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woensdag 14 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: IDEAS AND STRUGGLES: Sixty years of anarchism (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 "The Libertarian Athenaeum is another relationship with others" ---- The

tables of the Publico bookstore, that of the Anarchist Federation,
present as many classics of libertarian literature as new releases with
a style and content that attract the eye and the mind. This is the case
of a cover with a raised fist made of lily of the valley leaves on a
black background with the title, Sixty years of anarchism and subtitle,
Stories of the Libertarian Athenaeum, 7 rue du Muguet-Bordeaux. Sixty
years ago, the anarchist Aristide Lapeyre initiated the purchase of the
premises that still today hosts groups, shows, meetings around the
values of anarchism. Which ones? Those that appear in the political
charter of the Athenaeum in the appendix of the book: freedom,
emancipation, solidarity, equality, autonomy, internationalism. More
relevant than ever!

This is the story of this building, of the groups, of the ideas that
animate it in complete independence from public authorities and
political or union organizations. In line with the notion of
self-management, the activists develop and then bring this place to
life. At the beginning, solidarity with the Spanish in exile, the
anti-Franco struggle brought the activists together. There is no doubt
that today, everyone will be present. Not to mention the autonomy of
struggles such as international solidarity, anti-capitalism, women's

The banquet of life

The person who pushes the door will find the elements of an anarchist
culture. "Not a bourgeois culture but the counter-culture, which the
Athenaeum tries to make accessible." There were film clubs, newspapers,
magazines, the Muguet bookstore and "in line with what was done at the
beginning, talks, debates, conferences with speakers who were experts on
the subject[...]or just "some" who had studied the subject".

And to use Emma Goldman's phrase, through celebration you have to "take
part in the banquet of life" and people are there because they "find
another way to make connections".

There were and are many groups in these places. A chronological fresco
underlines their place in time and the construction of the Athénée.
Obviously, the original one, called Sébastien Faure by Aristide Lapeyre,
the Young Libertarians who introduced Esperanto classes, music, the
anarchist group of Bordeaux developed a newspaper, without forgetting
the Durutti group, the Jean Barrué circle in the continuity of the
Francisco Ferrer rationalist school by its libertarian educational will.
A short notice for each group, accompanied by reproductions of leaflets,
posters, newspapers. A beautiful iconographic work!

And the struggles? The anarka-feminist collective "Ovaries and Against
Everything" intends to "bring down patriarchy everywhere and as quickly
as possible". It is now called GrrrAF. Reflections, actions, parties
like the Ladyfest launched in 2022. There is no shortage of other
subjects: against armies and nationalism, fascism, the police state,
prisons, nuclear power. And since internationalism is not an empty word
for anarchists, solidarity with the oppressed, the undocumented, for the
right to asylum, support for Chiapas and Kurdistan. And even more
concretely, the creation of the Mac No canteen (pronounce it out loud
and you will understand the play on words) offers, in the 2000s,
self-managed meals.

Struggles and culture

The cultural dimension has always been dominant in the life of the
athenaeums. We find the Francisco Ferrer rationalist school, a library,
a bookstore since 2003, exchanges on the history of art, a book
festival, music, a choir Le Cri du peuple, sports practices... and
always on the basis of self-management.
Do you want to know more? Read the biography of Aristide Lapeyre,
testimonies, memories, search the sites in the appendix. And you will
undoubtedly think to yourself: "It seems that the Athénée libertaire is
another relationship with others."

* Collective
Sixty years of anarchism
Histoires de l'Athénée Libertaire, 7 rue du Muguet-Bordeaux
Ed. Athénée libertaire, 2023

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