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donderdag 8 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE PARIS - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #351 - Culture, Reading Dimitri Manessis and Jean Vigreux: Rino Della Negra, footballer and supporter (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On February 21, 80 years to the day after his execution, Missak

Manouchian entered the Pantheon accompanied by his wife Mélinée.
Beautiful speeches were delivered to pay homage and salute the Armenian
resistance fighter "died for France"... and in particular by those who
voted for yet another immigration law which was welcomed by the
political descendants of the assassins of Manouchian and his others
comrades of the Red Poster. ---- A modest veil has however been placed
on the career of the communist activist Manouchian and on the importance
in the resistance of these foreign-speaking communist activists
organized before the war in the Foreign Workforce, which subsequently
became ME, Immigrant Labor within the General Confederation of Unitary
Labor (CGTU) and the Communist Party. It is this oversight that is
repaired by the dense and richly documented work of Dimitri Manessis and
Jean Vigneux, already co-authors at Libertalia in 2022 of the excellent
Rino Della Negra, footballer and supporter.

 From the creation of language groups within the CGTU to the armed
resistance which will give birth to the FTP-MOI, through engagement in
the International Brigades and until the end of the MOI in the years
1952-1953, the authors retrace, in what they present as a first
synthesis, the winding history of these activists, even if the latter
are victims of a "(double) invisibilization". If communist memory was
able from the beginning of the 1950s to highlight these resistant
activists of the FTP-MOI, "brothers" and "sisters" in humanity as
communist discourse then said, the history of Relations between these
groups organized according to language (rather than nationality):
Italians, Jews, Armenians, etc., was more complicated and sometimes
truly conflictual.

The work, by giving substance to the struggles of the MOI beyond the
sole evocation of the Red Poster, places these activists in a history of
workers' struggles where social struggles, xenophobia, internationalism
and militant memories mix, their pays a tribute much more sincere than
the "honors of the Republic".

David (UCL Savoies)

Jean Vigreux, Dimitri Manessis, With all your foreign brothers. From the
MOE to the FTP-MOI, Libertalia, February 2024, 270 pages, 10 euros.

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