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vrijdag 31 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #340 - Editorial: It was better afterwards (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

If the past and the external world exist only in the mind and if the
mind is capable of receiving directives. So what? ---- George Orwell,
1984 ---- After the first crisis following the industrial revolution,
the first world war, the last of the last, the industrialists were able
to send women back to their homes without a thank you and the
politicians demobilized the riflemen survivors and prepare them for
colonial exposure. ---- And wham! the Roaring Twenties. ---- After the
second, the "time of the Americans" has consumed us, women can elect
their masters and riflemen eager for war pensions are liquidated.
Night and Fog. Sorrow and pity.
Nuremberg Trials; creation ex nihilo of the State of Israel, a foothold
of the West in the Middle East. Tokyo Trial; occupation of the Japanese
archipelago, a foot of the West in the Far East.
Some retraining of intelligence agents and rocket technicians in the
And hop! The Thirty Glorious.

Subsequently, long colonial wars in Indochina/Vietnam, in Algeria;
sometimes more "quiet" in Black Africa, some modern politicians having
been trained in universities in the North. Elites for sure. The West and
the East still use this playing field to impose themselves ideologically
but above all to get their hands on endless deposits - diamonds,
precious metals and today rare earths... Decolonizations, rarely total,
never completed , partly in the midst of civil war, are still prey to
the needs of formerly dominant or newly partner imperialist powers, such
as China of market socialism.
Against an increasingly distant ideological backdrop, worried heads of
state fear the members of their own governments and suppress their
opponents. The rebels live on the peasants who "host" them and are
punished for it. Ego issues like national interests, opportunistic or
matured for a long time, explode and swallow up the needy lives that
cannot help themselves.
But they are still developing!

Trade agreements, transfers of mining or forestry concessions,
authorizations for military installations, "cooperation" of all kinds,
from State to State, are the fruit of political and geostrategic issues
on which populations have no influence. have no grip. The ground that
they have sometimes tread on forever has become the terrain of
confrontation for dominant foreign powers. What cannot be swallowed up
through markets will be swallowed up through war, the other form of
politics as one might say... So the Silk Roads - the old and the new -
the trails and straits which lead to a strategic piece of land or an El
Dorado are they the object of desire whose limits are constantly being
pushed back, of History truncated into dubious legitimacy.

The world map, then, does not exist outside the heads and delusions of
colonialist conquerors, soldiers and/or economic predators. The
distribution of peoples, tossed from colonization to nationalism,
ordered to behave as makeshift allies or enemy brothers, from forced
promiscuity to arbitrary separation, from partition to reunification...
nowhere corresponds to the borders that others have drawn. The fractures
of the world, the sound and fury, the sweat, blood and tears and the
smokescreens that accompany them are broadcast by satellites. One news
chases the other, and emotions are first shattered by the scoops, then
move away from them like the papers on the front page, all the way to
the stall... This is the case with Russia and Ukraine; of Palestine and
Israel, which relegate Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Syria, Kurdistan, Sudan,
Ethiopia, to Congo Kinshasa, Sri Lanka, Myanmar; wherever hot spots are
marked against the changing background of star presenters, analysts,
experts, political scientists who debate and lecture from magazine to
news flash. At a pace and in such a learned manner that the stunned
common man is reduced to the state of collateral witness. And to explain
to him this is how the world is going and that they take care of it.

The moving borders, the political walls, which are erected here and
which fall there...
"Si vis pacem, para bellum".* Armed peace, nuclear deterrence, the
balance of terror... all this reassuring and lucrative stuff is a sword
of Damocles. Which is worth its weight in gold when it falls.
And boom, here we go again!

Boulogne sur Mer on April 21, 2024

* "if you want peace, prepare for war" Latin phrase with uncertain author

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