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zondag 30 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #185 - In favor of Giorgia Meloni - To be clear (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Anyone who asks Giorgia Meloni to declare herself an anti-fascist is
profoundly wrong and she is right not to declare herself as such,
because she is a fascist, down to the core, in her soul, in her DNA, in
the formation of her intellectual and moral personality: because she
shares its history , accepts its legacy and tries to clarify its
principles, reworking them on the basis of a fascist political culture.
Starting from a, in her own way, precise and dated analysis of social
classes, the head of the fascist party develops terms, ways and forms of
power management, which emanate from a society that has an oligarchy at
the top, of which they assume the guides subjects who consider
themselves superior due to their genes, race, skin color, cultural
background, elements from which intelligence, political preparation,
prospective vision derive, as a result of their belonging to a class,
considered superior, which possesses a vision of the world and gives it
Giorgia Meloni is fascist in her appearance and in her skin, in her
plastic pose with a martial frown, clinging to the visor of a military
vehicle, while she parades in review of the troops lined up, on the
occasion of a weapons demonstration. Looking at it causes repugnance,
disgust and disgust, a sort of physical discomfort, as is felt in people
who have perpetually sweaty and humid skin, who give off a sewage
regurgitation smell, who are repellent to the touch and smell.
Giorgia Meloni fuels her fascism with the reminiscences and memories
that were transmitted to her by the frequenters of via della Scrofa, by
the republicans who spoke of their youth as young fascists and table
tennis players and she then sedimented her beliefs in the clashes and
hatred against left-wing militants of class, consumed in the 70s,
drawing fuel from it for an immense desire for revenge.
We must learn to appreciate her sincerity, her transparency, her honesty
in giving us the profound image of herself, the squalor of her person,
the disgust for everything she represents, the disgust for the legacy
she embodies, for the values that he intends to convey, for the society
in which he aspires to live and for the inhabitants of this country to
live, for his idea of a nation, for his love for the ordeal of blood,
for his declared love of country, which represents the synthesis of all
the negative values of human solidarity and selfishness, since it
interprets belonging to a territory and to a tradition as an exclusive
value, to be opposed to others, through the exercise and practical
sharing of abuse and violence.
We absolutely do not expect you to declare yourself anti-fascist, since
this would muddy the waters, would do nothing but sow confusion and
disorientation, would dirty anti-fascism, would end up legitimizing the
reintroduction of choices, relationships and values typical of fascism,
making them accepted, made unrecognizable , by a mystifying anti-fascist
There is therefore every reason to thank you for your determination to
share and accept the values and legacy of fascism. We therefore
appreciate your determination and consistency in reiterating with your
choices and decisions, at all times, the fascist nature of your
management. of the State and society and derive from this behavior all
the reasons and a strong determination to fight it, to oppose its ideas,
to hinder its actions, to consider it incompatible as part of a possible
Meloni is aware of all this, proof of which is that her priority
objective is the destruction of the Republic, born from the Resistance,
through the introduction of constitutional changes such as the
premiership, so profound as to overturn the existing institutional
architecture, in order to reasonably affirm that a new Republic was born
from his government, an afascist, corporate, oligarchic Republic, the
evolved and modernized fruit of fascism, of which he shares the class
vision, the relationship between social classes, the methods of
management and exercise of power.
For all these reasons, Giorgia Meloni and her followers must be fought
with constant and continuous commitment, with determination, starting
from the most filthy ones, among which the current minister of the
family stands out, a former itinerant abortionist, now repentant, a
former radical militant, struck on the road to Damascus by a resurgence
of fundamentalist Christianity that today seeks to vomit with absolute
hypocrisy on the women, whom it aims to torture sadistically, sending
its acolytes into counseling centers to speculate on their difficulties.
In particular, we pour all our contempt and opposition towards this
filthy scum.

At the same time, we are tired of seeing the remnants of the reformist
left and the so-called respectable people continue to ask the leader of
the fascists to profess anti-fascism, almost as if a word finally
uttered could be enough to cancel behaviours, intentions and programs so
clear and evident that it is necessary being blind so as not to see,
deaf so as not to hear, mute so as not to protest.
It would be preferable if they, overcoming every conflict, worked to
develop and implement alternative policies, capable of responding to the
needs of citizens, of improving their living conditions, of giving them
greater and guaranteed rights, to health, to education , to social
solidarity, to more dignified wages, guaranteeing safety
at work instead of begging for the prime minister's anti-fascism.

The Editorial Staff

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