The continuation of hostilities between the Russian and Ukrainian
states, which, it seems, have finally entered the stage of "trenchwarfare," only exacerbates the crisis in both countries. They place aheavy burden on the impoverished population, and they respond to thegrowing burden with acts of social resistance and protest. ---- RUSSIA---- Buryatia. Residents of Ulan-Ude are protesting against theconstruction of a giant colony for 3,000 prisoners, which they intend tobuild in the Energetik microdistrict next to CHPP-2, by order of theRussian president. Having gathered at the monument, they recorded acollective appeal to the President of the Russian Federation, deputiesof the People's Khural of Buryatia and the local city council."To be honest, we didn't know that we would live to see this. We werenot informed of such terrible news that we would be building a specialmegacolony zone, a special regime zone. Colossal in size, having noanalogues in Russia," said a woman who spoke at a street rally onDecember 7. - And after the fact, just yesterday, it turns out, publichearings took place, about which we, residents of the microdistrictsinvolved, were not even notified. We learned about this after the factfrom the media. It turns out that it was decided to build this colonyhere. Just, as we were told, 2 km from us. Imagine, a colony, which hasno analogues in Russia in terms of size and power consumption, will bebuilt in the capital of the region, in the capital of the Republic ofBuryatia."The authorities of Ulan-Ude reported on the holding of "public hearings"on December 6: "The construction of the facility will become a point forthe development of all infrastructure in the area. This includes theconstruction of new utility networks, the development of newterritories, jobs, and transport accessibility." Member of the "Councilof Elders under the Head of the Republic of Buryatia", former head ofthe Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region Ivan Kalashnikov linkedthe construction of the colony with "patriotism" ( ).Instead of a colony, residents are asking to develop infrastructure inthe energy sector. They reminded the authorities of his problems. Themicrodistrict lacks a park, a school and a kindergarten. BairaGomoboeva, a resident of the microdistrict, said: "Please hear theopinions of the residents, we don't want the forest to be cut down. Youwill cause irreparable damage to the entire city. Our forest is 85hectares, it brings benefits not only to the residents of Energy. Ibelieve that the forest is a common property, the whole city should beinterested." Residents also invited officials to their meeting, but theywere not in the hall. The fate of the colony will be decided at asession of the city council of deputies. It will be held in Februarynext year( On the evening of December 13, residents of Makhachkala,dissatisfied with the power outage, blocked the street and stoppedtraffic on Gamidov Avenue and Akushinsky Avenue in Makhachkala. Similarspontaneous rallies due to power outages already took place in therepublic in the summer. The police came to the protesters, andrepresentatives of Dagenergo promised residents of the de-energizedareas to restore the power supply within a few hours. After this,traffic was restored ( )Kaliningrad region. A 36-year-old resident of the Pravdinsky districtpoured oil and set fire to a refrigerated truck of a former employer whodid not pay him the wages he was owed. This was reported by the regionalDepartment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Thursday, December 14.The arsonist was detained, and during interrogation he confessed to hiscrime. The cabin and engine compartment of the car were burned out;preliminary damage amounted to 300 thousand rubles. A criminal case hasbeen initiated under Part 2 of Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of theRussian Federation ("Intentional destruction or damage to property byarson"). The suspect faces up to five years in prison. ( The Mekhzavod village and the Salyut gardening partnership wereleft without heating for three days. Freezing people blocked the Moscowhighway to draw the attention of the authorities to their plight. Theproblem affected, according to local residents, hundreds of houses. OnDecember 9, their electricity went out, including boiler houses andheating apartments. As a result, in the midst of 20-degree frosts thathit Samara in the last week, we were left without heat. Residents spenta terrible weekend in unheated rooms, and on December 11, the breakdownwas corrected and houses gradually began to connect to the network.However, the next day the problems returned - a second accidentoccurred, again leaving people without heat and light. "We have beenfighting the frost for three days within the walls of our houses. Lightis provided literally for an hour, then the electricity is turned offfor a long time (seven to nine hours). The houses are all cooled down,the system is frozen. The power provided for an hour is not enough tostart the boiler," the victims described their situation. On the eveningof December 12, the press service of the city administration reportedthat two energy laboratories and a repair team were sent to correct thesituation to find the cause of the malfunction. An operationalheadquarters was created. However, apparently, this was not enough tocalm people down - from their frozen homes, they took to the icy streetsand blocked the Moscow Highway. The residents succeeded in achievingtheir goal of attracting the attention of the authorities. On the nightof December 12-13, the head of the city, Elena Lapushkina, went to thescene. "Damage has been identified, repair work is underway, and thecable will be restored in the near future. In addition, we are nowconsidering a backup power supply scheme in the village in order toavoid such situations in the future," she said. At two o'clock in