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donderdag 15 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY ERFURT - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Our events at the System Change Camp in Erfurt (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The System Change Camp will take place for the third time this year.
After Hamburg and Hannover, Erfurt is now in East Germany for the first
time. ---- The aim of the camp from August 5th to 11th is to bring
together the forces of emancipation, exchange ideas and educate each
other. Due to the events of the last months and the upcoming state
elections in the East, the focus of this camp is on the anti-fascist
struggle. For the first time, we are also represented as a platform at
the camp. There, we offer a total of three lectures on different topics
that we would like to discuss with you. Then come and talk to us after
the slots. You can find all information about the camp at

Revolutionary Perspectives on Anti-Fascism (August 8th, 11:15)

Considering right-wing terrorism, the positive AfD poll results and
right-wing governments in Europe, a strong anti-fascist movement is
urgently needed. But what would that look like? What do we mean when we
talk about fascism and how should an effective anti-fascist movement be

The conference will start with our perspective on the present and future
of the anti-fascist movement. Afterwards we would like to discuss these
topics with you. Although we have assessments and positions on the
current state of anti-fascist theory and practice, we also want to
discuss on equal terms with active people or those who would like to
become active, in order to be able to give each other new impulses for
our struggles. Come, we look forward to seeing you!

Sudan between dictator, revolution and war (08.09, 11:15)

Colonial rule, military dictatorships, coups: Like many other African
countries, Sudan has a long history of exploitation and oppression. But
in 2018, the Sudanese people started a new chapter on their own. They
formed an impressive resistance movement that rose up against the old
military regime. Many people placed their hopes in a revolution from
below. Grassroots movements and neighborhood initiatives should be role
models for a democratically organized and solidarity-based Sudanese
society. Then came the year 2023 and with it the war. Since then, the
country's progressive and revolutionary forces have been trapped between
two reactionary military factions. The humanitarian catastrophe
continues to worsen day by day.

However, Sudan is rarely spoken about in politics, the media and
society. We want to change that. In a conference we look at the
historical, political and economic context of current events. We also
provide an overview of the work of the revolutionary resistance
movement. Afterwards we would like to exchange and discuss it with you.

The event takes place as part of the solidarity campaign for Sudanese
anarchists. Like countless other people, they are forced to flee Sudan.
To support them, we will collect donations on this day. Come, we look
forward to seeing you!

Introduction to Platformism and Specifism (August 11, 11:15)

Anarchists disagree on many things. One of the most debated questions is
that of anarchist organization. Should anarchists unite in larger
organizations? And if so, what should these organizations look like?
Different currents have given very different answers to this question.
They range from the proposal of the anarcho-syndicalist mass union to
the propagandistic and cultural transversal organization.

When it comes to this question in particular, it is worth looking beyond
one's geographically limited horizons. There are interesting anarchist
organizational approaches outside of the German-speaking countries as
well. This lecture presents two approaches from different regions of the
world and eras: Platformism and Specifism.

Among other things, their historical origins, their most important
characteristics and the organizations that still refer to these
movements today are discussed. We will also take a look at the
differences and similarities between the two approaches and answer the
question of the extent to which they can be applied today in our region.

Come, we look forward to seeing you!

Platform author
Published on29. July 2024
CategoriesGeneral, Federation, Event
Keywords Anarchism, antifascism, specifism, platformism, Sudan, conference
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