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zaterdag 10 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT, Anarchosyndicalisme #187: Work accident = Employer terrorism (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 About World Day for Health and Safety at Work... In 30 years nothing has

changed! ---- International Day of this, International Day of the Right
of that... The modern calendar no longer lists the daily list of saints
but that of "days of solidarity". As a general rule, these days are
above all a way to clear your conscience by remembering for 24 hours
what you forget on the other days of the year. ---- So this April 28 is
"World Day for Safety and Health at Work". It was the ILO that decided
this. What is the ILO? Well, it's the International Labor Organization.
It is a United Nations agency, whose members are representatives of
governments (the French State), employers' organizations (MEDEF for
France) and reformist unions (FO, CGT, etc.). The ILO thus allows
governments to reward the most deserving union slackers by appointing
them representatives to the ILO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland,
where they benefit from all the advantages of a senior international
civil servant position...

What is the objective of this day? Taking care of workers' health?
Nay... Besides, the word "worker" does not appear in the name of the
day. The aim of this day is to "prevent risks for a healthier and more
efficient working world". In short, allow us to be exploited even more,
but with joy and good health!

Moreover, the ILO tells us: "Occupational health is a crucial issue for
the well-being of individuals and the prosperity of nations. The
prosperity of nations is above all that of bosses, who cut corners on
prevention and security systems, because for them these are "burdens"
which harm productivity and profitability. The dramatic case of Amara
Dioumassy, who died on June 16, 2023 on one of the Paris Olympics
construction sites, crushed due to a series of neglects of even basic
safety measures, is unfortunately exemplary in this respect. As his work
colleagues testify, "This site "seemed really unacceptable to us in
terms of safety standards" and we had to "move quickly to meet
deadlines". It took the death of Amara Dioumassy for the work inspection
to pass, which stopped the construction site for 10 days, so that it was
finally brought up to standard!

At the CNT-AIT, we don't have much appetite for these bogus
"international days", especially when they are decided in our name and
in our place by our "representatives", even if they are union members...
But we still want all make our small contribution to global awareness of
this problem. We are therefore republishing below an article that we
wrote in... 2003. Yes, 21 (twenty-one) years ago. We could read in this
article the figures for work accidents for 1995: 744 deaths, 686,000
work accidents, including 62,000 serious ones. In 2021, these figures
were... 696 fatalities, 604,565 accidents including 39,000 serious. In
almost thirty years, in France, or in a third of a century, the number
of work accidents and the number of deaths has hardly decreased! Our
2003 article mentions the complicity of the unions, which defend the
bosses by pretending to defend their sacrosanct jobs. Here too nothing
has changed, as shown by the recent example where we saw the unions
walking hand in hand with the bosses of SEB stoves to cancel the ban on
eternal pollutants in the manufacture of kitchen utensils. Finally the
article concludes by mentioning the suicides of unemployed people or
farmers? Here too, unfortunately, we can only see that nothing has
changed, 3 farmers commit suicide per week which is one of the causes of
their recent outburst of anger.

Capitalism is the exploitation of our labor force. Capitalism is profit
at all costs, including that of our health or the environment. Workplace
accidents do not occur by chance, they are the logical consequence of
employer terrorism which consists of putting profits before our lives.
If we want to put an end to it radically and definitively, it will not
be enough to celebrate a "world day" once a year, but we must organize
ourselves on a daily basis to fight every day, step by step, without
concession or compromise with any representative. For our health and
safety, whether at work or everywhere, yes the Revolution remains to be
made! Let's organize and fight!

A CNT-AIT activist


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