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donderdag 8 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spaine, CNT: CNT cannot be just an acronym. Not even being a union as such, you already know us. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We are not here to introduce our history, which is closely linked to the

internationalism of the working class. It is important to point out, on
the other hand, that we are not an insensitive organization with mere
cold political positions. We were never that. ---- This statement from
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was written by us people who live on
this Mother Earth and who respond to many identities, working class,
coincidentally from an area of the world, mothers, fathers, sisters or
cousins of someone, humans. Anarcho-syndicalists by choice, yes.

Today, here and now, we come because we feel directly challenged by the
cause of humanity.

One should not defend the fight for freedoms and, at the same time, look
the other way with the liberation struggles of the people. The violence
of those who oppress should not be confused with that of those who
suffer oppression. You should not point your finger equally at one
another because that turns you into the domesticated dog of power. You
should not look at hair or skin color to show humanity. You should not
even appeal to history or imposed rights to choose sides from the
comfort of your living room in front of the television. One should not
have the cynicism and hypocrisy to push the envelope with those
left-wing European values, manipulating terminology, from a university
office. One should not judge what is different or, many times, what is
incomprehensible. One should not be what many times, all people, have been.

This statement can be written from the cab of a truck with eyes full of
tears or from the canteen of a factory with a heart full of anger.
Because we must have passion for Humanity.

A place in the world challenges us: Palestine. From the ruins of Gaza,
from the bowels, from the screams of a mother, from the eyes of a bloody
creature that does not understand, from the atrocious hunger, from the
mass graves left by criminal henchmen, from a place on Mother Earth
devastated by bombs.

If you are not moved by injustice, you are on the opposite side.

The cause of humanity makes you be on the side of the Palestinian
Resistance, no matter how many political contradictions this may entail.
Because right now that is secondary when we are facing a genocide. And
that silence, due to prejudices, is pure complicity.

 From our smallness and our militant humility, as anarcho-syndicalists,
we ask for your action to be the cause of Humanity. Now it's our fingers
that point. We want to make a political call to support by all means, in
all forums, and in all its forms, the cause of the liberation of Palestine.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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