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donderdag 29 februari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #346 - Antipatriarchy, Antivalidism: ESAT, pretenses and real exploitation (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

After the December issue of AL which focused on anti-disabled struggles,we continue to look at the oppression suffered by disabled people. Atthe heart of the subject this month, the exploitation of workers in"work support establishments and services" (ESAT). ---- A recent decreefinally gives disabled ESAT workers the right to unionization andcollective representation. This progress allows France to giveassurances to the UN, which has condemned it several times for theflagrant violations of respect for people that this institution produces.If this law brings some progress (new labor rights), much more will beneeded to modify existing social relations within ESATs. Indeed, theESAT is an institution that is both involved in the relationshipsbetween the medico-social world and those of the world of work. Thisresults in disabled workers having access to certain services on theirwork site (for example, training on administrative tasks).However, the "work" part is almost completely hidden by the institution.The most visible symptom is that workers are considered simple users.It's difficult to describe the extent to which this simple word is asource of alienation and frustration for many workers because it shapestheir relationship to work and implies that they are receiving a service.Can you imagine doing a job and seeing it denied by the institution thatasks you to do it?There is a lot of talk about suffering within bullshit jobs: how can wedescribe necessary work, which is passed off as a simple pastime grantedto you?Workers told me they had already asked for a pay increase. Remember thattheir salary is well below the minimum wage and cannot exceed it!Management refused them this increase on the grounds that it would leadto a reduction in their Disabled Adult Allowance which supplements theirincome.The excuse is true but reveals the paternalism of the institution,gently explaining to you that your work has no value.Users without payHowever, it does generate significant added value. A significant portionof ESATs specialize in industrial subcontracting for tasks deemed toorepetitive or difficult, which local companies prefer to pass on todisabled people. This subcontracting even allows them to pass the 5%threshold for the employment obligation for disabled workers (OTEH) incompanies. Why then would companies make an effort to employ disabledpeople if they can benefit from their work for not even half a salary instructures subsidized by the ARS?To conclude, let us remember that for many ESAT workers, work in anordinary environment constitutes the Holy Grail. The work ethic of oursociety makes them understand that this would be the only way to provetheir complete worth as an individual. But "the social elevator" issabotaged at the start because no company has any interest in thesehires. Their status, their salary and the recognition of society must beacquired through struggle. The strategy of the State and Capital isprecisely to keep these people isolated, it is therefore important thatunions and anti-validist associations look towards the workers and theiraspirations because, like everywhere, solidarity is our weapon .Corentin (UCL Kreiz-Brezh)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Antivalidisme-ESAT-faux-semblants-et-veritable-exploitation_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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