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dinsdag 13 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT, Anarchosyndicalisme #187: Work accident: a worker has his arm torn off (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 A 48-year-old disabled worker, who works in a waste sorting center in

Caudan, in Morbihan, had his arm torn off up to the elbow while he was
an operator on a strapping machine. ---- The newspapers which report the
accident tell us that "the man taken care of by the emergency services
was transported to the Pontchaillou hospital center, in Rennes" and
"that a double investigation was opened: by the gendarmerie in order to
determine the circumstances of the accident, by the labor inspectorate
which, on Tuesday, visited the site» Le Télégramme June 23, 24

But what they forget to say is that - according to certain relatives of
the worker - the unfortunate man should have been transported by
helicopter to Pontchaillou but the helicopter was not available that
day: he was busy the island of Sein for Macron's visit.

What the media doesn't say either is that although he himself was
disabled, he himself trained other disabled workers! Nor that the
workers were victims of racism by management, that they were treated
like "bunch of jerks who had to get off their asses". He worked from 3
a.m. to 11 a.m., but very often at noon he was still at work. He also
worked on Saturdays, a day off, and could never recover, he was
exhausted. He worked in the dirt and his clothes were stinky, he had
worked there for 20 years!

The family will call on a known association to benefit from their
expertise in the legal battle which is coming and is likely to be
difficult and long. Because, through our experience in similar
conflicts, we know how bosses and their lawyers behave in this type of
situation: they seek every means to absolve themselves of their
responsibility and shift the burden onto the worker. And if they don't
succeed, they seek corruption to avoid a trial that could cause a stain.
Thus, in the tragedy of the accident at the shipyard "Queens Mary" in
Saint-Nazaire 20 years ago, the gangway gave way and caused workers to
fall into the pit. Twenty deaths and that's not even counting those who
died as a result a few months later. Mainly young girls who had gone to
clean the boat before its delivery, to make some money before Christmas.
These bastard lawyers went to find them in the hospital to offer them a
sum of money so that they would not file a complaint. For young people,
that seemed like a lot. Fortunately all the same, the victims were
surrounded and dissuaded from accepting!

This worker and his family will be able to count on our total support,
union, political and human.

Activists of the CNT-AIT Grand Ouest

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