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woensdag 14 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EU EUROPE - euobserver - BOOK REVIEW - FEATURE - EUobserver daily news - Wednesday 14 August 2024


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From Monday 22 July to Monday 2 September, EUobserver newsletter will be published at 9:30 AM instead of our usual time of 7:30 AM. We wish you a wonderful summer!


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Frontex: Migration crossings slump as 'cash-for-migrant-control' deals take effect

The number of irregular border crossings into the European Union between January and July fell by 36 percent to 113,400, according to preliminary data collected by the EU’s border agency Frontex.Read on »

EU states send help to Greece, as wildfire dies down

Fellow EU states have sent firefighting squads and aircraft to Greece, with help also on the way to Albania. Read on »


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US finalises $20bn arms deal to Israel, following Geneva Convention commemoration

The United States has approved an additional $20bn (€18bn) worth of weapons to Israel shortly after commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, ratified in 1949 to prevent war crimes and genocide.Read on »

Nine books on feminism and race to help understand a complex worldBook Review

Here are some authors and books – some new, some old, some fiction, some non-fiction – which provide a road-less-travelled exploration and explanation of some of today’s most salient questions, writes Shada Islam.Read on »

EU support for new African Medicines Agency picks up paceFeature

The EU is supporting the creation of an African medicines agency with cash and technical support. But what will the new agency look like?Read on »

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