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zaterdag 10 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: Sad Paid Leave (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The long-awaited summer holidays are ahead of us. 5 weeks to be filed

with the agreement of the hierarchy. Only 5 weeks, to be combined with
the "bridges" and the RTT. By calculating well, we can obtain more than
the 5 weeks. But it remains insufficient. ---- Starting from an average
of 5 weeks, over 42 years of hard work, that makes 210 weeks out of
2184. Almost 10% of the total. A pittance. ---- 10% of free time that
capitalism grants us. Whether we leave or not, it is always good to
take. And provided that it lasts. ---- Further than a reform ---- It is
more than improbable that capitalism or state capitalism will accept an
increase in the duration of paid leave. The myth of "idleness, the
mother of all vices" is hard to die. Moreover, we control a working
population more than a population that has time to think about its
condition. We must go further than demanding an advantageous reform of
the duration of paid leave. We must look further, much further. Get out
of capitalism and state capitalism. And from all ideologies that
organize work vertically. We must obtain self-organization obtained by a
libertarian revolution.

Redefinition of work

Should we keep the word work in a libertarian society? It is a whole
questioning of what work is and what a libertarian society wants.
Self-management, implemented in Spain during the revolution from 1936,
Pierres Besnard in his work /Un monde nouveau/ (éditions du Monde
libertaire new edition 2021), proposes a model of self-organization of
work, of production. He is not the only one. Many experiences of
self-organization, either dictated by the need to compensate for the
lack of an old, failing, inefficient and vertical organization. Or by
revolutionary desire. In this area we are not starting from scratch.
This experience is valuable and rich in lessons, to organize ourselves
when the time comes.

Activity production activity time

Let's not go back to a model of consumer society. Consumption via
planned obsolescence or the creation of new purchasable desires, without
real necessity, is not sustainable already in terms of non-replaceable
exhaustible resources, pollution. At this rate without being
catastrophic, it will cause us very serious problems.

The time spent in an activity must also be redefined, not as an
obligation, but as a time that each and every one wants to devote to an
activity that does not become a time constraint. This of course linked
to the free time that each and every one wants to give themselves. It is
above all a question of desire. But also awareness that its activity is
beneficial to everyone. It is at the same time complicated and simple at
the same time and certainly not insurmountable, it is again a question
of organization.

Night activities painful activities

Two examples among others. Night activity is certainly conceivable not
over long successive hours, which are harmful to health. But on the
basis of the time that each person wants to devote to it at a
periodicity alternating with a daytime activity. And only for essential
activities and no others.

There is no shortage of painful activities. Why should only a few people
have to do this kind of activity? I am not technophobic, but
technovigilant. The search for technologies must make these activities
less and less painful, or even more painful in the long term.

Otherwise, volunteering such as garbage collection, at a very reduced
geographical level.

Include everyone in the activities. And if necessary, adapt the activity
positions in relation to the physical conditions of the people wanting
to participate.

New perspectives

Indeed, new perspectives so much more creative than the corset of
hierarchical verticality. Constantly evolving, activities, companions
and companions could evolve freely towards more comfort of free time and
also innovations in doing. And change activities when we want.

No other model of society can bring this. Let's look at the current
models in the world to convince ourselves, conditions of exploitation
close to slavery, many deaths at work. The reforms put in place are
quickly diverted or even abolished due to economic crisis for example;
or simply by taste for domination and maximum profits.


Participation in activities will of course be guided by the total
freedom to participate. The freedom to implement. The freedom to choose
when, what, how with whom and why. Freed from the grip of work, from the
dictates of earning your daily bread.

Groupe Commune de Paris

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