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maandag 12 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT, Anarchosyndicalisme #187: WORK ACCIDENTS: ROPE ROPE WORKERS ARE MOBILIZING (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Rope access technicians are workers who work at height, suspended from a
rope, at the edge of cliffs and at the top of buildings. A grueling and
little-known job as a worker, among the most dangerous in France. There
are many accidents, often extremely serious, even fatal in the event of
a fall. On the occasion of April 28, International Day for Health and
Safety at Work, a press release signed "Self-organized angry rope access
technicians" circulated on the internet. Banners were notably hoisted
near Marseille, Grenoble and in the Cévennes. We can only support this
autonomous and self-organized movement of workers. The CNT-AIT supports
their initiatives. More information from the "angry rope access
technicians, solidarity rope access technicians" association.

"We, rope access workers, have had enough!

Enough of counting our deaths in the regional press for lack of
institutional statistical tools.
Enough of suffering widespread precariousness with weekly contracts
renewable indefinitely.
Enough of having to constantly negotiate our travel bonuses and mileage
costs, leaving many of us with no choice but to sleep in our vans.

Enough of being at the end of the chain of sacrosanct subcontracting
with the consequence of degraded working conditions in order to
safeguard the profits of the principals and our bosses.

Enough to realize that risk analyses, when they exist, are first and
foremost for the equipment, the continuity of services and production,
and ultimately for the safety of workers.

In France, there are barely more than 5,000 full-time equivalents.
However, on average, 2 of us die each year, adding to the long list of
those killed at work amid general indifference.
And how many injured and mutilated people?

We protect the roads from rock slides, clean windows, mason, paint,
remove cement and sugar silos, etc.

For Philippe who died in April, who reminds us of the urgency to act.

For André, Mikel and Sébastien who died last year.

For our colleagues who died before them.

For all workers suffering from conditions unworthy of the 21st century.

In recent days, and on the occasion of April 28, World Day for Safety
and Health at Work, we are mobilizing in different cities in France.

If the profession of rope access technician is particularly exposed, we
know that it is through the same logic of money, performance and
casualness which also kill hundreds of our other working colleagues
every year.

This massacre is not inevitable, let's make our voices heard, let's take
control of our working conditions.

Our lives are worth more than their profits!!!»

Angry and self-organized rope access technicians

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