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zondag 30 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Anarchist bloc at the major demonstration: Take to the streets against the AfD party conference in Essen! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


From June 28th to 30th, the AfD plans to hold its federal party
conference in the Grugahalle in Essen. After the party emerged from the
European elections as the second strongest force, its leading members
are now meeting to discuss the direction for the upcoming state
elections and the 2025 federal election. The exposure of the Potsdam
meeting has shown just what extremely dangerous ideas are on the table.
We have known for a long time that the bourgeois parties are neither
able nor willing to fight the AfD and the fascist movement that is
gathering around them in an effective way. In fact, with their policies
of impoverishment, isolation and rearmament, they are giving the AfD
exactly the ground on which it can grow.

Antifascism must clearly identify the causes and reasons for the rise of
the right. Antifascism must be directed against the ruling system and
all its parties in a class-fighting and revolutionary manner.
Antifascism must focus on the politicization, mobilization and
organization of the broad masses of the wage-earning population.
Antifascism must propose an alternative to this system. Only then can it
be effective.

In order to make this perspective visible, we call on all anarchists to
join us on June 29th from 10 a.m. in the major demonstration against the
AfD party conference and to form a joint block there. Our meeting point
will be at 9.30 a.m. at the start of the demo (to be announced) under
the platform's high banner.

Counter the right together!
For an antifascist mass movement!

Published on June 17, 2024
Categories General, Germany, Mobilization
Tags AfD, antifascism

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