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zaterdag 21 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY DRESDEN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Dresden, AND: Antispe Camp Dresden 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The long wait is over! From September 6th to 13th, 2024, the second

anti-speciesist protest camp will take place in Dresden. The whole thing
is organized by the Antispe Kollektiv Dresden and Tierbefreiung Dresden.
---- This year, we will once again stand up with you on a green area in
the Hechtviertel Schanzenstrasse / Buchenstrasse for an increased
awareness of animal rights and animal liberation. For a week, we will
take space and public space to make our perspectives, our activism, our
movement visible and to discuss it.
We want to spend a nice time with you, exchange ideas, network, inspire
and learn from each other. We also want to shed light on other struggles
for justice and their connections with the animal rights and animal
liberation movement. There will be lectures and workshops on the history
of the movement, queerness and animal liberation, art, organic vegan
farming, animal sanctuaries, long-term activism or protection from
repression. We can read, paint, do quizzes, eat, play games or watch
films together.

Come along and camp with us.

All events are clearly listed in the terminal:

Follow @antispekollektiv_dresden on Instagram for updates or look here:

We look forward to seeing you!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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