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zaterdag 10 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE PARIS - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: No Quarter: A History of the Conquest of Space (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, the Louise Michel group received as part of
its show Pas de Quartiers, broadcast every other Tuesday on Radio
Libertaire, Irénée Régnauld and Arnaud Saint-Martin, co-authors of the
book Une histoire de la conquête spatiale at Ed. La fabrique.. ----
Apollo, Ariane, Artemis... space programs present themselves to us as
episodes in a glorious epic. By projecting itself into space, humanity
fulfills its destiny. ---- However, the archives of the conquest of
space contradict this fable. ---- Far from the humanist dream, its
objectives are above all military, from the first experiments with Nazi
engineers, soon reconverted to the United States to lead the race to the
Moon, satellites and missiles. In the first part of the show, the
authors return to the aeronautical adventure of the Third Reich, with
the forced labor of prisoners in concentration camps. Long kept quiet
and then justified as "a necessary evil".

In the wake of space enthusiasts, a powerful industry has developed,
surfing on the telecommunications and surveillance market, speculating
on the most outlandish cosmic expansion projects. This "astrocapitalism"
is characterized today by a destructive headlong rush: debris and
pollution accumulate on the ground and in the sky.

If the enchantment persists, it is because a vast conquest of minds is
at work, including the heroization of astronauts - yesterday intrepid
adventurers, today enlightened scientists -. However, there are other
uses of space, neither warriors nor merchants, more contemplative and
more sustainable, which offer an alternative path to the stars.

Mariama Groupe Louise Michel

Listen to: https://radio-libertaire.org/podcast/registre/2024-06-11_13.mp3

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