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donderdag 25 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: OSL, 1 year of foundation! Libertarian Socialist Organization (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 This July 9th, the Libertarian Socialist Organization completes one year

of life. On a day like today, activists from different locations in
Brazil gathered in a congress to establish the foundations of a new
anarchist political organization, with the proposal to advance popular
struggles on the path to social emancipation. ---- We can say that our
militancy has been committed to this task for a year now. Even with the
daily limitations of a still small organization, during this period we
acted in different struggles of the oppressed classes, deepened social
insertion in some sectors, strengthened important working class agendas
and expressed solidarity with struggle processes in which we do not have
direct action. As we continue to build our organization, which will soon
have another congressional session, we continue to take to the streets
and shake hands shoulder to shoulder with the popular movements.

This is a landmark day for Brazilian anarchism: on July 9, 1917, state
repression killed anarchist shoemaker José Martinez in São Paulo, during
a protest in a factory. Thousands of workers attended his funeral, which
began the first general strike in Brazil, one of the most important
historical moments led by anarchists in the country. The best way to
celebrate the struggle of anarchists of the past is to act here and now.
On this important date for us, we highlight one of OSL's objectives,
explained in our Founding Manifesto:

"(...) form a real political force, which not only contributes to the
struggles of the oppressed classes, but which is recognized by other
political forces and popular movements, which can develop alliance
policies and attract workers to the struggle. somehow, work to return
anarchism to its historic position as an active tool of intervention in
workers' struggles, and to build a revolutionary project of popular
power capable of transforming Brazilian society."

Ethics, commitment, freedom!
Long live OSL!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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