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zaterdag 21 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, CCLA, Tranca Rua Solidario (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On August 24 (Saturday), Tranca Rua Day, CCLA will hold an activity to

distribute vegan soup to the homeless population in the Campina
neighborhood, downtown Belém, at 7 pm. ---- Tranca Rua, in the spiritual
cosmology of Candomblé, Umbanda and Quimbanda, is an entity that
represents marginalized, abused, and subalternized populations, that is,
it represents an entire sector of the lower classes of society who
suffer firsthand from the exclusionary project of socio-spatial and
economic segregation practiced by the upper classes.

Belém has been going through a process of gentrification and
gourmetization of several spaces, where, once typically popular, today
are superbly elitist (remember Bar do Parque and Batuque da República?).

Belém has about 3 thousand homeless people, but this number could be
much higher. Belém will host COP30, but what we are seeing is a futile
beautification of the city center, expelling this population to places
even further away from access to their daily meals, which was already
painful, will now become even more painful.

In a state where the housing deficit is 350 thousand homes, where in the
Metropolitan Region there is a shortage of more than 78 thousand houses
for the population to live in, the dirty game of real estate speculation
by the elite that owns many buildings and mansions (both abandoned),
through collusion with the municipal (PSOL) and state (MDB) governments,
is granting concessions to foreign capital for the construction of
high-end hotels to house the green capitalism summit next year, instead
of allocating decent housing to the homeless population or to those who
are suffocated by the inhumane rent prices.

That's why we sing "Tanca-Rua, whoever arrives here[...]a loyal
companion and friend, breaks spells and also undoes evil"

Let the evil that is the project of the Belém elite be undo!

For the conquest of decent housing!!

Long live your Tranca Rua!!!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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