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woensdag 14 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT, Anarchosyndicalisme #187: "Ecology", the best ally of gentrification. (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Ecology, which is the science of the home, is not "ecologism" which

drives the most modest inhabitants from their homes:
If there is one fashionable ideology in our time, it is
environmentalism. And environmentalism, we eat it morning, noon and
evening, in all sauces, all variations, indiscriminately. In Toulouse,
we are no exception, since there are already places in this city where
you can no longer theoretically go with a diesel vehicle more than ten
years old, you need a "Crit'air 1" badge , 2 or 3" stuck on the
windshield, otherwise be careful!

We find this shoddy environmentalism throughout the city's policies, so
in the Mirail district it has already been a year or two since they
lowered the central heating temperatures, at least in certain buildings.
In the name of environmentalism, of course. And obviously this fashion
is general throughout the territory, in cities comparable to Toulouse.

In working-class neighborhoods, so much decried by the populist media
for its exceptional rate of delinquency, where everyone robs everyone,
where cars are burned to pass the time, where residents are in turn drug
dealers in the morning and fanatical Salafist Muslims in the evening, a
lawless zone as they say. If there is a foolproof pretext to push people
to leave, it is these stories of neighborhood rehabilitation and urban
renewal; thus the Mirail district which is precisely a district to be
"rehabilitated" for several years. The irony is that with this urban
rehabilitation bullshit, the state has completely abandoned these
neighborhoods for a long time, only to then stigmatize them.

In Toulouse, therefore, demolitions are underway, while rebuilding
alongside buildings sold as buildings with a low carbon footprint, thus
respecting the environment as much as possible while at the same time
praising technological modernity. The result is that the residents leave
little by little, and are replaced by financially wealthier tenants,
gradually transforming the Mirail into a neighborhood out of reach for
modest budgets.

Environmentalism is one of the many tricks that serves to hide
gentrification, while giving one a clear conscience.
Indeed, the mayor of the district, G. Cognard, openly affirmed that the
aim of all this is to "change heads", which is clear and clear, in the
consideration and choices desired against these districts and their
Without hesitation, the Toulouse municipality began the destruction of
building blocks, while families, children, elderly people still live
inside; this work puts the health of these people at risk, particularly
in the asbestos removal of certain buildings (Gluck). The tenants are
cold, even very cold in winter, and too hot in summer, because the
insulation is completely rotten. The pretext
found everything, as if that were not enough, of course in the name of
"energy sobriety", the landlords have reduced the heating, which further
accentuates the insulation problems, while the charges have remained the
same. Elevators are very often broken down for long periods, putting
elderly and disabled people in difficulty.

It would seem that in almost all major cities in France, the same
observation can be made. In Besançon, in the Planoise district which
houses 90% of social housing, nearly 1,200 housing units must be wiped
off the map by 2025 as part of a program signed by the municipality and
the renovation agency urban. The aim is to eliminate, according to local
elected officials, the bad reputation of this district, this district
where more than half of the inhabitants live below the poverty line, to
become, according to elected officials, a district of "digital
excellence", and especially an eco-district (source Monde Diplomatique
from June 2024).

All this is just gentrification in the name of Ecology. But what about
the residents of these neighborhoods, some of whom have lived there for
several decades? Ecologism is yet another of those discoveries of the
bourgeoisie, to be able to make added value again and again, and this
time it is on the housing of the most modest people in this society, who
they will have to move further and further away, towards areas that are
less well served, or even desertified countryside, since these people
are apparently undesirable in big cities. Environmentalism is a
bourgeois argument and its recommendation, in the name of preserving
nature, would prohibit almost everything, to almost everyone except the
rich. His supporters
are not only capitalist, but also totalitarian. They don't care about
the social question.

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