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donderdag 18 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom: Forbidden Buffoons: "Trends of Order and Chaos", episode 162 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Persecution of anti-fascists ---- So, at the beginning of last week,
human rights activist Ivan Astashin reported that anti-fascist Bogdan
Yakimenko, who disappeared after his arrest in Rostov-on-Don, is in
Moscow pre-trial detention center No. 7. Let us recall that on June 5, 8
anti-fascists were detained in Moscow and Rostov-on-Don in the case of
"creating the extremist organization Antifa United." These arrests
demonstrate an old pattern that operates not only in Russia, but also in
other countries, namely that "the fascists and the police are one
coalition." If antifa fights with the Nazis, they will arrest and
persecute antifa.

Remember that when Donald Trump was president, he constantly blamed
antifa for everything and even tweeted that "the US will consider Antifa
a terrorist organization."

In Putin's Russia, a trial has begun against anti-fascists from Tyumen,
who are charged with organizing and participating in a "terrorist
community." As no one is surprised, the investigation obtained evidence
through torture.

All these arrests and torture of anti-fascists only prove once again
that real anti-fascism has nothing in common with the fake anti-fascism
of the Russian authorities.

This week, one of the ideologists of modern Russian fascism, Alexander
Dugin, again remembered how he hates humor and comedians. He has already
expressed that humor and satire are from the devil, and last week on his
channel he wrote: "It is worth recognizing all comedians as foreign
agents at once. When there is a war, people die, including women and
children, helpless old people, it is inappropriate to joke. We must,
gritting our teeth, forge Victory. Day and night."

Well, that is, after all, it's a war, not a military military district.
And what's interesting is the end of this war, which means the end of
the suffering and death of all those whom Alexander Dugin supposedly
cares about. depends solely on Russia, which is the aggressor in this
war. When an ultra-right philosopher writes in his same channel that
"all of Ukraine will either be Russian, or neither it nor anyone else
will exist at all," this sounds like a threat, and not like concern for
the elderly, women and children.

Well, for sullen fascists, humor and satire will always be dangerous.
After all, humor and satire show the fascists not as formidable and
cool, but as funny and pathetic.

Probably the most famous film that satirized fascism was Charlie
Chaplin's The Great Dictator. In this film, the famous American comedian
spoke for the first time. And in the anti-fascist speech of the main
character of this film there is still a lot of relevance:

"Soldiers! Do not obey these pigs who despise, enslave you, dictate your
actions, your thoughts and feelings! They train you, keeping you on a
diet, preparing cannon fodder.

Do not obey these obscurantists with mechanical brains and hearts! You
are not machines, not cattle - you are people who carry humanity in your
hearts! You do not know hatred! Only the heartless hate! Soldiers, don't
fight for slavery, fight for freedom!"

Pride in Kyiv
On June 16, an LGBT+ pride took place in Kyiv. Due to security measures,
the event itself lasted only 20 minutes.

The rightists, who also came out to their counter-protest with posters
"Gay parades on blood", "I didn't see this leftist crap during the war",
ignored the fact that among the defenders of Ukraine from the Russian
occupation there are representatives of the LGBT community, as well as
just like among the activists who took part in the Pride, there were
people from the front. It is clear that both see the future of Ukraine

Just like members of the Russian anti-Putin opposition see the future in
completely different ways. For example, Denis Nikitin, the commander of
the Russian Volunteer Corps, joined the protesters against the equality
march. Gromadske quotes him as saying: "There are thousands of them, and
there are hundreds of thousands of us. Why is the minority dictating its
will to the majority again?"

Because the minority also has rights, Denis. It gives some people no
peace about who falls in love with whom. Conservative values that fear
the world in all its diversity and therefore seek to ban all living
things - isn't this the ideology promoted by the neo-fascist ideologist
Dugin and others like him? So how then are people like Denis Nikitin
different from those who came to Ukraine with Russian weapons and
conservative values?

So it is important to remember that not every oppositionist is our ally.

How do anarchists see the future? "We all want to help each other. This
is how we are made. We want to live by the happiness of others, not by
their suffering. We don't want to hate or despise. There is a place for
everyone. The land is rich and can feed everyone." This is what the hero
from the comedian Charlie Chaplin's film "The Great Dictator" said, and
he also said:

"Life may be free and beautiful, but we have lost our way. Greed has
poisoned the souls of people, erected barriers of hatred, and led us to
suffering and bloodshed. We picked up speed, but closed in on ourselves.
Machines provide abundance while leaving people in need.

Knowledge makes us cynical, and skill makes us tough. We think a lot and
feel little. We don't need machines, but humanity. We lack skill, but
even more kindness.

Without them, cruelty reigns in life and the will is suppressed.

Airplanes and radio brought us closer together. The very nature of these
inventions calls for kindness, for brotherhood and unity. My voice
reaches at this moment millions of desperate men, women, children around
the world. To the victims of a system that tortures and imprisons the

To those who hear, I say: keep hope! Our misfortune today is due to the
greed and bitterness of those who do not believe in the progress of
humanity. The hatred of people will pass, dictators will die, the power
they took from the people will return to them. Freedom will not perish
as long as humanity exists."

Well that's all for today! We remind you that in Trends in Order and
Chaos, members of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchist
assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and
other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social
networks and e-mail newsletter.

The issue was prepared by Nina T.

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