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woensdag 14 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY DUSSELDORF - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany,Die Platform:: Report: Event series in Düsseldorf (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Over the last three months, we have held a four-part series of events in

Düsseldorf. The aim was to set up a local group of the platform in the
state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia. ----- We began shortly after
the working class's day of struggle with an input on the history of May
1st. We did not limit ourselves to the protests at Chicago's Haymarket
and the development of the day in Germany, but were also able to hear
contributions about May 1st in Argentina and the Canary Islands.

We also returned to the political sphere of Argentina and Spain for our
next event on the global shift to the right. After three inputs, we
discussed how the German AfD and the Spanish Vox party are moving
further to the right and eyeing political power and how Javier Milei has
already conquered it in Argentina.

One of the emancipatory forces that is a particular thorn in Milei's
side is the feminist movement in Argentina. It was the topic of our
third event. An Argentinian comrade gave a lecture here about the
development of the movement over the last ten years. We talked together
about what we can learn from the mass character of this movement for
feminist struggles here in Germany.

The series was concluded at the end of June with a lecture about the
platform. Here we introduced the organization and discussed how we can
set up a local group in Düsseldorf and get involved together in social
struggles. We will continue these discussions with anyone interested in
the coming weeks and months.

If you are from Düsseldorf and would like to be part of the discussion
and development process, please feel free to contact us at any time by
email at kontakt@dieplattform.org.

Finally, we would like to express our thanks to the FAU Düsseldorf, who
made the rooms of their union premises available to us for all events.

Education, organization, action!
Building the anarchist federation!

Published on31. July 2024
CategoriesReport, Federation, Event
TagsArgentina, construction, report, Düsseldorf, feminism, local groups,
Spain, event
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