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donderdag 25 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE TURKEY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Turkey, Yeryuzu Postasi.: We Stand With Our Immigrant Class Brothers Against the Pogrom - Workers' Unions (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


A statement was published by the Workers' Unions against the increasing
racist attacks against Syrian immigrants recently: ---- Racist attacks
against Syrian immigrants that started in Kayseri; Last night, it spread
to many places such as Hatay, Antep, Konya and Istanbul and turned into
a pogrom. In these lands, similar massacres and pogroms carried out by
provoked crowds such as September 6-7, Sivas, Çorum and Maras are taking
place. While thousands of police officers can be mobilized for any
action targeting the interests of the government and the bosses, turning
a blind eye to these attacks shows that we are faced with a
state-sanctioned and supported pogrom attempt.

The role of parties such as the Victory Party, which created itself
directly through hostility towards immigrants, in the emerging
nationalist hysteria is obvious. However, it is necessary not to
overlook the role of the CHP, which is a so-called opposition party but
in fact an extension of the state and capital, and to note and expose
the fact that CHP organizations participate in attacks in many places.

Those who had to leave their countries due to the imperialist war and
occupation, in which the Turkish state was also an actor; These attacks
against immigrants who try to survive by working under the harshest and
most insecure conditions as cheap labor must be one of the most urgent
agendas of the working class struggle. Otherwise, the addition of new
pogroms and massacres in the region will be watched silently.

Where events have reached today; It should remind us all that the fight
against hostility towards immigrants among the working class and the
most important pillars of the current order, nationalism and chauvinism,
is a task of historical and fundamental importance. This task has been
largely ignored and neglected until now.

The working class is an immigrant class. Immigrant workers have played
important roles in the history of class struggle. The responsibility for
the problems we face is not the migrant workers, but the bosses and
their order. Even though they are from different peoples, speak
different languages and have different cultures, workers have the same
interests and destiny against this capitalist system of exploitation. In
contrast, the state and the capitalist class; He will be pleased that
we, the workers, turn against each other with the poison of nationalism
and direct our anger at each other. This blockade brings class anger to
its true address; We can raise and disperse the political class movement
by directing it against the order, the state and the capitalist class.

Class war against imperialist wars, nationalism and chauvinism!

Labor Unions

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