themorning, the governor of the region, Dmitry Azarov, also recorded anappeal, promising that he would keep the situation with heating andelectricity supply under control ( region. After protests against the construction of a landfillin Sysert ( ), the Russian Ministry ofAgriculture spoke in favor of moving the site of its construction. Acorresponding appeal was sent to the government of the Sverdlovsk region( ).Ulyanovsk After protests by city defenders, the authorities canceled onDecember 5 the construction of luxury housing in one of the city'shistorical districts. The corresponding order was issued by the chairmanof the regional government after the developer was forced to abandonprevious plans to build an elite residential complex on the historicalterritory in the city center, which previously belonged to the SuvorovMilitary School (SVU). The public - historians, architects and localhistorians - was outraged by this and declared the need to transfer thebuilding of the Cadet Corps and the territory for the development ofmuseums and public spaces. The public movement "For the Preservation ofthe Historical Heritage of the Ulyanovsk Region" proposed creating ajoint commission to develop a concept for the development of theterritory; at the rallies of the movement there were demands for theresignation of the first deputy governor Igor Edel, under whoseleadership these decisions were made (he is currently in a pre-trialdetention center, he has been charged charge of receiving a bribe on anespecially large scale), but the regional government and the governordid not respond to the calls. The co-chairman of the movement, IgorVoevodin, at a personal reception with the Prosecutor General of theRussian Federation Igor Krasnov, held in mid-November during his workingvisit to Ulyanovsk, informed the head of the department about thecurrent situation, after which the Prosecutor General instructed theprosecutor of the Ulyanovsk region "to prevent unlawful encroachment onthe cultural heritage of the country," reports Prosecutor General'sOffice ( )Persecution of social activistsKaliningrad. The authorities of the Kaliningrad region are seeking tosue the social movement "Council of Region Residents". Based on theircomplaint, the court found the organization guilty of using two formswith a design similar to the coat of arms of the Kaliningrad region, andsentenced them to a fine of 900 thousand rubles. In case of non-payment,the movement faces dissolution. In addition, the Chairman of theCouncil, Anton Gendrikson, was sentenced to a fine of 45 thousandrubles. As he himself notes, "both letters on these forms led to verypositive decisions by the authorities." The first helped allocate moneyfrom the budget for housing for a family from Pionersky with seventeenminor children. The second (addressed to the Russian government) helpedto overturn several court decisions and break the scheme, thanks towhich regional officials took away state land, forest and dunes on theBaltic Sea coast for development. The organization asks for help incollecting money for a fine ( )Kemerovo . In the village of Apanas, unknown people threw the severedhead of a dog onto the porch of the house of environmental activistOksana Laukart, according to the "Active Apanas" public page onVKontakte. The window of her car was also broken. The woman perceivedwhat happened as an "act of intimidation" - "the wild 90s in Kuzbass didnot end." Residents of Apanas have long been protesting against open-pitcoal mining in the Novokuznetsk region. They "organized rallies andpublic gatherings" because "coal miners are encroaching on their landsand have a bad impact on the environment." The action against Laukart,according to the Siberian Express telegram channel, was carried outafter she sent an appeal to the reception of the head of theInvestigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin. A meeting of activistswith the deputy head of the Investigative Committee for Kuzbass, AlexeyTkach, was reportedly planned for November 14( OCCUPIED BY RUSSIAN TROOPSMariupol. Residents of one of the demolished houses came out to a rally,demanding housing. They accepted an appeal to the Russian President. Itis alleged that the house on Nakhimov Street was demolished for a bribe,and now they are going to build mortgage housing there ( In the Odessa microdistrict Luzanovka, after 4 days of no electricityand heating, on the evening of November 29, residents blocked the road.They demanded the arrival of the head of the administration. At theinsistence of the police, the protesters left the roadway, and trafficwas restored ( )- In Ukraine, there is another series of attacks on the property ofprosecutors. On November 4, two attacks were recorded at once. In theCherkasy region, at about 23:00, the unfinished house of the head of theorganizational and legal support department of the Cherkasy regionalprosecutor's office, Anna Volodina, was set on fire. The preliminarydamage is 500 thousand hryvnia. In the Chernihiv region, unknown personsbroke the windows in the car of the prosecutor of the Chernihiv regionalprosecutor's office, Evgeniy Lazarenko. Offenders face three to tenyears in prison. It is also reported that in the village of Minai nearUzhgorod, the car of local prosecutor Alexander Trofimenkov was set onfire( On November 10, in the center of Kyiv, they tried to set fire to theoffice of a local police officer. At night, a burning object was thrownonto the roof of his office( In the Dnepropetrovsk region on October 9, a former employee ofDneprospetsremont LLC tied a grenade to the gate of the house of abusinesswoman-director of the company in retaliation for non-payment ofwages. The grenade exploded when the woman opened the gate. The attackerwas arrested, weapons were confiscated from his home( - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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