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donderdag 15 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY HAMBURG KARLSRUHE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, AFED-IFA: Demonstrations on August 24th in Hamburg and Karlsruhe before the verdict in the G20 Rondenbarg trial / by nigra (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

[from the Community Resistance campaign]The G20 Rondenbarg trial, which
began in January 2024, is coming to an end. A verdict is expected at the
end of August. There are still four dates to be held in August. The
prosecution and defense may already have their closing arguments on
August 15th and 16th. Further trial dates are August 26th and 27th, and
the verdict could be announced on one of these dates.
We want to take to the streets together before the verdict is announced
under the motto "Defend freedom of assembly! Acquittal for the
defendants in the G20 Rondenbarg trial!" and are calling for
demonstrations in Hamburg and Karlsruhe on Saturday, August 24th.
In 2017, during the protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg, a
demonstration on Rondenbarg Street was surrounded and broken up by the
police. Eleven demonstrators were seriously injured. Charges were
brought against 86 people. A conviction for breach of the peace simply
because demonstrators were wearing black clothing would be a massive
attack on freedom of assembly. The possibility of ending up in court for
simply taking part in a demonstration can already deter people from
taking part in assemblies at all.
The judiciary's zeal for prosecution is also far from over. Further
Rondenbarg proceedings have now been opened, against a group of eleven
defendants and against a group of six defendants. These trials are not
expected to start for several months.
Come to the demonstration on August 24th in Hamburg, where the
Rondenbarg trial is currently taking place, and in Karlsruhe, where the
Federal Court of Justice is located, which will rule on an appeal.
We have printed posters, flyers and stickers to mobilize people for the
two demonstrations. You are welcome to order material from us free of
charge, just send us an email. If you are planning to travel together,
please let us know and we will put the information on our website.
We look forward to you coming to Hamburg and Karlsruhe! For freedom of
assembly and resistant protest!
United we stand!
Call for the demos:
Stickers for the posters with the date and location for Hamburg and
24 August 2024 | 3 p.m. | Demonstration | Hamburg | Gänsemarkt
24 August 2024 | 3 p.m. | Demonstration | Karlsruhe | Friedrichsplatz

Greetings in solidarity
Campaign for collective resistance


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