the display of theircomputers, we are only elements of their video games". Or we could quoteTacitus to remember the victims of NATO's "humanitarian bombs": "Theycreate desolation and call it peace...".Belgrade - years ago a target city for NATO planes which, forseventy-eight days, bombed Serbia, in the first "humanitarian war" inhistory - is still a wounded city. The planes have stopped droppingexplosives on the Balkans, now busy spreading death in other parts ofthe world, but the wound remains open, bleeding. The agony of Kosovoburns, the slow death of the Serbian community, determined to remain inthe land that has always been the "cradle" of the Serbian people, Kosovoand Metohija. Even today, the gutted buildings in Belgrade remind us ofthe other side of the "humanitarian" war, the dark zone neglected by themedia, the testimony of a nightmare, the hallucinated vision of anunsustainable present.No one has ever paid for the civilians killed by NATO aggression. NATOdoes not judge itself. That NATO which in Serbia and Montenegro producedeconomic damage that was estimated at 30 billion of the then Germanmarks, even if Western governments promised aid for 2 billion, not incash, but in goods. Help, which often resembled and resembles blackmail.Pan?evo, just to give an example, had an industrial economy: now thefactories have been destroyed, work is missing or increasinglyprecarious, wartime pollution continues to cause damage, the country isstruggling to recover.Ordinary people everywhere have been affected, ordinary people are stillbleeding. Belgrade is still bleeding. And the underground rivers ofKosovo and Metohija are bleeding, once a land rich in thermal waters,healing establishments, extraordinary vines, and now a land ofdesolation and death. The repeated, intensive and destructive bombingshave caused the destruction of factories and mines and the dispersion ofmultiple toxic substances into the air and water. Volumes of toxicsubstances were discharged into the evocative and magical blue Danubewhich crosses its course with the Sava river in Belgrade: 1,400 tonnesof ethylene dichloride, 1,000 tonnes of sodium hydroxide and anunspecified quantity of mercury, as well as 200 tonnes of ammonia.Munitions that use depleted uranium are used to increase the penetrationcapacity, weapons that carry contamination deep into the earth, into theaquifers, for years and years and years. Contamination and death. NATOmainly bombed targets in Kosovo and Metohija: 101 contaminated sites arein Kosovo and Metohija, one in Montenegro - Cape Arza (Lushtica) in BokaKotor - and nine in Serbia. The more years that pass since the end ofthe bombings, the more uranium shows its presence and virulence. In theperiod 2001-2011, the number of cancer patients increased by 20%, andthe mortality rate from cancer (mainly leukemia and lymph glands, whichin peaceful times did not exceed 5% of the total number of malignanttumors) increased by 25%. Leukemia and lymph gland diseases increased by110%, and their mortality increased by 118%. The average annual growthof these diseases is around 11% and the mortality rate has risen to 12%.The expansion of leukemia and lymph gland tumors began in 2006. Thenumber of malignant diseases is growing inexorably.A list of numbers that tells a story in numbers, a story woven from manynumbers that correspond to many people that make up the image of the"humanitarian" intervention that produced only death. Many are involved,many are silent: soldiers, businessmen, politicians, private securitystructures, armaments industries, linked by the big business of warproduction. The depleted uranium case is one of the most atrocious casesof silence and clouding of individual consciences. Silence, socialindifference, all-out protection of the intangibility of institutions.It seems that the land in Serbia produces nothing but deaths. And deathspreads silently, it arrives traveling in the underground riverscontaminated after the bombings which before the NATO aggression broughtwealth and well-being. And there is someone who claimed and maintainsthat it was a "humanitarian intervention", "for a good purpose", thesame ones who are silent, silenced and criminal, sheltered behind theirrubber wall. And this creeping death actually has many names: fulminantleukemia, lymphoma, tumors of all kinds. Quick and lethal types oftumors develop inside the bodies of those exposed to depleted uranium.The geography of Serbia now draws paths of death in a territory thatembraces a landscape of devastation and ruins.Taken from: Marilina Veca, Depleted Uranium: the earth is all mourning,Sensitivi alle Foglie, Rome, 2023.Marilina Veca, journalist and writer, has worked in the internationalrelations sector for various institutions. She is an honorary member ofthe National Association of Depleted Uranium Victims, she is involved inpeace projects and humanitarian support in Kosovo and Metohija.Il Cantiere n. 20 ottobre 2023 ilcantiere@autistici.orghttp://alternativalibertaria.fdca.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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